Where are Secretary of Transportation ‘Mayor Pete’ and Joe Biden as Hundreds of Ships Sit Anchored Off Shore Around the Country?

The shortages of products are causing the inflation. Private businesses made the decision to off-shore their production. A vaccine mandate is needed to get back to normal. In terms of gas prices, American drillers are conspiring with OPEC against America.

Yep, they sure did, raise taxes and raise wages, and off-shore they go American drillers are conspiring with OPEC....LOL, good one, dumbass.
The shortages of products are causing the inflation. Private businesses made the decision to off-shore their production. A vaccine mandate is needed to get back to normal. In terms of gas prices, American drillers are conspiring with OPEC against America.
Your psychosis is showing. You are one looney retard.
What happened to "my body my choice"?
Abortions are not contagious or fatal. anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are simply missinformed. Rupert Murdock and internet conspiracy nut jobs should be removed from media power. It has already happened to Rupert Murdock everywhere else. Hateful and destructive garbage really unbelievable. Disgusting and lethal. There should always be some real debates if only for 5 minutes every half hour.
California laws are not impacting anything. The fact that the ports were not open 24/7 was a business decision made by private companies.

There is a block at the trucking side as well, and look up the law requiring trucks to be a certain age or younger in CA.
Abortions are not contagious or fatal. anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are simply missinformed.
So... "my body my choice" is just a position of convenience; you don't REALLY believe that a person is the ultimate arbiter of what happens to his/her body.
Thought so.
You are so clueless. Biden does not run the ports. Private companies do. They are the ones who have botched this. Companies are unwilling to pay higher wages so exploited workers are taking a hike.
There is one problem, Republicans not getting vaccinated and missinforming the world for Christ sake. People don't go out or travel for fun anymore, they sit at home and order stuff from China lol. And there's nobody to deliver the stuff nobody wants to work in a pandemic. This is not rocket science and neither is getting vaccinated for God's sake.
You are so clueless. Biden does not run the ports. Private companies do. They are the ones who have botched this. Companies are unwilling to pay higher wages so exploited workers are taking a hike.
Riiigght. Biden didn't implement an unconstitutional vaccine mandate or keep paying people to stay home and not work. Noooo.
The shortages of products are causing the inflation. Private businesses made the decision to off-shore their production. A vaccine mandate is needed to get back to normal. In terms of gas prices, American drillers are conspiring with OPEC against America.
What shortage of product? There is plenty of product sitting on ships and ports.
In the meantime......this is so funny... :auiqs.jpg:


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