Coca-cola commercial depicts transgender kids dressed in drag

Why, when folks post threads like this, don't they post the video in question?

or your videos get posted to deter you from the " TRUTH" by doing that they make you think just what you do.......
That's why I drink Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew.

Fuck Coca-Cola.
Coke makes Dr. Pepper LOL . my bad that's my fav. drink tooo LOL>

In some areas Coca-Cola bottles Dr. Pepper, in others PepsiCo holds the rights. If a restaurant or fast food joint serves Coca-Cola products and they serve Pibb, PepsiCo holds the rights to Dr. Pepper in that area.

Personally, since Snapple, who now owns Dr. Pepper, forced the original Dr. Pepper bottler to quit making Dr. Pepper with real sugar, I have sworn off of Dr. Pepper. The market share the real sugar Dr. Pepper had was minuscule and no threat to Snapple.
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Awww, do you need a Safe Space? Are you offended?

Know what to do about that? Mind your own damned business and use the remote if something bothers you.

Jeez, when did Americans become such busy-bodies and get so worried about what someone else was doing? Quit being Gladys Kravits and pay attention to your own life. The people dressing in whatever clothes aren't hurting anybody. They aren't shooting anyone or aborting babies. Why do you give a shit whether they dress as boys or girls??

Some folks just need to get a life.

How about this: You sit at your table and try to enjoy a nice home-cooked meal, while I stand behind you and talk about dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.

See if you aren't disgusted too.

Then turn the damned TV off! If I am sitting at my table eating a nice dinner, I am paying attention to the delicious home-cooked meal and the people around my table. You are ignoring all that for the TV??

And I have no idea what video you watched with all the "...dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.". But the video this thread is about had no dead fetuses, not turds of any kind and no dead mice.

And, unless you are in Argentina, you didn't see this commercial by accident.
That soda company presented itself as comfort for families for decades. You call people shallow and frauds and judge others harshly and think nothing of it. Whether right or wrong. Many of these companies are showing another side to themselves. A snide and nasty one. Damn!

But just for the "right" families, yes?
Hetero marriages are not peaches and cream. Staying together is a lot of work. When the inevitable dictator gets here and there ill be one, that person will force that way of life on the general population. Where the hell do you get off spewing that any other type of marriage is legitimate? A 50% divorce rate with many other marriages not exactly in the happiest column is telling us something is wrong. And we are taxed to the hilt for it. Its like people are penalized for staying together. Anyway, the end result gets closer and closer whether it is slow or quickly.

What the Hell are babbling about?
Encouraging your daughter to bind up her breasts means you're a sicko too.
That's why I drink Dr. Pepper or Mt. Dew.

Fuck Coca-Cola.
Coke makes Dr. Pepper LOL . my bad that's my fav. drink tooo LOL>

In some areas Coca-Cola bottles Dr. Pepper, in others PepsiCo holds the rights. If a restaurant or fast food joint serves Coca-Cola products and they serve Pibb, PepsiCo holds the rights to Dr. Pepper in that area.

Personally, since Snapple, who now owns Dr. Pepper, forced the original Dr. Pepper bottler to quit making Dr. Pepper with real sugar, I have sworn off of Dr. Pepper. The market share the real sugar Dr. Pepper had was minuscule and no threat to Snapple.

Pepsi used aborted fetal cells for flavoring but of course it's brushed off as bs when it can be found in medical journals, sci. sites etc..

How many even realize what the hell this chit is even LOL . and if u can't eat make up either well then

A large concern over the use of sodium benzoate is its ability to convert to benzene, a known carcinogen.
Sodium Benzoate: Uses, Dangers, and Safety
Isaiah 5:20-23 English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!

2 Timothy 3:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
Isaiah 5:20-23 English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!

2 Timothy 3:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

The churches will lead many falsely into their bs lies too. ( female pastors) etc............. we were suppose to wait until we married for a reason sadly most never learn it until 60 yrs later LOL if at all. They see why it was important when gram said " wait until your married before dropping your pants) lmdao.
Isaiah 5:20-23 English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!

2 Timothy 3:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

The churches will lead many falsely into their bs lies too. ( female pastors) etc............. we were suppose to wait until we married for a reason sadly most never learn it until 60 yrs later LOL if at all. They see why it was important when gram said " wait until your married before dropping your pants) lmdao.
Oh, I am no Saint. That is for certain. I most certainly resemble many of those attributes that lead to perdition.

Yes, that is all too true about me sadly.
Isaiah 5:20-23 English Standard Version (ESV)
20 Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter!
21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes,
and shrewd in their own sight!

2 Timothy 3:2 New King James Version (NKJV)
2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,

The churches will lead many falsely into their bs lies too. ( female pastors) etc............. we were suppose to wait until we married for a reason sadly most never learn it until 60 yrs later LOL if at all. They see why it was important when gram said " wait until your married before dropping your pants) lmdao.
Oh, I am no Saint. That is for certain. I most certainly resemble many of those attributes that lead to perdition.

Yes, that is all too true about me sadly.

just like 98% of America lol.............
Awww, do you need a Safe Space? Are you offended?

Know what to do about that? Mind your own damned business and use the remote if something bothers you.

Jeez, when did Americans become such busy-bodies and get so worried about what someone else was doing? Quit being Gladys Kravits and pay attention to your own life. The people dressing in whatever clothes aren't hurting anybody. They aren't shooting anyone or aborting babies. Why do you give a shit whether they dress as boys or girls??

Some folks just need to get a life.

The question that ought to be on people's minds is this:

How is it that there are some soulless freaks, such as yourself, who think that it is perfectly fine to sexually manipulate, groom, and abuse children; and how is it that society has degenerated to such a point where such dangerous freaks are tolerated?
How about this: You sit at your table and try to enjoy a nice home-cooked meal, while I stand behind you and talk about dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.

See if you aren't disgusted too.

Then turn the damned TV off! If I am sitting at my table eating a nice dinner, I am paying attention to the delicious home-cooked meal and the people around my table. You are ignoring all that for the TV??

And I have no idea what video you watched with all the "...dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.". But the video this thread is about had no dead fetuses, not turds of any kind and no dead mice.

And, unless you are in Argentina, you didn't see this commercial by accident.
That soda company presented itself as comfort for families for decades. You call people shallow and frauds and judge others harshly and think nothing of it. Whether right or wrong. Many of these companies are showing another side to themselves. A snide and nasty one. Damn!

But just for the "right" families, yes?
Hetero marriages are not peaches and cream. Staying together is a lot of work. When the inevitable dictator gets here and there ill be one, that person will force that way of life on the general population. Where the hell do you get off spewing that any other type of marriage is legitimate? A 50% divorce rate with many other marriages not exactly in the happiest column is telling us something is wrong. And we are taxed to the hilt for it. Its like people are penalized for staying together. Anyway, the end result gets closer and closer whether it is slow or quickly.

What the Hell are babbling about?
Your Saul Alinsky retorts.
Encouraging your daughter to bind up her breasts means you're a sicko too.

Not just about the abusive aspects of encouraging and promoting gender confusion; but breast binding is linked to some very tangible physical injuries and health issues. Especially in a young person, this is a way to significantly harm them, both psychologically and physically.
Encouraging your daughter to bind up her breasts means you're a sicko too.

Not just about the abusive aspects of encouraging and promoting gender confusion; but breast binding is linked to some very tangible physical injuries and health issues. Especially in a young person, this is a way to significantly harm them, both psychologically and physically.
Also, breasts should be allowed to breathe. Binding them up is as barbaric as what the Chinese used to do, forcing their women to bind their feet to keep them from growing.
Encouraging your daughter to bind up her breasts means you're a sicko too.

So you say. At least they aren't killing people or whatever.

Those who suffer from severe gender confusion have a very high rate of suicide. So encouraging such confusion certainly leads to excessive deaths.

So yes, they are killing people. Perhaps not directly, but that is the end result.
How about this: You sit at your table and try to enjoy a nice home-cooked meal, while I stand behind you and talk about dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.

See if you aren't disgusted too.

Then turn the damned TV off! If I am sitting at my table eating a nice dinner, I am paying attention to the delicious home-cooked meal and the people around my table. You are ignoring all that for the TV??

And I have no idea what video you watched with all the "...dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.". But the video this thread is about had no dead fetuses, not turds of any kind and no dead mice.

And, unless you are in Argentina, you didn't see this commercial by accident.
That soda company presented itself as comfort for families for decades. You call people shallow and frauds and judge others harshly and think nothing of it. Whether right or wrong. Many of these companies are showing another side to themselves. A snide and nasty one. Damn!

But just for the "right" families, yes?
Hetero marriages are not peaches and cream. Staying together is a lot of work. When the inevitable dictator gets here and there ill be one, that person will force that way of life on the general population. Where the hell do you get off spewing that any other type of marriage is legitimate? A 50% divorce rate with many other marriages not exactly in the happiest column is telling us something is wrong. And we are taxed to the hilt for it. Its like people are penalized for staying together. Anyway, the end result gets closer and closer whether it is slow or quickly.

The deductions for being married are better than the ones for being single.
I do not set out to vote for preachers who spew fire and brimstone. All I know is that since the 1960's our culture is ph uked up. We are taxed at exhorbitant rates because we live our lives irresponsibly.There are people who follow some semblance of rules who pay the price and get not much more then the "deduction" for it. But TV and the movies show us all of the single parents and the hard times and the other marriages with the happy kids and everything else. 50% divorce rate over a certain amount of years and almost 80% single parents in most poverty areas is insane. We can not even begin to fix problems while creating new ones. When it comes to products you are the ones who started boycotts of companies and even legislated no government business for some of them. The colleges are graduating sociopaths and psychopaths who are also crazy on top of it and they are in control of a lot of politics. You can actually see many are crazy. The people who screwed with minorities, gays and others are not the whole group. Most of them have slinkered under the rocks to protect themselves and if they have a privileged job their salaries, benefits and pensions. And frankly, we have lost our competitive edge although we have a lot of restaurunts.
Then turn the damned TV off! If I am sitting at my table eating a nice dinner, I am paying attention to the delicious home-cooked meal and the people around my table. You are ignoring all that for the TV??

And I have no idea what video you watched with all the "...dead fetuses, dog shit, cow turds, colostomy bags, and rotten dead mice which have been in a trap for three weeks.". But the video this thread is about had no dead fetuses, not turds of any kind and no dead mice.

And, unless you are in Argentina, you didn't see this commercial by accident.
That soda company presented itself as comfort for families for decades. You call people shallow and frauds and judge others harshly and think nothing of it. Whether right or wrong. Many of these companies are showing another side to themselves. A snide and nasty one. Damn!

But just for the "right" families, yes?
Hetero marriages are not peaches and cream. Staying together is a lot of work. When the inevitable dictator gets here and there ill be one, that person will force that way of life on the general population. Where the hell do you get off spewing that any other type of marriage is legitimate? A 50% divorce rate with many other marriages not exactly in the happiest column is telling us something is wrong. And we are taxed to the hilt for it. Its like people are penalized for staying together. Anyway, the end result gets closer and closer whether it is slow or quickly.

What the Hell are babbling about?
Your Saul Alinsky retorts.

Yeah, sorry... that was a rhetorical question. I don't really give a shit about what ignorance you are spewing.
(OPINION) DISRN – A commercial created by The Coca-Cola Company to advertise Sprite depicts a variety of situations in which mothers are helping their transgender teens present as their preferred gender. Among the scenes shown are a mother helping her daughter bind her breasts to appear as a male, a mother helping her son

Coca-Cola commercial depicts transgender kids dressed in drag

In the end these companies are going to lose and go right down the fkn tubes and it can't happen fast enough.
That was disgusting. Clearly no recruitment of children going on there!
Cannot believe what evil the left are. Instead of encouraging people to embrace who they are they encourage them that they shouldn't. Then lie to their kids, to the world and themselves that anyone can ever change sexes.

What pure evil and I do fear for these people who follow the ways of the world into eternal damnation.
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Yeah, sorry... that was a rhetorical question. I don't really give a shit about what ignorance you are spewing.

Too many on the left think that objective, proven, hard biological science is “ignorance”.

And too many others are foolishly willing to give any heed to this madness, rather than calling it out for what it clearly, obviously is.

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