CNN's Bash admits Comey memo is deep state revenge against Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
CNN’s Dana Bash let slip the true motivation behind the release of the Comey memo when she acknowledged that it was part of the “deep state” taking revenge against President Trump.


We're talking CNN and we should be surprised because why? Everything that comes out of their mouth is lie.
Clinton New Network..........................................Oh now it makes sense.

CNN’s Bash Admits Comey Memo is “Deep State” Revenge Against Trump
I don't need to click the link as I saw this live myself. I was surprised too when I saw this live, she was essentially speaking publicly about what I'm sure are whispers she hears while around these agencies.

The more those who want to see Trump fail talk, the more the public can see what is really going on and what is the impetus to these tactics. Notice how quickly the media has stopped speaking about the apparent intel leak from Trump since the Russians offered the transcript?

This quickly became plan B. I believe it won't fly, after the election there is too much suspicion about where certain media outlets allegiances lie. There is little appearance of them being objective and transparent.
I don't need to click the link as I saw this live myself. I was surprised too when I saw this live, she was essentially speaking publicly about what I'm sure are whispers she hears while around these agencies.

The more those who want to see Trump fail talk, the more the public can see what is really going on and what is the impetus to these tactics. Notice how quickly the media has stopped speaking about the apparent intel leak from Trump since the Russians offered the transcript?

This quickly became plan B. I believe it won't fly, after the election there is too much suspicion about where certain media outlets allegiances lie. There is little appearance of them being objective and transparent.

Lets hope it doesn't fly. These crooked democrats are pulling out all the card to sink Trump, the sheep run rabid with each fake news bs story that comes out though. They're a little to out of it to realize why the attack on Trump is so severe.
The media told them President Trump is Hitler, and they believed it... IDK what you can do with folks who fall so hard for that kind of brainwashing/manipulation. I've had to cut ties with a few of my lefties because they started making threats on my life o_O It's just... insane the way some folks are acting this year. Never seen anything like it.
Revenge for what? Being fired? Apparently he kept records of all his conversation at the FBI going back to the very beginning of his career. Doesn't it worry you that your president is slime? He is still under criminal investigation.

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Trump’s Abuse of Trump Foundation — Criminal Tax Implications?

No it should worry you how the deep state is the slime and you leftist worship the Sheep in wolf's clothing.
Revenge for what? Being fired? Apparently he kept records of all his conversation at the FBI going back to the very beginning of his career. Doesn't it worry you that your president is slime? He is still under criminal investigation.

NY AG: Trump can't dissolve foundation until investigation over

Trump’s Abuse of Trump Foundation — Criminal Tax Implications?
The Clinton Foundation has been nothing but a crime syndicate. Many illegal activities went on as the Clinton's profited. Sessions will get some convictions.
Basically the people that work in the govt. infrastructure, especially the intelligence and law enforcement have become another arm of govt., almost equal in power and lethality to the Congress and White House. They leak weaponized information which the leftist lackeys in the media can use against certain targets.

We are in the midst of a civil war that has been started by the Democrats and their coconspirators in the media and the Deep State. The goal to impeach Trump began the day he was inaugurated. Hopefully after the 2018 midterms when once again the people will have their say by humiliating the Democrats, they will settle down. If not then they will cease to exist as a party, destroyed by the radicals among them.
So if Trump did indeed ask Comey to stop investigating Russia and arrest reporters, you're cool with it?
So if Trump did indeed ask Comey to stop investigating Russia and arrest reporters, you're cool with it?
Trump didn't ask Comey to stop the investigation. On the other hand there is clear evidence that Obama quashed many investigations, probably because he was part of it. This is all more of the same daily fake news and hysteria by the Democrats and the media. The people are aware of what they are up to.

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