CNN/ORC poll: misconceptions about Pres. Obama not as bad as they once were...


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013

First, Obama approve/disapprove: 45 approve /52 disapprove, -7

For comparison, Bush 43, September, 2007:

WAPO, September 9, 2007:

Bush 43 approve 36 / disapprove 64, -28

Gallup, September 8, 2007:

Bush 43 approve 33 / disapprove 66, -28

More here:

Bush: Job Ratings

Bush 43 2007-09 approval ratings splitter 1.png

Here are three question parts that are likely the most important in the poll:

2015-09-013 CNN - ORC poll over Obama 003.png

2015-09-013 CNN - ORC poll over Obama 001.png

2015-09-013 CNN - ORC poll over Obama 002.png

I have no idea what this poll is about and what is it we are suppose to get from it? anyone care to translate ?
More bed wetter history revisionism...

Just like the National Socialist Worker's Party was "right wing", Bush was an idiot, but still tricked the brilliant democrook political whores into voting for the Iraq war twice, and the moonbat messiah isn't really an incompetent blubbering meat muppet. He is a dignified statesman and everything going wrong in the world is still Bush's fault.

GITMO is really closed too, because the messiah magically made it go away.

He's for the common man, the voiceless, the poor, the workers, the minorities, the homeless, human rights, peace, gaia, international harmony, redistribution....

Obama, the community organizing great "Carer" !!!!!!! LMFAO
More bed wetter history revisionism...

Just like the National Socialist Worker's Party was "right wing", Bush was an idiot, but still tricked the brilliant democrook political whores into voting for the Iraq war twice, and the moonbat messiah isn't really an incompetent blubbering meat muppet. He is a dignified statesman and everything going wrong in the world is still Bush's fault.

GITMO is really closed too, because the messiah magically made it go away.

ah yes, that's what I thought it was about. Everyone was wrong about that Dear Leader and he really was the Messiah that was sent down to us from the Heavens above. He hasn't gotten around to stopping the seas rising yet. but just wait, it's gonna happen.

and then that will Seal the Deal.... Obambam really is a saint with magical powers.

good grief. still going on after seven miserable years living in this ObamaNation of :riots, lootings , whole towns nearly burned down, making up his own laws, lighting up OUR WHITE HOUSE in order to tell the rest of us, fxxk off, taxes raised on us to high heaven, reguations on top of regulations strangling us and our businesses, how many terrorist attacks, mass shootings is up, poverty is up, welfare is up, etc etc and now throwing us into more chaos is this supreme court under his dictatorship and the list go on and on and on.

all heil Obama:rolleyes-41:
I have no idea what this poll is about and what is it we are suppose to get from it? anyone care to translate ?

Are you unable to read?

If you can't read, I cannot help you.

This is a wonderful learning opportunity, one where you can show that you possess some intelligence.

Grasp at the chance, Stephanie. Let's roll!!!
A poll on misconceptions? That's one for the books. In order to judge the approval/disapproval of current presidents you have to consider the media which is just about the only source of information and the basis of public opinion. Bush was despised by the media and you couldn't find a positive story in eight freaking years about his administration if you tried. CBS even engaged in treason when they used fake documents to try to influence the election in favor of a democrat candidate. Anybody surprised about a current CBS push poll promoting a democrat administration? You almost gotta laugh that the media is working so hard to prop up Barry Hussein's legacy and the majority of Americans still think he is doing a lousy job.
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If the media kissed Bush's ass the way they kiss Obama's ass. Bush would be known as the best president ever.
A poll on misconceptions? That's one for the books. In order to judge the approval/disapproval of current presidents you have to consider the media which is just about the only source of information and the basis of public opinion. Bush was despised by the media and you couldn't find a positive story in eight freaking years about his administration if you tried. CBS even engaged in treason when they used fake documents to try to influence the election in favor of a democrat candidate. Anybody surprised about a current CBS push poll promoting a democrat administration? You almost gotta laugh that the media is working so hard to prop up Barry Hussein's legacy and the majority of Americans still think he is doing a lousy job.

Everything you posted is the TRUTH. Dan Rather went on National Television and presented fake papers claiming he was AWOL right before his re-election bid and was CAUGHT red handed. but did it stop them after that? .hell no and it was never any better during his whole time in office. I think from seeing THIS MEDIA and how they showed their BIASES in open view on Bush and then see how they kissed up with everything Obama.
people need to wake up to the fact: the LAMEstream medias is NO FRIEND to anyone who is Republican. so keep that in mind going forward in the upcoming Presidential elections. Vote out this nasty progressive party that is filled with the likes of Obama. kick them out of our lives completely
Is this relevant in any way other than to attempt to give the misconception that Obama is a better President than he really is?
I find it amazing that 64% of the people polled believe that "if Iran violates the deal" we should use military action.

It's like we never learn from our mistakes.....

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