CNN ORDERS BLACKOUT ON CLINTON 'SON' / Hillary Ignores Him...Hillary's A Grandmother

And? Perhaps you have forgotten that Bill is not running for office.
No, but his ENABLER is....

..and unfortunately it's a 'package deal'. If she is elected the sexually assaulting, sexually harassing, raping, adulterous pedophile moves into the WH and represents the country with her.
For his 8 years in office, e, Bill did a dam good job of representing the country. Thats why his approval number were triple those of GWB
At least you are not trying to claim he had anything to do with the economy or the budget surplus, because he didn't, those were IN SPITE of his efforts to do just the opposite.
Who could have predicted that tea party folk would line up to assist him.
Now don't go pulling a 'Barry' by blaming anyone else because 'SICK Willy' couldn't keep it in his pants, went spreading his sperm around like the XXX-rated version of 'Johnny Apple Seed', and now has a kid and a bunch of grandkids that he and the media are trying to ignore!


What a great role model for young / male Americans -

Sexual Assault, Sexual Harassment, Adultery, Un-Protected Sex, and ABANDONED A KID.
Most of that is nothing but far right ass gas while everything about Trump has been proven.
Donald is worse than Bill is the problem, so that is the end of the story.

So, in total, if Zionism likes you, you are free to rape, sexharass, and assault at will (as long as no Princesses are victimized), but if Zionism doesn't like you, you no longer have freedom of speech...

Thanks, Jake.
Are you ranting on about the Joos again?
At least you are not trying to claim he had anything to do with the economy or the budget surplus, because he didn't, those were IN SPITE of his efforts to do just the opposite.
That is a thwarted, silly ass gas nonsense of a post, LaDexter. He and Congress did it together, most successful with the major exception of ending Glass-Steigel.
What happened to HillaryCare?

Who shut the government down in 1995 and why?

A: Slick did, to protest NOT ENOUGH SPEND SPEND SPENDING.... and now he takes credit for that which he opposed in real time...

United States federal government shutdowns of 1995–1996 - Wikipedia

"Newt Gingrich, had promised to slow the rate of government spending; however, this conflicted with the President's objectives" to SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND and make the money VANISH VANISH VANISH like Hillary's billing records...
What happened to HillaryCare?

Who shut the government down in 1995 and why?

A: Slick did, to protest NOT ENOUGH SPEND SPEND SPENDING.... and now he takes credit for that which he opposed in real time...

United States federal government shutdowns of 1995–1996 - Wikipedia

"Newt Gingrich, had promised to slow the rate of government spending; however, this conflicted with the President's objectives" to SPEND SPEND SPEND SPEND and make the money VANISH VANISH VANISH like Hillary's billing records...

first time I'v heard Gingrich called "slick"
$700 dollars a month, back then? No wonder the Clinton's were dead broke when they left the white house. He was way over paying for pussy. Lol
This has sitcom written all over it.

Bill's black child he father with a whore has GOT to move into the White House and teach bill and Hillary how to be "HIP".

I am thinking the son should be played by Jaden Smith.

PLUS, Bill Clinton would be setting an example for the black community by actually being involved in his son's life. 80% of black kids are born out of wedlock.

Wow, Bill Clinton really is the first black President.

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