CNN now admits Biden's COVID response is a failure.

Because the data is from God-only-know-where, some African places, other ---- U.S. conditions are all I'm interested in.

What do you mean, "using this to achieve immunity"? The virus uses us, we don't use the virus. I think nothing is clearer than that we have absolutely no way of impeding the spread of Covid, no matter what we do.

Will it make us immune to Delta? How about to other mutations? Is it a separate disease all by itself, as some are suggesting? No, I'm waiting on the U.S. data, and I'm going to ignore a flood of speculations meant to calm panic. And stay out of the way of humans as much as possible, at least till I get over whatever I've got now. I don't need two Covids at once.
Well, that is certainly your choice...As a truck driver, I am on the road every day, and see at least a couple of people per day driving their car with no one else in it, all masked up...What is it with people?

Look, are we totally immune from the flu yet? no...It mutates every season, that's why there is a flu shot every year. Are we immune from the common cold, (which is also a Coronavirus)? No.....So, should we lock down whenever these things appear as well? No, we live with them, which is what we are going to have to do with this thing as well...

Cancelling football games, Teachers threatening to not open schools, knowing full well the damage being done to our youth, and really stupid things like threatening peoples lively hoods based on fear of political fall out is detrimental to this country's national security. And has to stop....

You talk about 'two covids'? WTH? Do you also wear more than one mask at a time? If not, why not? Wasn't that the recomendation from Fauci earlier last year?

Do you wear a mask alone in your car? Or out for a walk alone? Or sitting in your office alone? and if so why?

This is the result of fear mongering, and with people now acting out against their own neighbors over this shit, we have done harm to this nation....
Nature's vax.
Allow me to clarify...I am not against vaccines, and have had both, plus the booster....But, I am for people making their own choice to get, or not, the vaccines....But, yes, studies have shown that those who have had a previous infection have immunity that is about 95% effective against further infection for as long as 8 months out....So, why is there no discussion, or tracking of those who have previously had the infection in the past year?
Well, that is certainly your choice...As a truck driver, I am on the road every day, and see at least a couple of people per day driving their car with no one else in it, all masked up...What is it with people?

Look, are we totally immune from the flu yet? no...It mutates every season, that's why there is a flu shot every year. Are we immune from the common cold, (which is also a Coronavirus)? No.....So, should we lock down whenever these things appear as well? No, we live with them, which is what we are going to have to do with this thing as well...

Cancelling football games, Teachers threatening to not open schools, knowing full well the damage being done to our youth, and really stupid things like threatening peoples lively hoods based on fear of political fall out is detrimental to this country's national security. And has to stop....

You talk about 'two covids'? WTH? Do you also wear more than one mask at a time? If not, why not? Wasn't that the recomendation from Fauci earlier last year?

Do you wear a mask alone in your car? Or out for a walk alone? Or sitting in your office alone? and if so why?

This is the result of fear mongering, and with people now acting out against their own neighbors over this shit, we have done harm to this nation....
I haven't worn a mask yet, ever, and am hoping to keep my record intact. So I'm not one driving with a mask on. Although I just saw a news bit showing Biden today on the Delaware beach ---- wearing a mask.

I referred to "two Covids" because I've had (probably, but untested) Delta for five weeks, very severe cough, etc., and I am worried about getting Omicron on top of it, because that might not be survivable. Is that possible, to catch two at once? I don't know.

In general, I agree with you. I think the government has made everything worse and done no good at all. I hope neither current Covid is a severe illness for anyone else, but I'd caution against underestimating this virus for political reasons, personally.
Speaking of Biden's plans ---- are people following the news this morning 12/30 about the sudden huge upsurge in case numbers yesterday? This is positive tests --- it jumped up nearly half a million overnight! In the middle of the week, not on a Monday. Of course the numbers wouldn't be so high if so many people weren't running out and GETTING tests pointlessly, but the fact remains that the positivity has jumped about 150%, IIRC. Hospitalizations and deaths are tilting up now, but nothing like that case surge. Of course, they both lag case numbers.

I was amazed to see the graph -- I'd post it, but it's the Wall Street Journal with the Johns Hopkins Epidemiology graphs and WSJ has a severe paywall. The surge went right off the graph, WAY higher than ever before.

This is of course not Biden's fault and not Trump's fault --- it's the clever little viruses doing it.

Well! I guess we'd better start hoping Omicron really IS mild! Expect this rather dire set of graphs to be followed by a flood of articles instantly about how mild Omicron will be: they are going to worry about public panic now. It is plain these medical/political types lie like carpets, though, so I'd say wait for the actual data, not a bunch of empty claims.

Healthy people testing positive?
why is there no discussion, or tracking of those who have previously had the infection in the past year?
Because training people to be controlled and to comply is only possible by sticking them with needles.
I haven't worn a mask yet, ever, and am hoping to keep my record intact. So I'm not one driving with a mask on. Although I just saw a news bit showing Biden today on the Delaware beach ---- wearing a mask.

I referred to "two Covids" because I've had (probably, but untested) Delta for five weeks, very severe cough, etc., and I am worried about getting Omicron on top of it, because that might not be survivable. Is that possible, to catch two at once? I don't know.

In general, I agree with you. I think the government has made everything worse and done no good at all. I hope neither current Covid is a severe illness for anyone else, but I'd caution against underestimating this virus for political reasons, personally.

Ok, that's fair...1. I saw that last night Biden on the beach masked up...Isn't that ridiculous.? 2. I am no doctor, but I don't think you can be infected with two different strains of the same base virus at the same time...I would think the dominant one would take over....

But, it is concerning that you admit to profuse coughing, and not wearing a mask...IMHO, the ONLY thing these masks are good for is preventing droplets from your cough becoming airborne....
We can only hope so --------- new stuff going on.
Not really. From the start the left has been playing the same game. Testing is only important to a point. Miraculously that point was always when the mortality rate hovered over 1% then suddenly testing isn't important. That happened from the start, again in spring, then in the midst of delta. The difference now is the testing demand is out of government's hands. They no longer control the result, nor can they control the narrative they nurtured.
Because training people to be controlled and to comply is only possible by sticking them with needles.
I do think that there is a measure of "control" to this fear mongering...And certainly a curtailing of personal rights....But, as always I think the decision to take the vaccine should always be discussed with your doctor, and together make the decision...
Ok, that's fair...1. I saw that last night Biden on the beach masked up...Isn't that ridiculous.? 2. I am no doctor, but I don't think you can be infected with two different strains of the same base virus at the same time...I would think the dominant one would take over....

But, it is concerning that you admit to profuse coughing, and not wearing a mask...IMHO, the ONLY thing these masks are good for is preventing droplets from your cough becoming airborne....
I'm in isolation, don't worry ----- we live on a farm, so I can. I'm not spreading it. The kids were determined all to come up for Christmas, too! Darn.
Biden's supporters are definitely getting the vaccine. Tump's sheep are not.
the vast majority of older Americans are vaccinated .... its the young that are lagging .... are you saying most young people are republicans ?
I'm in isolation, don't worry ----- we live on a farm, so I can. I'm not spreading it. The kids were determined all to come up for Christmas, too! Darn.

Got cha...Well, the younger the better if they are determined...Personally I hope you have a great time for the holidays, and don't worry, you'll beat this...
The difference now is the testing demand is out of government's hands. They no longer control the result, nor can they control the narrative they nurtured.
! ! Good point. You are right, now it's public panic driving this WAAAY out-of-line demand for testing. Overwhelming the testing system, for one thing, and for another, what is the point? They can't treat it, they can't stop the spread, that's all too clear.
As much as I hate to say it, Biden is experiencing Karma. Everything he lashed out at Trump about is coming back and smacking him in the face 100 times over. Too bad Americans have to pay the price for it but they certainly deserve it.

I'm all for those that voted for this crypt keeper in depends, but the problem is that ALL of us pay for it....
! ! Good point. You are right, now it's public panic driving this WAAAY out-of-line demand for testing. Overwhelming the testing system, for one thing, and for another, what is the point? They can't treat it, they can't stop the spread, that's all too clear.
This is a good thing. We will finally see that covid is far more dangerous to some and we can finally focus our efforts to helping those folks and allow the vast majority to move on.
the vast majority of older Americans are vaccinated .... its the young that are lagging .... are you saying most young people are republicans ?
The vast majority of those who are dissing the vaccine are Trump supporters. That is what I am saying, whether they are young, middle-aged, or older. Are you saying that old Americans are Democrat?
-The experimental gene therapy does not stop OMICRON
-The experimental gene therpay does not stop a vaccinated person from SPREADING OMICRON.
-The Experimental gene therapy is not useful at this point.

THERAPEUTICS should be used.....hydration, Vitamins D and C, Zinc, exercise, diet, IVERMECTIN, MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES, HYDRO...

....until the drug companies come out with their therapeutics....then THOSE will be OK. :laughing0301:



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