CNN Poll: Romney trails Obama big in homestate of Michigan


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Trails Obama big time in his own home state of Michigan. Even home is not safe for Romney.

CNN Poll: Romney trailing in birth state – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - It's the state where Mitt Romney was born and where his father served as governor, but a new poll indicates President Barack Obama is leading the Republican nominee in the race for Michigan's 16 electoral votes.

According to a CNN/ORC International survey (PDF) released Wednesday, 52% of likely voters in Michigan say if the presidential election were held today, they'd vote for the president, with 44% saying they'd cast a ballot for Romney. The poll is the second in a week to indicate Obama with a lead...
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.

Americans are indeed grateful when someone helps save your job and that someone happens to be President Obama.

Romney on the other hand told the autoworkers... fuck you!
LOL...where and when did president odumbo give anyone a job? LMAO...oh and willard supported the bailouts.
All those Blacks, welfare whores and Union hacks...i'm not surprised Obama is leading in Michigan.
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.

Americans are indeed grateful when someone helps save your job and that someone happens to be President Obama.

Romney on the other hand told the autoworkers... fuck you!

Romney told them to FU by telling them to bankrupcy proceedings, and Obama saved them by having them go through bankrupcy proceedings....
That's right genius when you aren't making enough money you either declare bankruptcy and trim the fat or you go under...basic economics you don't bail something out that obviously can't survive on its own...I saw a news article just a few weeks ago that said GM still might go under so the government wasted money on a bailout when it could have saved its money and let things happen naturally.
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.

Detroiters remember Romneys hardline stance of... "Let Detroit go bankrupt". Romney didn't give a shit about American workers then.
All those Blacks, welfare whores and Union hacks...i'm not surprised Obama is leading in Michigan.

LOL Just tell all the women, minorities, and working people to fuck off. That is surely the way to win an election in this country:badgrin:
Americans are indeed grateful when someone helps save your job and that someone happens to be President Obama.

Romney on the other hand told the autoworkers... fuck you!

GM's stock is tanking and will very well need another bailout in the future. It should have been allowed to fail, as it would have been either restructured or a healthy and more competitive car manufacturer would have stepped in and bought up GM (and Chrysler). Instead, we're now funding two noncompetitive businesses.
Another damn obamatard..and a hopeless one at that...I like to pick on both idiots....its more fun.
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.

Detroiters remember Romneys hardline stance of... "Let Detroit go bankrupt". Romney didn't give a shit about American workers then.

Then they have no clue what bankrupcy does in allowing companies to restruction.

I really wouldnt be bragging about not understanding bankrupcy laws.
Yep, Obama has given a lot of Goodies to the Unions in the Detroit area, and the fact is you win or Lose Michigan in Detroit, the rest of us don't mean shit.

This is a clear example of how Obama used the Stimulus, and the Auto Bail outs, to Buy Votes and Reward his Union Buddies.

So Celebrate away, Corruption wins every time.

Detroiters remember Romneys hardline stance of... "Let Detroit go bankrupt". Romney didn't give a shit about American workers then.

Then they have no clue what bankrupcy does in allowing companies to restruction.

I really wouldnt be bragging about not understanding bankrupcy laws.

Make no mistake. Romney was not concerned about GM nor the autoworkers. Not one bit. Romneys stance was purely anti-union. Romney was playing up to his Tea-Party base. That is the issue here.
Trails Obama big time in his own home state of Michigan. Even home is not safe for Romney.

CNN Poll: Romney trailing in birth state – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

(CNN) - It's the state where Mitt Romney was born and where his father served as governor, but a new poll indicates President Barack Obama is leading the Republican nominee in the race for Michigan's 16 electoral votes.

According to a CNN/ORC International survey (PDF) released Wednesday, 52% of likely voters in Michigan say if the presidential election were held today, they'd vote for the president, with 44% saying they'd cast a ballot for Romney. The poll is the second in a week to indicate Obama with a lead...

Michigan Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.8 Percent, Detroit Unemployment Still 19 Percent
Michigan Unemployment Rate Drops To 8.8 Percent, Detroit Unemployment Still 19 Percent

Wanna bet that this CNN poll is manipulated like the last one?

CNN is grabbing political headlines tonight with the release of its latest poll. It shows Obama surging to a 6-point lead over Romney, 52-46, among likely. Before the start of the Democrat convention, the candidates had been tied in the poll. Since it purportedly confirms a narrative the media is trying to build, i.e. that Obama is starting to pull away with the race, it is getting wide coverage. However, there are a couple of strange things within the poll that cast doubt on its veracity. And, at least one concern warrants a response from CNN.

First, this being a media poll, it has an obvious skew towards Democrats. The partisan breakdown is (D/R/I) 50/45/5. It perhaps isn’t surprising that Obama is leading a D+5 poll by 6 points. Throughout the campaign season, Obama’s margin usually is very close to the partisan skew in the sample. It is surprising, though, that Independents make up only 5% of the sample. Tellingly, Romney leads this group by 14 points.
CNN manipulated their polling | Education News


"Barack Obama is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American population"--Clint Eastwood.

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