Cochran conference call ambushed - this is worth hearing....


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Press Call Ambushed By Caller Who Asked If Cochran 'Harvested' Votes From 'Blacks Picking Cotton' (AUDIO)

(audio at the link, 20 minutes long, the ambush happens at about 8:30)

A conference call by top staffers for Sen. Thad Cochran's (R-MS) campaign was cut short after a caller on the line kept asking about "blacks picking Cotton" and the Cochran campaign harvesting votes of black people.

The call was hosted by Cochran campaign adviser Austin Barbour and spokesman Jordan Russell. It was meant for national media who couldn't attend an earlier in-person press conference where the Cochran campaign called on state Sen. Chris McDaniel's (R) campaign to substantiate claims of finding widespread voter fraud in the runoff election between McDaniel and Cochran (which Cochran won).

Shortly before the call, obscure conservative blogger Chuck Johnson, who published a story recently alleging that the Cochran campaign was buying black votes at $15 a pop, said he would be joining the call and invited others to do the same.


Much more at the link above. But of course, those callers didn't mean anything in a racist way, of course. :eek: Why, everyone always refers to black people and picking cotton and getting "harvested" in the same sentence all the time, right? :eek:


Ahh, Mississippi politics is really a thing to behold, what?

[MENTION=42949]bendog[/MENTION] - thought you would get a hoot out of this one.

Shortly before the call, obscure conservative blogger Chuck Johnson, who published a story recently alleging that the Cochran campaign was buying black votes at $15 a pop, said he would be joining the call and invited others to do the same.

The GOP clearly has a serious problem – and it's called the 'tea party.'
It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.
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It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.

It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The problem with the 'fiscal responsibility' narrative is that the Tea Party fiscal policy is deficit neutral. If you want to decrease the deficit, you cut spending, increase revenue, or both.

The Tea Party's preferred fiscal policy is to cut spending and cut revenue. Which is deficit neutral. We've seen dramatic reductions in the deficit when we increased revenue by closing certain tax loopholes and reducting tax cuts.

If the goal of the Tea Party was actually fiscal responsibility, they'd advocate a policy that would result in deficit reductions. Instead, they actively fight it. The Tea Party is motivated by principle, in exclusion of any other consideration..... math.
It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


whatever the tea party pretended to be at its onset, it isn't that any longer but is the catch-all for every rightwing extremist issue, including so-called "social issues",

people who want to cost the economy billions by throwing a giant temper tantrum and shutting down the government do not care about fiscal responsibility.

their only issue now is how stupid and hateful and obstructive can you be to this president....which is why they will primary a conservative with a 95% conservative rating.
It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The credit rating downgrade, sequester, and shutting down the government collectively does not constitute 'fiscal responsibility.'

TPM republicans are reckless, irresponsible, and have no interest in sound and appropriate governance,

Their ignorant and naïve reactionaryism is bad for the GOP and bad for the Nation as a whole. We need responsible adults in Congress willing to work together to address the Nation's problems, not the petulant children who are the TPM.
It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The credit rating downgrade, sequester, and shutting down the government collectively does not constitute 'fiscal responsibility.'

Those are all on the democrats how in the hell do you put any blame on a group which isn't even in power? Wow that sure takes some refusal to see reality.

TPM republicans are reckless, irresponsible, and have no interest in sound and appropriate governance,

And apparently after 8 years of democrat dominance the democrats can't or don't have an interest. What is it with you people that you can't see that the status quo blows? If you have not noticed federal revenue is at an all time high. We are giving more and more and getting less and less, unless of course you are one of the 47 percent on the dole.

Their ignorant and naïve reactionaryism is bad for the GOP and bad for the Nation as a whole. We need responsible adults in Congress willing to work together to address the Nation's problems, not the petulant children who are the TPM.

OMG you act as if the democrats have done a stellar job. The state of the economy, the state of the Union and the state of the world in general points to nothing but failure by the administration. The longest and weakest recovery in history which should have been one of the strongest should tell a logical person that Obama's policies are a failure. If not that then the 16 Trillion in debt should be a clue. But go ahead keep blaming the ONE part of the minority party that is actually for responsible government, it is after all what the left does.
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It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The problem with the 'fiscal responsibility' narrative is that the Tea Party fiscal policy is deficit neutral. If you want to decrease the deficit, you cut spending, increase revenue, or both.

The Tea Party's preferred fiscal policy is to cut spending and cut revenue. Which is deficit neutral. We've seen dramatic reductions in the deficit when we increased revenue by closing certain tax loopholes and reducting tax cuts.

If the goal of the Tea Party was actually fiscal responsibility, they'd advocate a policy that would result in deficit reductions. Instead, they actively fight it. The Tea Party is motivated by principle, in exclusion of any other consideration..... math.

Federal revenue is at an all time high. The TP is not in the majority either in the government as a whole nor even in the Republican party. You on the left, and a good many in the Republican party have created your self a scape goat in the TP. Nothing that both sides are doing is working or not working well. The democrats have even resorted to cheering a work force that is dropping out instead of working as a positive.

Both side are either fooling themselves or are just fools. Apparently neither side really knows what they are doing and blame the TP, really pathetic.
I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The problem with the 'fiscal responsibility' narrative is that the Tea Party fiscal policy is deficit neutral. If you want to decrease the deficit, you cut spending, increase revenue, or both.

The Tea Party's preferred fiscal policy is to cut spending and cut revenue. Which is deficit neutral. We've seen dramatic reductions in the deficit when we increased revenue by closing certain tax loopholes and reducting tax cuts.

If the goal of the Tea Party was actually fiscal responsibility, they'd advocate a policy that would result in deficit reductions. Instead, they actively fight it. The Tea Party is motivated by principle, in exclusion of any other consideration..... math.

Federal revenue is at an all time high. The TP is not in the majority either in the government as a whole nor even in the Republican party. You on the left, and a good many in the Republican party have created your self a scape goat in the TP. Nothing that both sides are doing is working or not working well. The democrats have even resorted to cheering a work force that is dropping out instead of working as a positive.

Both side are either fooling themselves or are just fools. Apparently neither side really knows what they are doing and blame the TP, really pathetic.

Feel free to point out ANY successes that you feel the the T party has accomplished.
They've shared the reigns of power for how many years now? And exactly what have they (T P) done as a positive accomplishment for ALL us Americans.

Something that a T party member can point to with pride. And all the rest of us would agree was a real accomplishment.
Feel free to point out ANY successes that you feel the the T party has accomplished.
They've shared the reigns of power for how many years now? And exactly what have they (T P) done as a positive accomplishment for ALL us Americans.

Something that a T party member can point to with pride. And all the rest of us would agree was a real accomplishment.

What Tea Party has accomplished:

  • Shut down Government
  • Pissed off most everybody

The tea party is a kind of group sadism practiced by people who get off on being as vile and cold to the helpless as possible. It is an American political perversion and should be treated as such.
It's more than just interesting, this 'tea party' thing has gotten out of control, that's been the case for some time now, at least since 2010; and the GOP seems helpless to check this reckless extremism.

I am going to be more neutral about that and just say that the voters will decide what they think of the TP and it's influence.

It may shock the hell out of some Righties, but there are some principles that the TP claims to hold to, principles that I share, esp. fiscal responsibility. The only problem is the application thereof and the TPs sudden mixing-it up with social issues when at the onset, the TP claimed to not be interested in social issues.

Plus, for my way of thinking, there is no TP. It's just the most extreme Right-Wing of an already whacked-out GOP.

But that's just my opinion.


The credit rating downgrade, sequester, and shutting down the government collectively does not constitute 'fiscal responsibility.'

TPM republicans are reckless, irresponsible, and have no interest in sound and appropriate governance,

Their ignorant and naïve reactionaryism is bad for the GOP and bad for the Nation as a whole. We need responsible adults in Congress willing to work together to address the Nation's problems, not the petulant children who are the TPM.

I agree, which is why I wrote that I essentially agree with the TP's principle that they claim to hold to, namely, of fiscal responsibility, but NOT to the application thereof. Essentially, I said exactly what you, Jillian and Seawytch are saying, but without being so specific.

oh brother
their dear leader has a disapproval of 60% of the people in this country and all they find to dump on is the Tea party

and now they're all caring for a Republican as long as it's not that dreaded Tea Party tea party
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oh brother
their dear leader has a disapproval of 60% of the people in this country and all they find to dump on is the Tea party

what sad bunch

Well at least you didn't burn your trailer house down with fireworks last night!! Did someone pay for you to stay at a holiday inn? :eusa_whistle:
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oh brother
their dear leader has a disapproval of 60% of the people in this country and all they find to dump on is the Tea party

and now they're all caring for a Republican as long as it's not that dreaded Tea Party tea party

No, he doesn't. You just pulled that one right out of your ass, I suppose.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

At current, the average is 53.4 disapprove, 41.6 approve. The highest individual disapproval mark is 56 (Reuters) and the lowest is 51 (UGov). Neither of those are even close to 60, so, you lied.

Oh, and for posterity's sake:

$RCP Obama approval first week of July 2014.png

Math triumphs over propaganda every single time.
oh brother
their dear leader has a disapproval of 60% of the people in this country and all they find to dump on is the Tea party

and now they're all caring for a Republican as long as it's not that dreaded Tea Party tea party

No, he doesn't. You just pulled that one right out of your ass, I suppose.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

At current, the average is 53.4 disapprove, 41.6 approve. The highest individual disapproval mark is 56 (Reuters) and the lowest is 51 (UGov). Neither of those are even close to 60, so, you lied.

Oh, and for posterity's sake:

View attachment 30534

Math triumphs over propaganda every single time.

Rounded-off numbers are more soothing to the intellectually lazy.
Obama's FAV/UNFAV ratings are not far off from Bush, Jr's ratings from 2006 (his 6th year in office):

Presidential Approval Ratings -- George W. Bush | Gallup Historical Trends

In fact, in terms of Gallup polling (which I do not trust, btw), the values are practically identical right now:

Presidential Job Approval Center

Also: - Bush's approval ratings slide to new low - Apr 24, 2006

CNN: Bush, Jr 60 disapprove / 32 approve - makes for -28 approval for Bush at that time.

And: - Bush approval rating hits new low

USA Today:

Bush, Jr. disapproval 65, approval 31, margin: -34 approval

So, right now, Obama is at -11.8 approval, while around this time in 2006, Bush was at around -30 in approval.

And Steph, there really were 60% disapproves for Bush, not yet for Obama.


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