CNN Worried: Donald Trump’s Black Support has Doubled


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
A lot of older blacks know what government frameups look like. Thus Trump is their man. The enemy of my enemy.

Trump‘s policies brought on the lowest minority unemployment rate in history.
Real progress. Not dependency giveaways.
Look at the Brooklyn Trump rally for further evidence.

”If you want things to stay the same, vote for her. If you want a job, vote for me”. -Donald Trump, addressing a minority audience in 2016.
A lot of older blacks know what government frameups look like. Thus Trump is their man. The enemy of my enemy.

I suspect the actual numbers may be higher... there may be many blacks that are staying silent about their support for Trump out of fear of ridicule .. after all if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black .
A lot of older blacks know what government frameups look like. Thus Trump is their man. The enemy of my enemy.

He should do a nationwide tour of every ghetto in every democratic stronghold
Of all the fine prostitutes and willing whores Trump could choose from. Why would he choose oversized pig flesh like Stormy? … it just doesn’t make sense.
A lot of older blacks know what government frameups look like. Thus Trump is their man. The enemy of my enemy.
Said a 1000 times.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
Said a 1000 times.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
Said a 1000 times.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

81 million votes my ass

I suspect the actual numbers may be higher... there may be many blacks that are staying silent about their support for Trump out of fear of ridicule .. after all if you don't vote for Biden you ain't black .

He'll get over 30% of the black vote, those that aren't too stupid, and probably over 70% of the legal latino vote. Those demographics don't like illegal aliens swarming in and they most certainly don't like faggots playing around in their kids' pants and drag queens giving them lap dances.

'Pride Month' is going to cinch the Presidency for Trump.
Said a 1000 times.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.

This is all a SET UP.

Pretend trump is leading and gaining votes, then when he LOSES, claim FRAUD.
So MSM are all MAGA now.

Doesn’t that mean Trump has turned Dems into MAGA?
With the number of polls coming out reflecting this, it's certainly becoming harder and harder to ignore.
this can't be ignored

Supporters rally around Trump outside NYC courthouse: Biden 'ain't for' Black America​


The slang used by some of these people is off putting but I guess that's just their culture.

People Who Butcher the English Language

for Trump!


No Republican since the days of MLK, Jr. has gotten as much black support as Trump.

This is historic.

The slang used by some of these people is off putting but I guess that's just their culture.

People Who Butcher the English Language

for Trump!

It's so funny because the last time blacks felt like Americans was just after 9-11. Soon they found out to Republicans, they're still second class citizens. If they dare speak of racism in America that is. Systemic racism.

Anyways, now you say Trump is conning blacks? They'll find out again the hard way.

Blacks are no different than whites. They can be fooled just as easily as my co worker sitting across from me. She's a total Republican. Can't figure out why but boy she gets mad when Biden's name gets brought up. Finally I had enough and I explained to her Trump being charged for Jan 6th is not taking her fucking freedom of speech away. She's falling for the witch hunt bullshit.

And I say GREAT! Hold them all accountable. If they break laws, hang em. That Democrat who blames his wife for all the gold bars? Hang him!
It's so funny because the last time blacks felt like Americans was just after 9-11. Soon they found out to Republicans, they're still second class citizens. If they dare speak of racism in America that is. Systemic racism.
what total BS!

If you look @ history in the US you will see how HATED Blacks were by the dim party. (And they still are, but elite Ds just hide their dislike behind their Black good-White bad BS

A big majority of Ds in Congress (right after the Civil War) voted to not free them

And voted UNANIMOUSLY to deprive Blacks of the vote

Then you have the KKK which was mostly what? dims.

always good to learn history. Those who cannot remember it... you know the rest

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