Coal ash contaminates U.S. sites


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
(Reuters) - Toxic contamination from coal ash, a waste product of coal-fired power plants, has been detected in ground water and soil at 20 sites in 10 U.S. states, an environmental watchdog group reported on Tuesday.

These sites are the latest to contribute to a total of 157 identified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the independent Environmental Integrity Project, which released the report.

Coal ash is left after coal is burned at power plants and has concentrations of heavy metals and salts that can leach into the environment unless disposed of properly in ponds with liners and covers, said Jeff Stant, the report's editor.

But most states do not require ponds to be lined, have any construction standards or any monitoring or cleanup requirements, Stant said, adding that almost half the wastes from coal-burning in the United States are dumped this way.

Nineteen of the 20 newly identified sites show ground water contaminated with arsenic or other toxic metals exceeding the maximum contaminant level set out in the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The 20th site showed contaminated soil with arsenic 900 times the federal screening level for site cleanups, the report said.

Coal ash taints 20 U.S. sites: report | Reuters
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But nobody cares s0n......except the environmental nutters, of course.


Just take a gandor to my recently posted thread "Global Carbon Emissions FAIL". Pretty much sums up how effective the k00ks have been on impacting public policy.

Indeed.......the k00ks keep posting up their crap and the more they do, the more the public yawns!!! They still dont get that bomb throwing is ghey.:gay:
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by the way need to move to the South Pacific to reduce your level of angst over this shit. Have a beer and make up a plan!! Network a bit on the web......Im reasonably certain that you might be able to find 4 or 5 people who have a similar sense of urgency that might join you.
But nobody cares s0n......except the environmental nutters, of course.


Just take a gandor to my recently posted thread "Global Carbon Emissions FAIL". Pretty much sums up how effective the k00ks have been on impacting public policy.

Indeed.......the k00ks keep posting up their crap and the more they do, the more the public yawns!!! They still dont get that bomb throwing is ghey.:gay:
Nobody cares? I suppose if you have not been effected personally by it or you lack the knowledge to see the damage it causes, you would not tend to care. But live where I do for a year, get to know the people here, go to enough funerals of friends who have been taken prematurely by cancer, visit enough households where asthma runs pandemically and soon you too will care.

In the meantime, please don't try to dismiss the problem by calling the monitors "kooks". It just re enforces the notion that you are either willfully ignorant and happy that way or are a complete puppet for the polluters and their public relations campaign.
But nobody cares s0n......except the environmental nutters, of course.


Just take a gandor to my recently posted thread "Global Carbon Emissions FAIL". Pretty much sums up how effective the k00ks have been on impacting public policy.

Indeed.......the k00ks keep posting up their crap and the more they do, the more the public yawns!!! They still dont get that bomb throwing is ghey.:gay:
Nobody cares? I suppose if you have not been effected personally by it or you lack the knowledge to see the damage it causes, you would not tend to care. But live where I do for a year, get to know the people here, go to enough funerals of friends who have been taken prematurely by cancer, visit enough households where asthma runs pandemically and soon you too will care.

In the meantime, please don't try to dismiss the problem by calling the monitors "kooks". It just re enforces the notion that you are either willfully ignorant and happy that way or are a complete puppet for the polluters and their public relations campaign.

rant all you want s0n.............still, nobody cares.

Every single k00k alarmist who comes on this forum..........all have one thing in common: they are perpetually hysterical about SOMETHING in life:D:D
This thread is the epitome of far left facism. This perpetually miserable fcukking meathead Chris wants the world his way and fcukk everybody if it was a 100% certainty that coal ash is causing this. Fcukking a heartbeat, if he had the power, he'd close the coal industry. And how many people woUld he put out of work without a second thought???

2 million.

This is just another example of how you absolutely cannot put a fAr left guy in charge of ANYTHING:D:D:D just 11 months their Disney ideology is going to be mothballed for two generations minimum!!


ANd when it happens, I'm going to be showing up in this forum with VOLUMES of gay MSPaint Photobucket Classics to celebrate it..........:2up::2up::coffee:
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LMAO...........the drilling will commence after the Varsity is returned to power in 11 months............


And for the far left k00k environmental nutters. Let the suicides begin.............:blowup:
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Coal ash on the surface, fracking underneath, who the hell cares, we are getting ours!

My generation and the one following after are going to contrast so damned poorly to my parent's and grandparent's generations.
Coal ash on the surface, fracking underneath, who the hell cares, we are getting ours!

My generation and the one following after are going to contrast so damned poorly to my parent's and grandparent's generations.

Yeah and most of us tend to run thru our inheritance from partents and grandparents in a very short time. When they spent their lifetimes building it up.
And most inheritances are not federally taxed.
Coal ash on the surface, fracking underneath, who the hell cares, we are getting ours!

My generation and the one following after are going to contrast so damned poorly to my parent's and grandparent's generations.

LOL.........Ray.........your parents and especially your grandparents were the most prolific polluters in the history of the world!!!


Nixon was THE MAN
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Ahh yes had Nixon not started up the EPA where would we be now considering all the poloution our industries used to put out?

Do away with the EPA! Who needs septic systems? the current will just move it downstream away from me.
Coal ash on the surface, fracking underneath, who the hell cares, we are getting ours!

My generation and the one following after are going to contrast so damned poorly to my parent's and grandparent's generations.

LOL.........Ray.........your parents and especially your grandparents were the most prolific polluters in the history of the world!!!


Nixon was THE MAN

Nixon was of my parents generation. He served in WW2, just as most of the men in my family did. They created a problem, saw that problem, and then commenced to prevent that problem in the future.

By the way, had not Nixon been such a damned paranoid individual, and been able to say when he achieved the Presidency, that he would just forget all the past political tricks, and concentrate on being the best President that he could be, and worked strickly for the benefit of this nation, he would be remembered as one of the great ones. His Presidency is almost a Greek Tragedy.

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