CNN just had it's worst month for viewers in 4 years

CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT you worthless sack of ignorant cow flop.

Ratings have nothing to do with credibility DUMBASS. Ratings measure ATTENTION. That's it -- ATTENTION. Attention can be garnered by booga-booga stories about how the blacks/immigrants are coming to get you (Fox Noise) booga-booga stories about how the hurricanes and tornadoes are coming to get you (Weather Channel), booga-booga stories about who the daddy is (whatever that show is), booga-booga stories about naked people stranded on an island, whatever works on gullible assholes like YOU. And that ATTENTION is then used to sell commercials, which means telling you to go buy shit you don't need.

THAT'S ALL IT IS. A giant meat tenderizer softening up your brain so that you'll obediently go out and buy that monster pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid.

Broadcast ratings are used to determine how much thirty seconds of ad time is worth. That is the one, and the only, thing that they do. PERIOD. They have nothing to do with "approving" or "disapproving" anything in the world. The more booga-booga it is, the more ATTENTION you pay, and the more shit they sell. So all you're demonstrating here is that the particular outlet wasn't as booga-booga as others were.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your Alex John Brinkley Jones clown is constantly coming up with booga-booga stores, STUPID. That's why he's tearing his clothes off and pounding his desk and selling you goat testicle pills, BECAUSE IT GETS YOUR ATTENTION.

Fucking IDIOT.
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The numbers are the numbers, partisan spin & deflection notwithstanding.

And they're of any use at all if you're in the business of buying or selling commercial time.

Otherwise --------- pffffffffffffffft.
People are tired of their bullshit. It's as simple as that.
The numbers are the numbers, partisan spin & deflection notwithstanding.

And they're of any use at all if you're in the business of buying or selling commercial time.

Otherwise --------- pffffffffffffffft.
The numbers tell us how many people are actually watching the program or in this case channel. The lower it goes the less people are watching meaning people do NOT like the program or network. Pretty simple concept even a 5 year old can grasp it.
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.
I just assume if it comes from infowars it’s lies. So what happen with that lawsuit against Alex Jones that he accused the bereaved parents of toddlers who were killed at Sandyhook of making everything up? Is that lawsuit over? How much does he have to pay?
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.
Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses. When you suck you suck.
If it weren't for conservatives watching CNN 24/7, I'd never know what was going on there. :04:


CNN Drops 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates April Cable Ratings
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT you worthless sack of ignorant cow flop.

Ratings have nothing to do with credibility DUMBASS. Ratings measure ATTENTION. That's it -- ATTENTION. Attention can be garnered by booga-booga stories about how the blacks/immigrants are coming to get you (Fox Noise) booga-booga stories about how the hurricanes and tornadoes are coming to get you (Weather Channel), booga-booga stories about who the daddy is (whatever that show is), booga-booga stories about naked people stranded on an island, whatever works on gullible assholes like YOU. And that ATTENTION is then used to sell commercials, which means telling you to go buy shit you don't need.

THAT'S ALL IT IS. A giant meat tenderizer softening up your brain so that you'll obediently go out and buy that monster pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid.

Broadcast ratings are used to determine how much thirty seconds of ad time is worth. That is the one, and the only, thing that they do. PERIOD. They have nothing to do with "approving" or "disapproving" anything in the world. The more booga-booga it is, the more ATTENTION you pay, and the more shit they sell. So all you're demonstrating here is that the particular outlet wasn't as booga-booga as others were.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your Alex John Brinkley Jones clown is constantly coming up with booga-booga stores, STUPID. That's why he's tearing his clothes off and pounding his desk and selling you goat testicle pills, BECAUSE IT GETS YOUR ATTENTION.

Fucking IDIOT.

CNN Drops 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates April Cable Ratings
The numbers are the numbers, partisan spin & deflection notwithstanding.

And they're of any use at all if you're in the business of buying or selling commercial time.

Otherwise --------- pffffffffffffffft.
The numbers tell us how many people are actually watching the program or in this case channel. The lower it goes the less people are watching meaning people do NOT like the program or network. Pretty simple concept even a 5 year old can grasp it.

Clearly you know jack friggety shit about how commercial broadcasting works.

Ever heard the expression "if it bleeds it leads"? WHY do you think that is? ATTENTION, that's why. If you lead your local newscast not with the dry details of what went on with your city council meeting but with the armed robbery in a neighborhood you never heard of, suddenly you're INVESTED. And if you're INVESTED you're paying ATTENTION to see how it all comes out. And if you're paying ATTENTION then we can sell you Vi@gra.

**THAT** is what ratings are for. And Alex John Brinkley Jones knows this perfectly well, which is why he pulls shit like this


THAT is attention-whoring. And he's doing that so he can sell you goat testicle pills. Both those pills and this story are the product of a FUCKING DISHONEST HACK. K? Hope I cleared that up for you.

ANYONE who's ever been in smelling distance of commercial broadcasting knows this.
CNN doesn't care. Well their ownerships doesn't care. As long as they promote the Far Left Democrat agenda they are fine with the ratings.
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT you worthless sack of ignorant cow flop.

Ratings have nothing to do with credibility DUMBASS. Ratings measure ATTENTION. That's it -- ATTENTION. Attention can be garnered by booga-booga stories about how the blacks/immigrants are coming to get you (Fox Noise) booga-booga stories about how the hurricanes and tornadoes are coming to get you (Weather Channel), booga-booga stories about who the daddy is (whatever that show is), booga-booga stories about naked people stranded on an island, whatever works on gullible assholes like YOU. And that ATTENTION is then used to sell commercials, which means telling you to go buy shit you don't need.

THAT'S ALL IT IS. A giant meat tenderizer softening up your brain so that you'll obediently go out and buy that monster pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid.

Broadcast ratings are used to determine how much thirty seconds of ad time is worth. That is the one, and the only, thing that they do. PERIOD. They have nothing to do with "approving" or "disapproving" anything in the world. The more booga-booga it is, the more ATTENTION you pay, and the more shit they sell. So all you're demonstrating here is that the particular outlet wasn't as booga-booga as others were.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your Alex John Brinkley Jones clown is constantly coming up with booga-booga stores, STUPID. That's why he's tearing his clothes off and pounding his desk and selling you goat testicle pills, BECAUSE IT GETS YOUR ATTENTION.

Fucking IDIOT.

CNN Drops 26% In Prime Time As Fox News Dominates April Cable Ratings

Cult of Ignorance speaks.

Sit on this, chucklehead :fu:
CNN doesn't care. Well their ownerships doesn't care. As long as they promote the Far Left Democrat agenda they are fine with the ratings.

Nobody in the history of broadcasting ever made a dime off an ideology. The entire point of a TV channel at all is to hypnotize the viewer into a mush so they can sell them processed food. Because the processed food monger gives them money to do it.

Learn how the world WORKS.
The numbers are the numbers, partisan spin & deflection notwithstanding.

And they're of any use at all if you're in the business of buying or selling commercial time.

Otherwise --------- pffffffffffffffft.
The numbers tell us how many people are actually watching the program or in this case channel. The lower it goes the less people are watching meaning people do NOT like the program or network. Pretty simple concept even a 5 year old can grasp it.

Clearly you know jack friggety shit about how commercial broadcasting works.

Ever heard the expression "if it bleeds it leads"? WHY do you think that is? ATTENTION, that's why. If you lead your local newscast not with the dry details of what went on with your city council meeting but with the armed robbery in a neighborhood you never heard of, suddenly you're INVESTED. And if you're INVESTED you're paying ATTENTION to see how it all comes out. And if you're paying ATTENTION then we can sell you Vi@gra.

**THAT** is what ratings are for. And Alex John Brinkley Jones knows this perfectly well, which is why he pulls shit like this


THAT is attention-whoring. And he's doing that so he can sell you goat testicle pills. Both those pills and this story are the product of a FUCKING DISHONEST HACK. K? Hope I cleared that up for you.

ANYONE who's ever been in smelling distance of commercial broadcasting knows this.
Nice try, pogo, but you can't spin your way out of this. CNN doesn't report news, they report propaganda, and people are tired of 24/7 propaganda. All they do is take turns bashing Trump and accuse him of various crimes that are later disproven. They have no credibility and that's why nobody is watching them. Stop making a fool of yourself trying to defend them.
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT you worthless sack of ignorant cow flop.

Ratings have nothing to do with credibility DUMBASS. Ratings measure ATTENTION. That's it -- ATTENTION. Attention can be garnered by booga-booga stories about how the blacks/immigrants are coming to get you (Fox Noise) booga-booga stories about how the hurricanes and tornadoes are coming to get you (Weather Channel), booga-booga stories about who the daddy is (whatever that show is), booga-booga stories about naked people stranded on an island, whatever works on gullible assholes like YOU. And that ATTENTION is then used to sell commercials, which means telling you to go buy shit you don't need.

THAT'S ALL IT IS. A giant meat tenderizer softening up your brain so that you'll obediently go out and buy that monster pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid.

Broadcast ratings are used to determine how much thirty seconds of ad time is worth. That is the one, and the only, thing that they do. PERIOD. They have nothing to do with "approving" or "disapproving" anything in the world. The more booga-booga it is, the more ATTENTION you pay, and the more shit they sell. So all you're demonstrating here is that the particular outlet wasn't as booga-booga as others were.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your Alex John Brinkley Jones clown is constantly coming up with booga-booga stores, STUPID. That's why he's tearing his clothes off and pounding his desk and selling you goat testicle pills, BECAUSE IT GETS YOUR ATTENTION.

Fucking IDIOT.
Your meltdown is a thing of beauty.
CNN doesn't care. Well their ownerships doesn't care. As long as they promote the Far Left Democrat agenda they are fine with the ratings.

Nobody in the history of broadcasting ever made a dime off an ideology. The entire point of a TV channel at all is to hypnotize the viewer into a mush so they can sell them processed food. Because the processed food monger gives them money to do it.

Learn how the world WORKS.

The large corps and monied individuals that own these networks like Comcast (NBC/MSNBC), Time Warner (CNN), Disney (ABC/ESPN) etc don't care about making money from those propaganda outlets. Their corporations make more than enough money. All they care about is for the CNN's of the world to spread the Far Left Globalist agenda. That is the real world.
The numbers are the numbers, partisan spin & deflection notwithstanding.

And they're of any use at all if you're in the business of buying or selling commercial time.

Otherwise --------- pffffffffffffffft.
The numbers tell us how many people are actually watching the program or in this case channel. The lower it goes the less people are watching meaning people do NOT like the program or network. Pretty simple concept even a 5 year old can grasp it.

Clearly you know jack friggety shit about how commercial broadcasting works.

Ever heard the expression "if it bleeds it leads"? WHY do you think that is? ATTENTION, that's why. If you lead your local newscast not with the dry details of what went on with your city council meeting but with the armed robbery in a neighborhood you never heard of, suddenly you're INVESTED. And if you're INVESTED you're paying ATTENTION to see how it all comes out. And if you're paying ATTENTION then we can sell you Vi@gra.

**THAT** is what ratings are for. And Alex John Brinkley Jones knows this perfectly well, which is why he pulls shit like this


THAT is attention-whoring. And he's doing that so he can sell you goat testicle pills. Both those pills and this story are the product of a FUCKING DISHONEST HACK. K? Hope I cleared that up for you.

ANYONE who's ever been in smelling distance of commercial broadcasting knows this.
Once again the FACTS are few people watch CNN the numbers don't lie retard.
CNN Just Had Its Worst Month For Viewers in 4 Years
CNN just had its worst month for ratings in four years as the network lost 26 per cent of viewers compared to a year ago.

Yes even morons at CNN are getting hammered that's what happens when you lie to the population for decades u dumb asses.
When you suck you suck.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT you worthless sack of ignorant cow flop.

Ratings have nothing to do with credibility DUMBASS. Ratings measure ATTENTION. That's it -- ATTENTION. Attention can be garnered by booga-booga stories about how the blacks/immigrants are coming to get you (Fox Noise) booga-booga stories about how the hurricanes and tornadoes are coming to get you (Weather Channel), booga-booga stories about who the daddy is (whatever that show is), booga-booga stories about naked people stranded on an island, whatever works on gullible assholes like YOU. And that ATTENTION is then used to sell commercials, which means telling you to go buy shit you don't need.

THAT'S ALL IT IS. A giant meat tenderizer softening up your brain so that you'll obediently go out and buy that monster pickup truck capable of towing an asteroid.

Broadcast ratings are used to determine how much thirty seconds of ad time is worth. That is the one, and the only, thing that they do. PERIOD. They have nothing to do with "approving" or "disapproving" anything in the world. The more booga-booga it is, the more ATTENTION you pay, and the more shit they sell. So all you're demonstrating here is that the particular outlet wasn't as booga-booga as others were.

THAT'S EXACTLY WHY your Alex John Brinkley Jones clown is constantly coming up with booga-booga stores, STUPID. That's why he's tearing his clothes off and pounding his desk and selling you goat testicle pills, BECAUSE IT GETS YOUR ATTENTION.

Fucking IDIOT.

Define Triggered

These status quo bourgeoisie leftards are your betters:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: least in their empty little heads anyway.
Just another totalitarian establishment consumerist dime a dozen bugman.:04: :dev3:
And well read useful idiot is still just a dumb useful idiot .Dime a dozen

and someone already said it
CNN doesnt operate on an ad revenue model
their corporate owners just write off em off as a loss anyway

its win win for them ...
CNN used to be legit... a long time ago


CNN's prime-time ratings dropped a whopping 26 percent in April compared to last year, according to Nielsen Media Research.

MSNBC's ratings were down 14 percent in April 2019 compared to April 2018, while Fox News's ratings overall were flat.

The sharp decrease for CNN marked its lowest-rated month in total viewers since October 2015.

In the 25- to 54-year-old demographic that advertisers covet most, it was the network's least-watched month since Aug. 2015.

In prime time, Fox News finished first with an average of 2.4 million viewers. In April 2018, the network also averaged 2.4 million viewers, according to Nielsen.

MSNBC was second with an average of 1.66 million viewers, down from 1.93 million in April 2018.

CNN was third with 767,000 average primetime viewers, down from 1.04 million in April 2018.

In the 25–54 demographic, all three networks saw a decline.

Fox News delivered 389,000 viewers, followed by MSNBC's 255,000 and CNN's 198,000 viewers in the category.

This compared to 483,000 for Fox, 398,000 for MSNBC and 336,000 for CNN in April 2018.

CNN sees ratings swoon in April

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