CNN to White House: "How many dead veterans do you need?"


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
San Diego, CA
The White House has already announced that it knew nothing about these VA death scandles, until it read about them in the newspapers. And here, they simply try to brush off questions with the usual talking points and platitudes.

Even CNN is getting tired of the constant "We knew nothing, it's not a big deal, we're handling it, nothing to see here, move along" attitude the White House takes to each and every thing that goes wrong in the Obama administration. And that's a lot of things going wrong.

But these same media outlets will support the next Democrat who runs for President, just as they supported the last ten.


Jake Tapper Grills White House Staffer: 'How Many Dead Veterans Do You Need?' - Business Insider

CNN's Jake Tapper Grills White House Chief Of Staff: 'How Many Dead Veterans Do You Need?'

May 15, 2014, 6:15 PM

CNN’s Jake Tapper hit White House Chief of Staff Dennis McDonough hard over the Veteran’s Affairs scandal Thursday afternoon on The Lead.

Tapper asked McDonough how it’s possible for President Obama to continue to place confidence in Shineski when the Secretary has made a mess of veterans and their medical treatments.

“The Obama Administration cares deeply about veterans and wants to ensure that they will receive all treatment necessary,” McDonough replied.

Regarding Shinseki’s role in the fiasco, McDonough told Tapper, “He holds himself to account.”

Tapper, visibly upset with McDonough’s praise and defense of Shinseki, impatiently asked the Chief of Staff, “How many dead veterans do you need before somebody asks the question within the White House, ‘Maybe this guy isn’t the best steward of these veterans?’”
Regarding Shinseki’s role in the fiasco, McDonough told Tapper, “He holds himself to account.”

In other words, Beret Eric is going to take the fall for this one and the president will remain untouchable.
When you have lying, cover up and subterfuge at the top, everyone down the line expects to get away with it and expect that the supervisors doing the same thing will cover for them. That's exactly what happened. This isn't a matter of funding, some of those doctors were only seeing two patients a day before they did what obama does, go golfing.

Yet, there's plenty of money and plenty of time to fast track the sex change operation for a convicted spy! How the hell is this justified? Really. How are they getting away with it.
Yep this sgt schultz administration would be hilarious if people werent dying. I mean has jay carney ever answered a question? Please post a video if he has
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When you have lying, cover up and subterfuge at the top, everyone down the line expects to get away with it and expect that the supervisors doing the same thing will cover for them. That's exactly what happened. This isn't a matter of funding, some of those doctors were only seeing two patients a day before they did what obama does, go golfing.

Yet, there's plenty of money and plenty of time to fast track the sex change operation for a convicted spy! How the hell is this justified? Really. How are they getting away with it.

You're racist for even asking.

wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

Please show us the news reports of a significant number of veterans dying due to negligence by the VA during the Bush administration and then follow that up with evidence that what is happening now has anything to do with these alleged cuts you are referencing.

wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

well give us a link jillian

I mean you love big govt and want this kind of healthcare for us...that's why it's not a Bush matter

And wasn't the guy running this , the guy Kerry used quotes from to attack Bush?

Who appointed this guy?

On December 7, 2008, then-President-elect Barack Obama announced at a press conference in Chicago that he would nominate Shinseki to become the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.[18] He was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on January 20, 2009, and sworn in the next day

it's all Obama honey......sorry it sucks for you, but one of these days you may actually question one thing a democrat does........
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Couldn't have Veterans get in the way of Obamacare.

What kind of narrative would that have been, with Liberals touting the VA as a successful precursor to the ACA.

Easier for the Obama administration to let them die than explain the waiting lists.

Political expediency over lives of Americans.

That's Obama's legacy.
You got it wrong. The president isn't incompetent and inept. He's just picks incompetent and inept people to fill important jobs.

In conclusion, not Obama's fault, never was Obama's problem, he didn't know, and Bush.

Thank you and good night.
Bush raised the VA budget 80%... however he did propose to cut VA funding in 07 to help balance his budget ... those cuts would have left the VA in the BLACK until 2012 .. give/ take

just saying

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