CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

They are always doing both, but neither has anything at all to do with whether the planet warms or cools.
Assuming the incoming solar energy has not changed, then the only factor that matters is whether or not the amount of heat leaving is changing.
And carbon is what changes the amount of heat that can leave.

Compare the Earth with Venus, where there are a number of elements in the atmosphere that prevent solar energy from leaving.
So Venus is in a runaway global warming state, where the surface temperature is about 900 degrees.
Incoming solar heat can not easily leave, so accumulates.

They are always doing both, but neither has anything at all to do with whether the planet warms or cools.

You're wrong, obviously. If the ocean is absorbing twice as much heat as "man-caused CO2" is "retaining", average global temperatures will decline. If the ocean is releasing as much heat as "man-caused CO2" is "retaining", the average global temperature will rise even if we cut CO2 emissions to zero.

So Venus is in a runaway global warming state, where the surface temperature is about 900 degrees.
Incoming solar heat can not easily leave, so accumulates.

You think we're at risk of becoming like Venus?
Crick believes you have to be "qualified" to conduct research. Apparently there is some government license for doing it.

What Crick believes in, is trying to bully others into accepting HIM and idiots like him as the final word on whose opinions we get to hear from and believe as "legit" so that HE can have a say in the outcome. Typical Marxist class-driven-ideologue wingnut flunky.
"a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organisation’s Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government’s National Climate Centre."
Apparently he's a bit more than a "weatherman".
William Kininmonth is a retired meteorologist and headed the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s national climate center for 12 years, although the bureau has pointed out that the center did not actually research climate change during his tenure. He is an adviser to several climate science denial groups.
Any immunologist will tell you the best vaccine is to actually GET the infection
Yet immunologists actually say the best protection against COVID is provided by previous infection plus vaccination.

Too, I'm quite sure I don't want to get immunised against polio by catching it. Your MMV, of course.

19 Jan 2022NEW YORK —. A new study in two states that compares coronavirus protection from a prior infection and vaccination concludes that getting the shots is still the safest way to prevent COVID-19 ...

Really, you appear to have no idea whatsoever, going on the record of the inaccuracies you spout, therefore your credibility on AGW bloviations is severely challenged. I'll go with Crick.
Are you never ashamed of the bullshit and lies you post?? Or are you so gullible and stupid it no longer matters to you????
Sluts always find an excuse for their high body counts. I'm not the one whoring myself out for The Left's Lies, you are.

What is your definition of a woman?
What is your definition of a human life?

Go pound salt, Child of Hell.
Entirely and completely wrong.
Oceans simply are large thermal masses.
They have NOTHING to do with solar energy coming in or the boundry layer of the upper atmosphere where solar energy goes out.

What controls the amount of solar heat retained by the earth is entirely the composition of the boundry layer of the upper atmosphere.
Carbon converts photonic solar radiation into vibratory heat.
Photonic solar radiation can leave the atmosphere into space.
Vibratory heat can NOT leave the atmosphere into space.

This is simple physics, and Kininmonth either has to be a total moron, or was misquoted.

Here's a great big load of horse shit ... what the hell is with the 19th Century terminology ... "vibratory heat"? ... that's the 20th Century definition of temperature ... oh, and I love the term "photonic solar radiation" ... God, don't want to get that confused with "magic pixie dust solar radiation" ...

Oceans simply are large thermal masses.

Yes, that's exactly what bripat said ... it takes roughly four times the energy to warm water as it does air ... more like 6 times the energy than carbon dioxide ... these are all published values ... no excuse to not know this, you could have looked it up ... see Specific Heat Capacity on Wiki ...

They have NOTHING to do with solar energy coming in or the boundry layer of the upper atmosphere where solar energy goes out.

The atmosphere is transparent to visible light from the Sun ... what parts aren't absorbed in the atmosphere must be absorbed by the oceans (71%) and land (29%) ... from here, energy is either re-radiated in the IR band OR convected through the troposphere (and we can safely ignore conduction) ... what we don't know is how much is being convected, because that part isn't effected by carbon dioxide until the energy is again released in it's radiative form, which could be at this "boundary layer" ... a.k.a. the tropopause, where commercial jets fly ...

Carbon converts photonic solar radiation into vibratory heat.

This is not a causal error ... this shows a profound and deep misunderstanding of the physics involved ... even with the correction of terrestrial radiation, the carbon in the atmosphere only slows down the transfer of energy, it doesn't trap or contain nothing ... there's a link in the thread pinned at the top of this forum that explains in every detail why CO2 re-emits the energy a half second after it absorbs it ...

If you can manage junior status at your local university, see if they'll let you take astrophysics ... Max Planck changed everything, your ancient knowledge base is way out-dated ... and please, if you must, use "electromagnetic solar radiation" ... but in truth, everybody will know you mean EM radiation, as nuclear radiation plays no part in weather or climate ... "photonic" makes you sound like an idiot ... and we don't want that, now do we? ...
Is there anything CO2 can't do?

Read in the commercial media yesterday that sea level rise is different depending on where you're at ... specifically that (soon to be former) St Petersburg, FL, sea level rose 9 inches since 1950 ... even though everywhere else rise was only 1 inch ...

Carbon dioxide defies gravity ...
Fact, 1 modern farmer with modern equipment, irrigation and fertilizer can produce more food than a thousand men could 130 years ago.

That farmer still needs 1000 men producing and maintaining all that modern stuff. ;)
117.4% of all Satanists world wide endorse CCC ... as well as evolution ... and big bang ... and, you know, everything science ...

Chalk that up to another worthless piece of trivia ...
Takes more faith to believe in Evolution, Climate Change and Big Bang Theory than it does to actually believe in an Intelligent Creator.
But that's their religion, not mine
Yet immunologists actually say the best protection against COVID is provided by previous infection plus vaccination.

Too, I'm quite sure I don't want to get immunised against polio by catching it. Your MMV, of course.

19 Jan 2022NEW YORK —. A new study in two states that compares coronavirus protection from a prior infection and vaccination concludes that getting the shots is still the safest way to prevent COVID-19 ...

Really, you appear to have no idea whatsoever, going on the record of the inaccuracies you spout, therefore your credibility on AGW bloviations is severely challenged. I'll go with Crick.
You really ought to read the links you provide

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