CNN timed Trump's story for maximum effect

That's not true. The media was asking the Donald earlier, and as late as the week of 5-15-16, the Donald was still saying all the money had been distributed ... but that was not the truth. At that point, people began contacting vet groups.

Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group

Most people pledge to give money and there is some turn around time between a promise to pay and actually getting the money. Can you find evidence that Trump was planning to keep the money for himself? That would be charity fraud which is illegal in every charges have been filed. There goes your big story which kind of blew up like a balloon and then popped into nothingness.

Seems like that's an argument the tRumpster could have made instead of going off on his rant about how horrible reporters are.

And yet...

When reporters lie...why not say they are lying.

Lying about what?

They accuse him of not paying the vets when he said he didn't pay them. A lot of this might be true since they didn't officially get the money but if Trump was planning on not paying them ever then that would be charity fraud which is illegal. Why weren't there charges being brought up against him? That is is a serious crime that would get Trump in more trouble then an embarrassing slip up. It seems that that would have been the angle his political opponents would have gone after if it was true but they didn't because they knew he was going to give them the money. The press was either extremely gullible or just knew they could spray this on the airwaves to make a bunch of vets really pissed off.

"Accuse" him??

How did they do that, exactly?
That's not true. The media was asking the Donald earlier, and as late as the week of 5-15-16, the Donald was still saying all the money had been distributed ... but that was not the truth. At that point, people began contacting vet groups.

Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group

Most people pledge to give money and there is some turn around time between a promise to pay and actually getting the money. Can you find evidence that Trump was planning to keep the money for himself? That would be charity fraud which is illegal in every charges have been filed. There goes your big story which kind of blew up like a balloon and then popped into nothingness.

Seems like that's an argument the tRumpster could have made instead of going off on his rant about how horrible reporters are.

And yet...

When reporters lie...why not say they are lying.

Lying about what?

They accuse him of not paying the vets when he said he didn't pay them. A lot of this might be true since they didn't officially get the money but if Trump was planning on not paying them ever then that would be charity fraud which is illegal. Why weren't there charges being brought up against him? That is is a serious crime that would get Trump in more trouble then an embarrassing slip up. It seems that that would have been the angle his political opponents would have gone after if it was true but they didn't because they knew he was going to give them the money. The press was either extremely gullible or just knew they could spray this on the airwaves to make a bunch of vets really pissed off.

Makes you wonder why so many different groups were approached…
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.

Uh no.

It was a public fund raising (due to Drumpf),public proclamations (made by Drumpf) and reminders were made (by Drumpf).
When the press questions Drumpf…its appropriate.

Everyone got the money they said they were going to get. I'm trying to figure out where the deceit is. Oh...there wasn't any.

Next story...Trump University is a fraud.

According to whom? We haven’t seen the tax returns and Drumpf’s relationship to the truth is casual at best.

Now, lets look at how a grown man would have done this with her/his eye on the Presidency. Not made the announcement, raised/gave/furnished the money in private….
There would be no press scrutiny, legitimate or otherwise. And when the taxes are released…the media sees $6 million for various Veterans organizations.

This is why HRC will have a very easy time with Drumpf; he’s a phony.

And the fraud trial for Drumpf university is in the not-too-distant future.



Not to mention, it isn't anyone else's fault but his own that he's acted the way he has when being questioned. Apparently some people think it's a plus, but outside of that bubble....
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
Just think...if the money had been paid out in a timely manner, this would not have been a story at all.
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
That's not true. The media was asking the Donald earlier, and as late as the week of 5-15-16, the Donald was still saying all the money had been distributed ... but that was not the truth. At that point, people began contacting vet groups.

Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group

They just happen to break the big story on memorial day weekend when vets would be watching. I'm sure no one thought that this might cause the most damage to his campaign. Not one single mostly democrat liberal media never thought of that. Sarcasm Off!
Gee, Imagine wanting to know BEFORE memorial day whether Donald sent the checks, and if not, what was his good reason. Turned out he hadn't and didn't have a good reason. They're simply horrible people for telling the truth about Donald. Sarcasm off.
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
Just think...if the money had been paid out in a timely manner, this would not have been a story at all.
But Donald's biz model is never pay until you have no other option. LOL
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
Just think...if the money had been paid out in a timely manner, this would not have been a story at all.

How do we know it wasn't going to be paid. I'm assuming that when a charity makes a promise to pay such and such group that they don't get the money right away especially if it is in the millions. Have you ever sold a house? Does money get paid immediately or do you have to wait a while before things get moving.
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend?
I'm sure the timing was deliberate. It's only one of a couple of times a year America even thinks about vets.
Most people pledge to give money and there is some turn around time between a promise to pay and actually getting the money. Can you find evidence that Trump was planning to keep the money for himself? That would be charity fraud which is illegal in every charges have been filed. There goes your big story which kind of blew up like a balloon and then popped into nothingness.

Seems like that's an argument the tRumpster could have made instead of going off on his rant about how horrible reporters are.

And yet...

When reporters lie...why not say they are lying.

Lying about what?

They accuse him of not paying the vets when he said he didn't pay them. A lot of this might be true since they didn't officially get the money but if Trump was planning on not paying them ever then that would be charity fraud which is illegal. Why weren't there charges being brought up against him? That is is a serious crime that would get Trump in more trouble then an embarrassing slip up. It seems that that would have been the angle his political opponents would have gone after if it was true but they didn't because they knew he was going to give them the money. The press was either extremely gullible or just knew they could spray this on the airwaves to make a bunch of vets really pissed off.

"Accuse" him??

How did they do that, exactly?

Wittle Donald is the victim here. (sniffing) LoL
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
That's not true. The media was asking the Donald earlier, and as late as the week of 5-15-16, the Donald was still saying all the money had been distributed ... but that was not the truth. At that point, people began contacting vet groups.

Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group

They just happen to break the big story on memorial day weekend when vets would be watching. I'm sure no one thought that this might cause the most damage to his campaign. Not one single mostly democrat liberal media never thought of that. Sarcasm Off!
Gee, Imagine wanting to know BEFORE memorial day whether Donald sent the checks, and if not, what was his good reason. Turned out he hadn't and didn't have a good reason. They're simply horrible people for telling the truth about Donald. Sarcasm off.

Is there anyone out there who didn't get what was promised to them by Trump or weren't going to get it. It just seems that everyone is happy except the media who told the truth that people haven't got paid yet. The keyword was always yet. Where is the proof that they weren't going to ever get paid? That is non-existent.
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
That's not true. The media was asking the Donald earlier, and as late as the week of 5-15-16, the Donald was still saying all the money had been distributed ... but that was not the truth. At that point, people began contacting vet groups.

Four months after fundraiser, Trump says he gave $1 million to veterans group

They just happen to break the big story on memorial day weekend when vets would be watching. I'm sure no one thought that this might cause the most damage to his campaign. Not one single mostly democrat liberal media never thought of that. Sarcasm Off!
Gee, Imagine wanting to know BEFORE memorial day whether Donald sent the checks, and if not, what was his good reason. Turned out he hadn't and didn't have a good reason. They're simply horrible people for telling the truth about Donald. Sarcasm off.

Is there anyone out there who didn't get what was promised to them by Trump or weren't going to get it. It just seems that everyone is happy except the media who told the truth that people haven't got paid yet. The keyword was always yet. Where is the proof that they weren't going to ever get paid? That is non-existent.
As far as I know, everyone got paid. This really should have been a non-story. All Donald had to say was "the checks haven't gone out. The donors have all paid, and I'll get the checks out before Memorial day."

Why he flat out lied weeks ago saying he'd sent out the checks is really the question. He did a decent thing raising the money.

Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.

Yeah who saw that coming. I can't imagine what about Memorial Day has to do with veterans, can you??

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.
CNN forced Trump to pay the Veterans
Has anyone noticed that this story of Trump not giving money to veteran groups only seem to become popular on the memorial day weekend? It can't be a coincidence that they just found out a few days ago and decided to launch this story all over the place. They held onto this story and decided to release it on memorial day in order to create the most damage possible. That only shows how bias the 'liberal' media is in this country.

Someone should sue CNN and force them to release their internal documents so that America can see what a fraud they are.

Uh no.

It was a public fund raising (due to Drumpf),public proclamations (made by Drumpf) and reminders were made (by Drumpf).
When the press questions Drumpf…its appropriate.

Everyone got the money they said they were going to get. I'm trying to figure out where the deceit is. Oh...there wasn't any.

Next story...Trump University is a fraud.

According to whom? We haven’t seen the tax returns and Drumpf’s relationship to the truth is casual at best.

Now, lets look at how a grown man would have done this with her/his eye on the Presidency. Not made the announcement, raised/gave/furnished the money in private….
There would be no press scrutiny, legitimate or otherwise. And when the taxes are released…the media sees $6 million for various Veterans organizations.

This is why HRC will have a very easy time with Drumpf; he’s a phony.

And the fraud trial for Drumpf university is in the not-too-distant future.



CNN is reporting that there are former Trump employees who are coming forward…

Very Nice!!!
Trumpgate, Tuitiongate. University-gate...the world is the Limit here...what did "Don the Con" know and when did he know it..

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