If Republicans Want To Win They Have To Stick To The Issues

The Economist/YouGov poll, conducted Aug. 11-13, found 54 percent of voters said the most important issues to them were “inflation/prices,” “jobs and the economy,” “immigration” and “taxes and government spending.”

Translation: The most important issues to voters are:

1. Inflation/prices

2. Jobs and the economy

3. Immigration (AKA illegals swarming across our Southern Border)

4. taxes and government spending (AKA the national debt)

On pretty much all of these issues voters trust Republicans more than Democrats

So, this is what Republicans need to talk about and they need to talk about the future, not the past. Voters don't care about anything Tim Walz so we need to just shut up about him. Voters also don't care if Kamala Harris is black or Asian so we need to shut up about that too. And, voters don't really care if Kamala Harris was technically the border czar or not. They also don't care if she slept her way to the top.

We need to hammer her on her administrations policies which caused high prices which are still here today. We need to hammer her on the fact that while they ignored Americans' financial suffering and bragged about the economy, Americans are STILL suffering and now the economy and job growth are slowing, which is what they had been bragging about. We need to hammer her on leftist policies which brought us high prices, not greedy companies price gauging. And, we need to hammer her on if inflation is under control as they say, then how can there be price gauging by greedy companies giving us high prices? Are prices and inflation under control or aren't they? They can't have it both ways!

We need to hammer her on immigration, which includes her tough future policies which would allow in 2500 per day and the policies which have let in so many over the last 3 1/2 years and if they could reign in illegal immigration now then why didn't they do it a long time ago?

We need to talk about a plan to reduce at least the deficit anyway. Americans care about the out of control national debt and neither candidate is offering even lip service about stopping the madness. And we need to talk about making the 2017 tax cuts permanent, at least for small businesses and ordinary Americans.

To summarize, if Republicans want to win we have to quit with the nonsense and talk about the real issues Americans want to talk about and vote on.
We have the strongest economy in the world because of Biden policies, not Trump.

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