CNN to White House: "How many dead veterans do you need?"

I don't give a shit as he's no longer in charge. The real question is how come Obama has done nothing about it in all this time after being told.

Well, I am curious why you folks weren't jumping all over Bush's shit for it, but are jumping all over Obama's shit for it.

These crocodile tears of yours aren't fooling anyone. Stop using us veterans as political poker chips. It's disgusting.

You're barking up the wrong tree. I was never a Bush supporter. But still, it's water under the bridge. What he did or didn't do is immaterial as he is a retired private citizen. Obama is sitting behind the chair now and it's his show. Again, the real question is what is he going to do and why hasn't he done anything since he has been aware since 2008. You can yell Boooosh all you want, but it doesn't matter.


Obama was a sitting member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee as a Senator...long before he took the Big Chair.

He has not the first fucking excuse for not knowing what was going on down there.

He's either completely incompetent, or he just doesn't give a shit.

Or both.
wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

BFS Jillian, the VA's budget has been increasing, 41% since 2009 and they want it to go to 140 billion this year.
LOL Liberal hags just making up shit.

no psycho boy. perhaps you should get with the fact-based reality instead of your little wingnut fantasy world.


but perhaps this will refresh your recollection.

Committee subpoenas former Walter Reed chief | Army Times |

Sorry, "Counselor", this is relevant how?
Did Bush have 150 dead veterans on his hands because of major incompetence at the VA? Post proof or shut the fuck up.

Obama has been president for 5 years. Does he bear any responsibility for anything in his administration?
or the older vets are starting to die just like the 20 and 30 year old vets will do in the next 40 50 years ...

if a republican president is in office then will it be his fault ?
So how come Bush had done nothing about this?

I don't give a shit as he's no longer in charge. The real question is how come Obama has done nothing about it in all this time after being told.

Well, I am curious why you folks weren't jumping all over Bush's shit for it, but are jumping all over Obama's shit for it.

These crocodile tears of yours aren't fooling anyone. Stop using us veterans as political poker chips. It's disgusting.
Please post that there were 150 veteran deaths under Bush.

It is amazing that Obama, who has been there 5 years while Bush, who hasn't, gets the blame.

wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

The budget has gone UP EVERY YEAR.

Why is it necessary to twist the facts?

What budget? Last I checked this Government is still operating on a CR. (And YES spending is increasing under it).
Well, I am curious why you folks weren't jumping all over Bush's shit for it, but are jumping all over Obama's shit for it.

These crocodile tears of yours aren't fooling anyone. Stop using us veterans as political poker chips. It's disgusting.

You're barking up the wrong tree. I was never a Bush supporter. But still, it's water under the bridge. What he did or didn't do is immaterial as he is a retired private citizen. Obama is sitting behind the chair now and it's his show. Again, the real question is what is he going to do and why hasn't he done anything since he has been aware since 2008. You can yell Boooosh all you want, but it doesn't matter.


Obama was a sitting member of the Veterans' Affairs Committee as a Senator...long before he took the Big Chair.

He has not the first fucking excuse for not knowing what was going on down there.

He's either completely incompetent, or he just doesn't give a shit.

Or both.
Both. Hands down.
So how come Bush had done nothing about this?

I don't give a shit as he's no longer in charge. The real question is how come Obama has done nothing about it in all this time after being told.

Well, I am curious why you folks weren't jumping all over Bush's shit for it, but are jumping all over Obama's shit for it.

These crocodile tears of yours aren't fooling anyone. Stop using us veterans as political poker chips. It's disgusting.

The part that is probably confusing you is how people actually were jumping all over Bush for it.
Here is what Obama promised in 2008.

The Obama-Biden Plan

As a member of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, Barack Obama has fought to end benefit disparities, bring homeless veterans in off the street, strengthen mental health care, add billions of dollars in additional Department of Veterans Affairs funding, and reform a system that often places barriers between veterans and the benefits they have earned. Obama and Joe Biden will ensure we honor the sacred trust to care for our nation’s veterans.
A Sacred Trust

Barack Obama and Joe Biden are committed to creating a 21st Century Department of Veterans' Affairs that provides the care and benefits our nation's veterans deserve. They will:

  • Allow All Veterans Back into the VA: Reverse the 2003 ban on enrolling modest-income veterans, which has denied care to a million veterans.
  • Strengthen VA Care: Make the VA a leader of national health care reform so that veterans get the best care possible. Improve care for polytrauma vision impairment, prosthetics, spinal cord injury, aging, and women's health.
  • Combat Homelessness among Our Nation's Veterans: Establish a national "zero tolerance" policy for veterans falling into homelessness by expanding proven programs and launching innovative services to prevent veterans from falling into homelessness.
  • Fight Employment Discrimination: Crack down on employers who commit job discrimination against guardsmen and reservists.
Help for Returning Service Members

Obama and Biden will improve the quality of health care for veterans, rebuild the VA's broken benefits system, and combat homelessness among veterans. They will:

  • Ensure a Seamless Transition: Demand that the military and the VA coordinate to provide a seamless transition from active duty to civilian life.
  • Fully Fund VA Medical Care: Fully fund the VA so it has all the resources it needs to serve the veterans who need it, when they need it. Establish a world-class VA Planning Division to avoid future budget shortfalls.
  • Fix the Benefits Bureaucracy: Hire additional claims workers, and improve training and accountability so that VA benefit decisions are rated fairly and consistently. Transform the paper benefit claims process to an electronic one to reduce errors and improve timeliness.
Improved Treatment for Mental Health and TBI

Obama and Biden will improve mental health treatment for troops and veterans suffering from combat-related psychological injuries. They will:

  • Improve Mental Health Treatment: Recruit more health professionals, improve screening, offer more support to families and make PTSD benefits claims fairer.
  • Improve Care for Traumatic Brain Injury: Establish standards of care for Traumatic Brain Injury, the signature injury of the Iraq war.
  • Expand Vet Centers: Expand and strengthen Vet Centers to provide more counseling for vets and their families.
Veterans | The Obama-Biden Transition Team operates under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Copyright Policy | The Obama-Biden Transition Team


wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

well give us a link jillian

I mean you love big govt and want this kind of healthcare for us...that's why it's not a Bush matter

And wasn't the guy running this , the guy Kerry used quotes from to attack Bush?

Who appointed this guy?

Eric Shinseki - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On December 7, 2008, then-President-elect Barack Obama announced at a press conference in Chicago that he would nominate Shinseki to become the Secretary of Veterans Affairs.[18] He was unanimously confirmed by the United States Senate on January 20, 2009, and sworn in the next day

it's all Obama honey......sorry it sucks for you, but one of these days you may actually question one thing a democrat does........

And they had a majority in both houses at the time.
1) Obama doesn't give a shit about military Vets because the majority of them don't vote for Democraps.

2) The VA is prime example of obamacare on a small scale, they can't even get that right so just imagine over 300 million Americans placed in a similar medical system like the VA....massive death panels.

3) Obama is faking his anger, nobody is going to get in trouble just like every other scandal, he just moves on to his next grenade to lob at the US culture and economy.

wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?
Madder than hell, but guess what? He did something about it immediately.
At Walter Reed, Bush Offers an Apology

For Bush, the resulting furor proved a political blow, and his team responded quickly by firing officials deemed responsible and by cleaning up the physical conditions. Patients were moved out of Building 18 for renovations, and the president appointed a bipartisan commission led by former Senate majority leader Robert J. Dole (R-Kan.) and former health and human services secretary Donna E. Shalala to investigate care provided to veterans.Bush had visited Walter Reed 11 times before yesterday, most recently just days before Christmas, in largely unpublicized appearances, but he had never been inside Building 18. Aides described him as upset by the stories.

And quit about the budget, just quit, you know, as I have shown you, the budget keeps being greatly increased, historic increases, yet still has damning results. More money is not the answer. Finding the culpable parties and gettingtreatment for our vets is first priority.
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"Uh, uh, um....I'm just finding out about this mess and I promise to get to the bottom of it."

- VA scandal
- Benghazi
- IRS scandal
They have their priorities, is all. They are definitely fast-tracking the really important cases. If a few soldiers die while they are waiting their turn... well, as another Obama official said a few years ago, "If you're going to make an omelet, you'll have to break a few eggs."

Sorry, vets, this case was considered nore necessary than yours.

Bradley Manning has been fast-tracked for his operation to theoretically change him from a man to a woman.


Pentagon pushes Manning transfer for gender treatment

Pentagon pushes Manning transfer for gender treatment

Tom Vanden Brook and Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY 6:10 p.m. EDT May 14, 2014

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved an Army request to transfer national-security secrets leaker Pvt. Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison that could provide her treatment to transition to a woman, Pentagon officials say.

"The Secretary approved a request by Army leadership to evaluate potential treatment options for inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria," Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement.

The soldier, formerly named Bradley Manning, was convicted of sending classified documents to anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. Manning is serving a 35-year prison sentence and is eligible for parole in seven years.

Manning has asked for hormone therapy and to be able to live as a woman.
They have their priorities, is all. They are definitely fast-tracking the really important cases. If a few soldiers die while they are waiting their turn... well, as another Obama official said a few years ago, "If you're going to make an omelet, you'll have to break a few eggs."

Sorry, vets, this case was considered nore necessary than yours.

Bradley Manning has been fast-tracked for his operation to theoretically change him from a man to a woman.


Pentagon pushes Manning transfer for gender treatment

Pentagon pushes Manning transfer for gender treatment

Tom Vanden Brook and Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY 6:10 p.m. EDT May 14, 2014

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has approved an Army request to transfer national-security secrets leaker Pvt. Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison that could provide her treatment to transition to a woman, Pentagon officials say.

"The Secretary approved a request by Army leadership to evaluate potential treatment options for inmates diagnosed with gender dysphoria," Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement.

The soldier, formerly named Bradley Manning, was convicted of sending classified documents to anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks. Manning is serving a 35-year prison sentence and is eligible for parole in seven years.

Manning has asked for hormone therapy and to be able to live as a woman.

It's sick, sick, sick.
wash times? lol

where were all of you when the VA imploded while baby bush was president?

and please, tell us how you run systems when the wingers cut funds?

BFS Jillian, the VA's budget has been increasing, 41% since 2009 and they want it to go to 140 billion this year.
LOL Liberal hags just making up shit.

no psycho boy. perhaps you should get with the fact-based reality instead of your little wingnut fantasy world.


but perhaps this will refresh your recollection.

Committee subpoenas former Walter Reed chief | Army Times |

Since 2009, the overall budget, including mandated programs and discretionary spending, has risen from about $100 billion in 2009 to $140 billion this year, an increase of about 40 percent. The VA's discretionary spending this year is roughly $61 billion.
Veterans Budget Gets $63 Billion Boost From Obama White House

So how has the GOP VA cut funding? Tell another lie.
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White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said the president didn't know about explosive Veterans Administration scandal until he saw news reports.
Earlier in the day a report emerged showing the VA itself warned Obama's transition team about it after the 2008 election
Obama and his surrogates have claimed he learned of several other scandals from broadcast or print news stories
They include Operation Fast and Furious, the IRS's targeting of tea parties and a DOJ seizure of two months of Associated Press phone records
VA medical centers stand accused of keeping secret off-the-books waiting lists in order to cook the books and boost performance stats
As many as 40 veterans died in Phoenix when they were denied critical care because their names didn't appear on official waiting lists

White House says Obama only learned of VA wait-list scandal on TV (just like the IRS, Fast and Furious and reporter snooping scandals) | Mail Online

The United States Intelligence Community (I.C.) is a federation of 17 separate United States government agencies that work separately and together to conduct intelligence activities considered necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and national security of the United States
United States Intelligence Community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And Obama LEARNS about VA from the MSM???

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