Coaching is Challenging Enough

You should direct your ire at the government, which continues to fail in its responsibility to control and manage our borders.
I always do, along with the immigrant apologists who support (and in some cases profit) from bad immigration policy
I always do, along with the immigrant apologists who support (and in some cases profit) from bad immigration policy

Go find some and give them a stern talking to.
You should direct your ire at the government, which continues to fail in its responsibility to control and manage our borders.
They only do so because they know they have enough public support from suckers / fools and unAmericans to do so.
You sure do…in America we can’t refuse to educate, we can’t refuse to provide emergency healthcare, we don’t let children die of starvation …When you support and or don’t condemn illegal immigration what do you think you’re doing?
I’m just living my life bro. Why do you get so worked up over brown people?
Just a few weeks into real competition, and it's very rewarding to see some of the kids making real improvement and feeling more confident. On Saturday, some of the kids' families came (the whooooole family), and some of their teachers and friends, etc. It meant a lot to the kids who are still just beginners, but have been working so hard for weeks now. A couple of the kids won very close matches, and the reactions from the kids and the people there to support them (including in one case, abuela who clearly had no idea what the sport is) were great to see.
It makes me marvel at the stupidity of importing poverty when we have so much in America already
Why aren’t their more people in poverty crawling their way out? Right no for every person looking for a job, there’s 1.5 jobs available. Much better than 2007 when it was 1 job for every 30 people looking.

The people not working don’t want to work. We need more immigrants. Ditch diggers willing to dig.
Why aren’t their [sic] more people in poverty crawling their way out? Right no [sic] for every person looking for a job, there’s [sic] 1.5 jobs available. Much better than 2007 when it was 1 job for every 30 people looking.

The people not working don’t want to work. We need more immigrants. Ditch diggers willing to dig.
Stay on topic, and learn English.
Stay on topic, and learn English.
What’s the topic?

A bunch of students out with Covid

Students who want to participate, but have to work full time to support the family finances

School lockdowns because of guns?

Your awl over the place.

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