CO2 from power generation rises, but the peak is here.

Nah. It's babbling nonsense. You can't even explain it, that's how insane it is

Go on. Tell us exactly what your theory is. Give exact times frames. If you're not just making crazy stuff up, you should have no problem doing that.

We know how this will end up. You'll say something completely at odds with reality, I'll rip it apart, you'll scream insults and run, and then you'll just keep repeating the lie. You may as well get started.

Did dinosaurs live on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F on Antarctica 70 million years ago?

Warning - the authors of this article believe there has been precisely no tectonic plate movement in the past 70 million years....
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It clearly slowed the rate of increase. Your inabality to read a graph is only your problem.

There's that "a trace can't have any effect" idiot fallacy.

If anyone had ever said CO2 was the only thing affecting climate, that would mean something. But nobody has ever said that. I mean, except for you.

You can't be THAT Stupid and dishonest! Are you referring to some other graph? Post it please

Every Chart fails your Failed Theory: CO2 does NOTHING to temperature, but just follows it along up or down
Did dinosaurs live on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F on Antarctica 70 million years ago?

Good god....

"During this time period there were forests at both poles."


Antarctica was NOT ON THE SOUTH POLE 70 million years ago. 125 million years ago it was attached to SOUTH AFRICA....

GeoGarage blog: The great challenge of mapping the sea

They don't.

_One_ guy who would make money from such a policy endorsed it. It's not honest to extend that mindset to anyone else.

Again, you point to _one_ company, and then declare how that applies to the whole world.

Me? I point to the whole world, where renewables now make up 12% of power generation.
It is only rising, where there is government to subsidize it.

If there is no government to subsidize it, or to find folks to invest in the land? It won't rise.

This type of thing, requires the battery infrastructure.

This whole paradigm, is a physical impossibility, as far as long term reliability goes.





Safety of Grid Scale Lithium-ion Battery Energy Storage Systems​

Nature, Energy and Society—A Scientific Study of the Options Facing Civilisation Today​

No they’re not. Need land, need equipment, need to install, need batteries, need backup generator, need maintenance just like every other product. So fking stupid

Also need storage. To be fair, there have been some advances, but storage is the big challenge once you do all those other things you mention. Energy for an apartment complex is one thing; energy for entire communities and metro areas is quite another.
If they could debate the issue, they would.

They cannot.

The theory that climate change is all about land near the poles is irrefutable, they know it, and that is why they are "reduced" to this....
The fact they can state the problem and what they’re trying to solve is funny
If they could debate the issue, they would.

They cannot.

The theory that climate change is all about land near the poles is irrefutable, they know it, and that is why they are "reduced" to this....

Not sure what this is supposed to mean, but manmade climate change is very real.

My skepticism of the OP isn't on those grounds. Renewables are a great idea on paper, but they're not going to solve our ecocide problem.
Not sure what this is supposed to mean, but manmade climate change is very real.

My skepticism of the OP isn't on those grounds. Renewables are a great idea on paper, but they're not going to solve our ecocide problem.

Ecocide? From manmade, America CO2?
Ecocide? From manmade, America CO2?

Among other things, yes. China's now clearly the biggest GHG emitter and has been for the better part of the last 10 years, but America's still produced more total since 1950. Much more so on a per capita basis.

The mid latitudes are experiencing the highest sea surface temperatures ever recorded and we're not even officially in an El Nino cycle yet.
Did dinosaurs live on top of 2 miles of ice at -60F on Antarctica 70 million years ago?
Interglacials happen on a scale of tens of thousands of years.

Tell us, how far do the continents move in that time?

That's why you sound like a babbling crank when you tell us that continental movement is the only thing affecting climate.
Interglacials happen on a scale of tens of thousands of years.

Tell us, how far do the continents move in that time?

That's why you sound like a babbling crank when you tell us that continental movement is the only thing affecting climate.
His question you didn't answer. Again, too funny.
Then why are installations accelerating across the whole world? Your side's usual "IT'S ALL TAX BREAKS" big lie won't work as an excuse here, because it's not just happening in the USA.

Face it. You've all been completely wrong about renewables, and the hard data shows it.

Then why are installations accelerating across the whole world?

Stupid governments giving stupid incentives to please stupid green voters.
Interglacials happen on a scale of tens of thousands of years.

Tell us, how far do the continents move in that time?

That's why you sound like a babbling crank when you tell us that continental movement is the only thing affecting climate.

The Dennis Quaide theory of ice ages...

Global Warming causes ice ages.

Ice ages happen in a few days....

Meanwhile, the DATA says GREENLAND FROZE while NORTH AMERICA THAWED.... and that blows up Sun and Co2 right there...

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