Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Coal industry lobbyists and politicians have been urging the Obama administration to ease up on its regulatory agenda and craft carbon dioxide emission rules that would allow the coal industry to survive.

All the while, reports indicate that hundreds of coal plants are slated to be shut down in the coming years.

The unveiling of President Obama’s plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants earlier this summer stoked the fears of coal supporters who have already been hit hard by stricter environmental regulations.

However, the industry is not going down without a fight.

Read more: Coal country begs Obama for mercy | The Daily Caller

legal insurrection recieves emails with photos of bumper stickers

that they post

this is a recent one
Do you use electricity? If so, then you are using coal.

Have you thought about posting things that even you believe?

This is beyond childish, dude.

The electricity I use is mixed nuclear & hydro, and I know this for a fact, because I went to the trouble of checking a few months back.

We do have choices in this area, and most companies can tell you what sources they use.
Coal country begs Obama for mercy as hundreds of coal plants ready for closing

Coal industry lobbyists and politicians have been urging the Obama administration to ease up on its regulatory agenda and craft carbon dioxide emission rules that would allow the coal industry to survive.

All the while, reports indicate that hundreds of coal plants are slated to be shut down in the coming years.

The unveiling of President Obama’s plan to cut carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants earlier this summer stoked the fears of coal supporters who have already been hit hard by stricter environmental regulations.

However, the industry is not going down without a fight.

Read more: Coal country begs Obama for mercy | The Daily Caller

They voted the shitstain back in, so they should take the consequences.

Agreed. I have no sympathy for any moron who voted for Obama.
Do you use electricity? If so, then you are using coal.

Have you thought about posting things that even you believe?

This is beyond childish, dude.

The electricity I use is mixed nuclear & hydro, and I know this for a fact, because I went to the trouble of checking a few months back.

We do have choices in this area, and most companies can tell you what sources they use.

This is the United States, not the People's Republic of Finlandistan. Coal produces 40% of our electricity. That means the odds are good that some of the power you use here comes from coal fired power plants.
BriPat -

If you understood it, then yes - you would be disappointed.

You might start by asking yourself what it costs the US to have people unemployed for a start. While Germany has created 370,000 jobs.

I wont bother correcting the numerous errors of facts in your comments - I'm sure you know they're wrong. (Electricity is expensive in Germany right now - but then they don't have the oil or gas reserves that the US has, and will soon be nuclear-free of their own will.)

I'll take cheap electric power over eco-boondoggles any day of the week.

Then I suggest you move to Germany to get it. Because your electricity prices are set to rise and rise again - while theirs are set to fall and fall again as they leave the transition period and you go into it.

btw. I'm pro-Nuclear, genius.

I am guardedly pro-nuclear. The present plants are dangerous enough that none should be allowed within 150 miles of the west coast. And we need to take a good look at what would happen if the Fort Peck dam failed. It damn near did in 2011.

I really would like to see us really go after the Gen 5 nukes, the ones that would actually 'burn' much of our present radioactive wastes, producing only a fraction of the waste of the present plants, and those in the form of short lived isotopes.

The other caveat I have about nukes, here in this nation where we have an abundance of wind, solar, and geothermal sites, is the cost. At present, it is a very expensive form of generation.
Old Rocks -

A friend of mine who works with electricity pricing tells me that Breeder Reactors are the Next Big Thing, along with Tidal and Solar Thermal.

Breeder reactors may really change the energy market for the next century - and also be a form of clean energy even Luddites can accept.

Here's a link for anyone who hasn't heard much about them: Breeder reactor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
obama loves to see Americans begging for his non existent "mercy". It proves his policies are working.

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