CNN makes sick move to normalize pedophilia should CNN be taken off air?


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
(Angry Patriot) – CNN is known for being one of the most sensitive left-wing cable channels on TV. We always knew the people that worked there were sick, but normalizing pedophile behavior? Insane.

It all started when CNN decided that they should bring on a pedophile, Jacob Schwartz, on a panel to discuss President Trump. First of all, why are they allowing these types of people on their news board panel? It OBVIOUSLY DOESN’T matter to the failing, biased news company. (via Daily Mail)

BREAKING: CNN Makes Sick Move to “Normalize” Pedophilia. Should CNN Be Taken Off-Air? - Tea Party News


Well CNN is now taking lessons from Salon, first Salon pushes it now we have CNN, keep telling you sheep they are going to legalize it right under your dumbass noses How long will you think that's a conspiracy lol.


No,, I Don’t Need to ‘Understand’ the Plight of Pedophiles
The left wing is the party of faggots and pedophiles, everyone knows this.

The homo-progressives will always push the Agenda for normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia.
The left wing is the party of faggots and pedophiles, everyone knows this.

The homo-progressives will always push the Agenda for normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia.

Yeah, you can go to the salon site they have a vide of the sick bastard perv who gets turned on by a five year old... Whaaaat, I mean WTF... I'll have to see if I can find it . They are seriously trying to make this bs normal.
The left wing is the party of faggots and pedophiles, everyone knows this.

The homo-progressives will always push the Agenda for normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia.

"I'm A Pedophile, Not A Monster"
The left wing is the party of faggots and pedophiles, everyone knows this.

The homo-progressives will always push the Agenda for normalizing homosexuality and pedophilia.
Hypocrisy. Who except for me noted that Tillerson was President of the boy scouts and introduced homosexuals there. I mean, its questionable, isn´t it?
Democrats need all the votes they can get. They've embraced every kook, oddball, and weirdo in the country. Child molesters? No problem (as long as they vote Dem).
I wouldn’t be surprised if it said “I’m a … (juck, it disgusts me to even write this word) and I’m proud of it.”
I think it’s their hiring policy. If you’re a weirdo you’re absolutely fit to take the job.

Oh, how I hate CNN, especially Kate Bolduan.
Democrats need all the votes they can get. They've embraced every kook, oddball, and weirdo in the country. Child molesters? No problem (as long as they vote Dem).

One has to wonder if they will ever realize that all the votes that they are able to gain by pandering to all the perverts and criminals and other lowest dregs of sub-humanity, will be nothing compared to the votes that they will lose by alienating normal, honest, decent, law-abiding Americans.
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(Angry Patriot) – CNN is known for being one of the most sensitive left-wing cable channels on TV. We always knew the people that worked there were sick, but normalizing pedophile behavior? Insane.

It all started when CNN decided that they should bring on a pedophile, Jacob Schwartz, on a panel to discuss President Trump. First of all, why are they allowing these types of people on their news board panel? It OBVIOUSLY DOESN’T matter to the failing, biased news company. (via Daily Mail)

BREAKING: CNN Makes Sick Move to “Normalize” Pedophilia. Should CNN Be Taken Off-Air? - Tea Party News


Well CNN is now taking lessons from Salon, first Salon pushes it now we have CNN, keep telling you sheep they are going to legalize it right under your dumbass noses How long will you think that's a conspiracy lol.

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No,, I Don’t Need to ‘Understand’ the Plight of Pedophiles
Well at least he doesn't act on it. Not like Republican men secretly sucking dick in Airport Restrooms.
(Angry Patriot) – CNN is known for being one of the most sensitive left-wing cable channels on TV. We always knew the people that worked there were sick, but normalizing pedophile behavior? Insane.

It all started when CNN decided that they should bring on a pedophile, Jacob Schwartz, on a panel to discuss President Trump. First of all, why are they allowing these types of people on their news board panel? It OBVIOUSLY DOESN’T matter to the failing, biased news company. (via Daily Mail)

BREAKING: CNN Makes Sick Move to “Normalize” Pedophilia. Should CNN Be Taken Off-Air? - Tea Party News


Well CNN is now taking lessons from Salon, first Salon pushes it now we have CNN, keep telling you sheep they are going to legalize it right under your dumbass noses How long will you think that's a conspiracy lol.

View attachment 129485

No,, I Don’t Need to ‘Understand’ the Plight of Pedophiles
Well at least he doesn't act on it. Not like Republican men secretly sucking dick in Airport Restrooms.

And you know just which stalls, don't ya?
One has to be blind not to have seen this coming. The perverted left wrong has been pushing immoral sexual behavior since the 1960s. They started by getting us to accept premarital and extramarital sex as normal and acceptable; and then moved on to homosexuality, and now transgenderism. Especially given recent efforts to promote the two latter perversions even to young children, how can anyone fail to see that pedophilia is among their next causes? They've been building up to this for about half a century, now.

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