CNN: Russia looking to exploit disarray in Washington...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
they have to have something to do now that they are thru campaigning for hillary. listen to conservative radio online, fox too, podcasts are free at youtube.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
Yes, and water is wet.

Add China, Iran, etc etc etc etc etc to that list.

Hell, we discovered a lot of things the USSR/RUSSIA did when the Venona Papers were revealed. One of the things the left hate is McCarthy was vindicated in a lot of ways. That was the big thing.

The other thing we found out was how the KGB took advantage of the Kennedy assassination. They knew they could not afford the truth about a commie sympathizer like Oswald being the assassin. They also knew they had communist sympathizers in the press and entertainment.

They had planted a letter that was "picked up" by the AP that made it look like that the CIA was responsible and Oswald was actually an innocent patsy. This theme was picked up and of course made into movies and folklore by the Hollywood elites.

K.G.B. Told Tall Tales About Dallas, Book Says

Anyway, yes our enemies will be trying and working in conjunction with this country's traitors. That is old news.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
Not at the beginning of their bolshevik revolution. Although, yes many knew then that it was all bullshit. Yes, the same useful idiots (stalin called them that) perpetuated the communist take over as they murdered their czar and Anastasia...cried.

Rolling Stones?
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
We need to believe President Trump.
'CNN: Russia looking to exploit disarray in Washington'

File this under the heading 'NO SHIT, SHERLOCK!'


During the election Hillary proclaimed, 'To challenge the results of the election is to undermine the pillars on which our very democracy stands'.
She was absolutely RIGHT...except she did not think she would be on the losing end of the election. EVER SINCE the election ended snowflakes have been doing just THAT - undermining the pillars of our democracy...through dissention, sedition, and even treasonous behavior - rioting, looting, violence, intimidation, beatings, calls for Impeachment, calls for military coups, calls for assassination, affecting 'political assassinations' of Trump Cabinet members, withholding Intel, current Obama hold-overs in critical Intel positions illegally leaking information, and sabotaging the progress and acts of the newly elected President / administration.

Instead of a highly UNIFIED United States, Liberals have declared they will Obstruct EVERYTHING, oppose EVERYTHING, hamstringing a nation / our government, which not only endangers OUR national security but the security of the world. Snowflakes believe in order to regain personal / party power and profit weakening the United States and keeping her split is worth their effort. Like Hillary intentionally breaking laws - by-passing the FIA and the Federal Records Act to keep what she was doing hidden - ENDANGERING OUR NATIONAL SECURITY FOR HER OWN PERSONAL BENEFIT - THE DEMOCRATS HAVE DECIDED TO DO THE SAME EXACT THING.

Years ago Pelosi BRAGGED how they had used this tactic years ago to completely shutdown Washington, making the American people so frustrated and ready for change that they bought that BS UNDEFINED slogan of 'Change' and rewarded the people who had done nothing but obstruct and shut down the govt by putting them into power. The Democrats have committed themselves t the same exact tactic in an attempt to win back power...but this is not that time. We are in a much more dangerous world, and to shut down the US govt for 4 years, crippling the US at home and abroad, is extremely dangerous and WILL give our enemies ample opportunity to act.

Oh HELL YEAH, Putin / Russia is loving the hell out of this...and so are every other one of our enemies!

The American people need to remember well the selfish, treasonous Party-1st choices the Democrats have made at this time.
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
We need to believe President Trump.
lol, you believe whatever you want. How's that?
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
We need to believe President Trump.
lol, you believe whatever you want. How's that?
NO we need to believe President Trump. no more FAKE news!
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.

Victor Kravchenko, metallurgist, engineer, executive, and captain in the Red Army. And the first Soviet “defector.” . On April 1, 1944, Victor Kravchenko left Washington for New York, where, at a press conference arranged by the NYTimes, he revealed the truth about the Soviet Union. Two years later he published “I Chose Freedom,” which played a crucial role in the formation of public opinion in the formation of the incipient Cold War. Defectors like Kravchenko faced the same sort of barrage that McCarthy did later…and for the same reasons.

3. Kravcheko revealed that the Communists did in reality what Winston Smith did in the novel. "Shamelessly, without so much as an explanation, it revised half a century of Russian history. I don't mean simply that it falsified some facts or gave a new interpretation of events. I mean that it deliberately stood history on its head, expunging events and inventing facts. It twisted the recent past--a past still fresh in millions of memories--into new and bizarre shapes, to conform with the version of affairs presented by the blood-purge trials and the accompanying propaganda... The roles of leading historical figures were perverted or altogether erased.... More than that, living witnesses, as far as possible, were removed. The directing staff of the Institute of Marx, Engels and Lenin in Moscow, repository of ideological truth, were removed and the more important people among them imprisoned or shot.

a. . The new history" became possible. To brand the shame more deeply on our minds, "study" of the new version was made obligatory for all responsible Party people. History classes met nearly every night in this period and lecturers from Sverdlovsk came to our town to help hammer home the lies, while most of us fumed inwardly. Whatever human dignity remained in our character was humiliated.. But even the most gigantic lie, by dint of infinite repetition, takes root; Stalin knew this before Hitler discovered it. As I looked on I could see terrible falsehoods, at first accepted under pressure, become established as unquestioned "facts," particularly among younger people without personal experience to the contrary to bother them."

Text collection
As they report on leaked confidential information, use "unnamed sources" and undermine the president, his administration and National Security...

Bloody hell, we need something other than CNN and MSNBC in Canada.
The difference between the Russian people 40 years ago and modern American liberals is that the Russians of 40 ago knew what was written in the news was bullshit.
We need to believe President Trump.
lol, you believe whatever you want. How's that?
NO we need to believe President Trump. no more FAKE news!

Attention: for clarity and accuracy, any future reference to FAKE news should be titled as "Dan Rather/Democrat News."

"The Truth About Dan Rather’s Deceptive Reporting on George W. Bush"
The Truth About Dan Rather's Deceptive Reporting on George W. Bush

Did anyone else notice that the WashPo release on Sessions was timed to coincide with last nights MSNBC special on Trump/Putin? Obviously,it is more than a coincidence as it was a totally timed hit piece! MSM is colluding with deep state leakers doing the bidding of globalist elites in order to take down Trump.
When this fails, they will actually assassinate him.

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