CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress


Moderate American
Aug 26, 2011
[B]CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in
Congress [/B]

In a new CNN/ORC poll, more Americans say they trust President Obama on
economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress. The survey
released on Wednesday shows that a large majority like most of the major
proposals offered in the plan that was sent to Congress Monday.

“By a 43-35 percent margin, a plurality of Americans approve of the
economic program Obama outlined in his speech to Congress last week”
says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And most of the nation agree that stimulating employment is more
important right now than reducing the federal budget, as two-thirds
believe that creating jobs should take precedence over the federal
budget deficit and only 29 percent say reducing the deficit should be
more important that reducing unemployment.

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs
the poll means nothing. He's not ruining against congress. It is a nice try by CNN though, as usual.
The poll means nothing because polls mean nothing. There are three types of liars: Liars, Damned liars, and Statisticians.
[B]CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in
Congress [/B]

In a new CNN/ORC poll, more Americans say they trust President Obama on
economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress. The survey
released on Wednesday shows that a large majority like most of the major
proposals offered in the plan that was sent to Congress Monday.

“By a 43-35 percent margin, a plurality of Americans approve of the
economic program Obama outlined in his speech to Congress last week”
says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And most of the nation agree that stimulating employment is more
important right now than reducing the federal budget, as two-thirds
believe that creating jobs should take precedence over the federal
budget deficit and only 29 percent say reducing the deficit should be
more important that reducing unemployment.

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I'm sure most CNN viewers do.... it's "all Obama, all wonderful, all the time".... whatever.
it makes damn sense that the cnn viewers trust obie wan know nutitin on the economy even as they stand watching the economy circle the drain..

perfect sense..
Let's get real here,,,,,is there any politician/party that really deserves anyone's trust with the economy?
All they do is play political games for political/ideological gain, instead of gains for the US as a whole.
The only Poll Right-wingers trust these days has to come out of Fox News, all other polls are just lies against Republicans - ha lol. Sheesh!

Well that poll certainly explains why people keep sending NEW republicans to congress in all these recent elections. Herpderp
[B]CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in
Congress [/B]

In a new CNN/ORC poll, more Americans say they trust President Obama on
economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress. The survey
released on Wednesday shows that a large majority like most of the major
proposals offered in the plan that was sent to Congress Monday.

“By a 43-35 percent margin, a plurality of Americans approve of the
economic program Obama outlined in his speech to Congress last week”
says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And most of the nation agree that stimulating employment is more
important right now than reducing the federal budget, as two-thirds
believe that creating jobs should take precedence over the federal
budget deficit and only 29 percent say reducing the deficit should be
more important that reducing unemployment.

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I'm sure most CNN viewers do.... it's "all Obama, all wonderful, all the time".... whatever.

Between CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, if a person was clear-headed and intellectually honest, they'd know that CNN is the least politically biased by quite a large margin. Please note that I didn't claim CNN wasn't bias, just the least bias.
Anyone notice what opinion is conspicuously absent from this CNN poll?

Fat chance with Perry - let me know how he worked out for ya:lol:

Nope. Nothing to do with Perry. Specifically about the OP topic... President and the jobs bill.

Care to try again?

He doesnt want to talk about the "jobs bill" he wants to talk about how bad Republicans are. Because if he talks about the "jobs bill" he loses.
Fat chance with Perry - let me know how he worked out for ya:lol:

Nope. Nothing to do with Perry. Specifically about the OP topic... President and the jobs bill.

Care to try again?

He doesnt want to talk about the "jobs bill" he wants to talk about how bad Republicans are. Because if he talks about the "jobs bill" he loses.


Ok, 'you' tell me what opinion is conspicuously absent from the OP poll.
Obama got 0 bump from his speech to congress. In fact is after speech numbers showed his negatives went up by 3 points.
[B]CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in
Congress [/B]

In a new CNN/ORC poll, more Americans say they trust President Obama on
economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress. The survey
released on Wednesday shows that a large majority like most of the major
proposals offered in the plan that was sent to Congress Monday.

“By a 43-35 percent margin, a plurality of Americans approve of the
economic program Obama outlined in his speech to Congress last week”
says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And most of the nation agree that stimulating employment is more
important right now than reducing the federal budget, as two-thirds
believe that creating jobs should take precedence over the federal
budget deficit and only 29 percent say reducing the deficit should be
more important that reducing unemployment.

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

:lol::lol::lol: Just judging from what happened last night in NY9--a seat held by democrats for more than 90 years lost to a republican candidate--says that this poll--is way off base--because we got the real poll last night.

I also imagine that most of the people polled DID NOT actually read the written bill--which adds another Federal Government agency--an eliminates the mortgage interest rate deduction--which will roll over the middle class in this country--with higher taxes.
Lets wait for 2012 to see which poll is correct.

After all. Its the only way to be sure.
[B]CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in
Congress [/B]

In a new CNN/ORC poll, more Americans say they trust President Obama on
economic matters more than they do Republicans in Congress. The survey
released on Wednesday shows that a large majority like most of the major
proposals offered in the plan that was sent to Congress Monday.

“By a 43-35 percent margin, a plurality of Americans approve of the
economic program Obama outlined in his speech to Congress last week”
says CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

And most of the nation agree that stimulating employment is more
important right now than reducing the federal budget, as two-thirds
believe that creating jobs should take precedence over the federal
budget deficit and only 29 percent say reducing the deficit should be
more important that reducing unemployment.

CNN Poll: More Americans trust Obama on economy over Republicans in Congress – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

I think this quote in the CNN poll says it all:

The survey released on Wednesday shows that although a lot of Americans are still unsure what’s in the president’s new jobs bill,

Yeah--speeches--speeches--speeches--NOW wait until they know what's in this bill--taxing income over 200K--elimination of the mortgage interest rate deduction--and the addition of another Federal Government agency. IOW--raising taxes on the middle class--another expensive Federal Government agency that we don't need--and borrowing more money to fund more bridge and road work--that has already more than proven doesn't work.


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