Coca-cola commercial depicts transgender kids dressed in drag

Why, when folks post threads like this, don't they post the video in question?

or your videos get posted to deter you from the " TRUTH" by doing that they make you think just what you do.......


WTF is happening to the US. They show that shit on TV and forget about Coke. They better pray the LGBT and athletes drink a lot of Coke because that shit will never be in my house again. Any of there products.

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I will continue to drink Coke because there is no way I could buy anything if I boycotted every company that was part of the left-wing agenda.
Wow.......................if Coke commercials bug the OP so much, I wonder how she feels about the television show "The Connors"? One of the main characters in that show is a young boy who is gay and likes to dress up in girls clothes.
I just won't watch it. See how that works?
I would be surprised if anyone on this board ever saw the commercial on American television. In an effort to be informed on the subject we are discussing, I sought out the commercial and watched it and took the time time to read an article about it.

It was released in Argentina for the Buenos Aires Pride Festival. It was posted on Sprite's Argentina Twitter. You will never see it in the U.S. unless you go looking for it.

This thread is a farce and nothing more than an exercise in faux outrage.
What else do Trumpers have??

They have to manufacture outrage to keep their minds distracted from reality...
That's why I drink Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew.

Fuck Coca-Cola.

Except that, depending on where you live, Coca-Cola may have the bottling rights to Dr.Pepper.

Its Pepsi and fucking Sprite

Coke and mountain dew
Pepsi and Coke owns most of the bottling rights to Dr Pepper

The truth is, Dr. Pecker just came to mind when I read the OP. I mostly drink Walmart sweet tea in the gallon jugs. Can't really remember the last time I had some Dr. Pecker, probably at a Pizza Hut or Taco Bell last year.
(OPINION) DISRN – A commercial created by The Coca-Cola Company to advertise Sprite depicts a variety of situations in which mothers are helping their transgender teens present as their preferred gender. Among the scenes shown are a mother helping her daughter bind her breasts to appear as a male, a mother helping her son

Coca-Cola commercial depicts transgender kids dressed in drag

In the end these companies are going to lose and go right down the fkn tubes and it can't happen fast enough.

To me, the idea of "Transgender teens" is sickening.

The first Transgendered individual, Christine Jorgensen was an adult when he made the decision to pretend to be a broad. Mr. Jorgensen had lived life, was conscripted and served in the military, first, before doing the old switcheroo and going on TV to gab about it to David Susskind and Joe Pyne.

They key is Jorgensen was an ADULT when he made the decision to become a gender bending she-male in drag.

People could certainly disagree with his life decision, but he wasn't an impressionable youth when he had his dick amputated.

State laws often prohibit minors from getting tattoos, because it is a permanent change. Penectomy is even more permanent.

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