Cocked And Loaded

The fact remains that Trump reneging on the international accord with Iran was a mistake, reckless and irresponsible, resulting in the current escalation of tensions in the Region.

The notion of increasing pressure on Iran to force them back into negotiations for a ‘better deal’ is naïve, unfounded, and idiotic.

Indeed, by failing to support the nuclear accords Trump has succeeded in only strengthening the Iranian regime and galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current government.

Iran is yet another Trump failure, yet another Trump mess that will need to be cleaned up by the next administration.

Most of the time when you say something is a "fact" we know your opinion is coming
jones is famous for his "herrings"....
So you think a $130,000,000.00 USA scientific military device that is state-of-the-art has no evasive technology incorporated into its physical parameters? Live in the past much? I cannot agree with your assessment.

I read someplace the drone did have stealth technology....somebody has some 'splaining to do.
I agree. I read an article that says Iran went overboard recovering American drones in the Afghanistan conflict and could have done reverse engineering to decimate drones. I am just wondering how Muslims discovered means of doing reverse engineering, and I am thinking 8 years of Obama/Clinton collusion with America's enemies, and am somewhat frustrated that we'd put anybody in the White House who'd trash holocaust survivors through collaboration with Jewish-hating terrorists.

But regardless of water under the bridge, I hope Iran warms to the idea of peace in the world rather than the sating of prehistoric claims against Israel. If they leave Israel alone, Israel has scientists who could help Iran convert Iran's desert areas back into profitable farming areas of vegetable, grain, and meat production.

Friendships among the nations have fringe benefits that warring madness and vengeance do not have.
I read someplace the drone did have stealth technology....
It does. But that stealth tech is not effective, when a drone is circling overhead. It allows easier ingress to and egress from a theater, but it does virtually nothing for a slow moving craft that is overhead.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Yoda TDS.jpeg
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.
No, he was thinking in terms of equivocal retaliative justice. He deemed that 150 human beings' lives are more important that a state-of-the-art drone that became a hunk of junk the minute an enemy figured out how to bypass its evasive feature. My guess is somebody gave them the plans on the drone. And it sure as hell better not be a former president and his former secretary of state. :cranky:
It has no evasive features.....sitting duck it is
So you think a $130,000,000.00 USA scientific military device that is state-of-the-art has no evasive technology incorporated into its physical parameters? Live in the past much? I cannot agree with your assessment.
None nada...its a sitting duck......welcome to military industrial complex stupidity where only wars we fight will be against insurgents......ooooops…..
I've read otherwise. Sorry.
The fact remains that Trump reneging on the international accord with Iran was a mistake, reckless and irresponsible, resulting in the current escalation of tensions in the Region.

The notion of increasing pressure on Iran to force them back into negotiations for a ‘better deal’ is naïve, unfounded, and idiotic.

Indeed, by failing to support the nuclear accords Trump has succeeded in only strengthening the Iranian regime and galvanizing the support of the Iranian people for the current government.

Iran is yet another Trump failure, yet another Trump mess that will need to be cleaned up by the next administration.
Stop bitch-slapping President Trump or you will be growing green hairs that itch you under your arms. :D
I read someplace the drone did have stealth technology....
It does. But that stealth tech is not effective, when a drone is circling overhead. It allows easier ingress to and egress from a theater, but it does virtually nothing for a slow moving craft that is overhead.

Well, the ragheads are using Russian SAMs which obviously overcame the drone's evasion-technology. They fired on a smaller and lethal Reaper drone awhile back and it evaded the missile. But you're correct...staying on station too long left it's meant to operate at much higher altitudes. I have no problem believing it was over Iran territorial waters at some point before they hit it and I'm glad Trump hanged fire....let those sending oil through those waters defend their tankers....we're now energy self-sufficient and need to stay out of it unless they hit an American ship....if that happens, if Iran wants an atomic bomb, I suggest we give them the business-end of one.
we're now energy self-sufficient
No. That's a myth. We still rely utterly and completely on oil, and on the international markets for oil. Our oil industry is not nationalized, and the domestic companies will sell to the highest bidders.
No. That's a myth. We still rely utterly and completely on oil, and on the international markets for oil. Our oil industry is not nationalized, and the domestic companies will sell to the highest bidders.

It certainly is not a myth....I own a piece of 5 wells in the Permian Basin, Texas and follow the matter closely. We not only are self-sufficient but can gain another 30-40% of market share in LNG as soon as our refining capacity is increased. Trump needs to get the remaining connectors on-line to Houston and we won't need a drop of oil from anybody.
It certainly is not a myth
Of course it is. And no, the personal anecdote of one person out of 400 million does not make it true. Our economy and national security rest utterly on oil and the international markets for it.

Yeah well, your ilk also told us ten years ago that we were at "peak oil" and had already brought up the majority of our reserves....tell that to the frackers Barry tried to put out of business with the phony "earthquake" and "gas coming out of your water tap" bullshit. Oil is an abiotic resource constantly being produced in the earth's core. This is why wells thought to be tapped out fill again if left alone over a period of years. We are now selling oil abroad which I disagree with but be that as it may, our self-sufficiency comes into play if there is a major land war in the ME...we have more than enough light sweet crude and LNG for our needs. And now we have Canuck tar sand oil coming down thru the Keystone and Dakota pipelines. In addition, ANWR 101 is now open for exploration...there is a SEA of oil there.
Yeah well, your ilk also told us ten years ago that we were at "peak oil" and had already brought up the majority of our reserves....t
Irrelevant red herring, substituted for any salient or relevant point....

Oil is an abiotic resource constantly being produced in the earth's core.
Made up horseshit,parroted from a lying blog you never understood in the first place...

This is why wells thought to be tapped out fill again if left alone over a period of years.
Probably the most embarrassing nugget of bullshit in your post....

Get this through your head,moron:

"WE" have NO oil. Our oil industry is not nationalized. Our domestic companies will sell to the highest bidders. Foreign companies will sell to the highest bidders.
Yeah well, your ilk also told us ten years ago that we were at "peak oil" and had already brought up the majority of our reserves....t
Irrelevant red herring, substituted for any salient or relevant point....

Oil is an abiotic resource constantly being produced in the earth's core.
Made up horseshit,parroted from a lying blog you never understood in the first place...

This is why wells thought to be tapped out fill again if left alone over a period of years.
Probably the most embarrassing nugget of bullshit in your post....

Get this through your head,moron:

"WE" have NO oil. Our oil industry is not nationalized. Our domestic companies will sell to the highest bidders. Foreign companies will sell to the highest bidders.

Fuck off ya ignorant shitbag....
Military secrets are grossly underrated, doll.
meaningless contribution....
Only to see no weevil, hear no weevil, speak no weevil ignoramuses who fail at reading comprehension consistently in a weaponized manner, Mr. Myrmidon Loggerhead. :blahblah:
More useless, whiny nonsense....
And to think that your blinders cause you to consistently remain in a cloud, obfuscating what went down to bring Iran's hatred against the civilized world to a head in the past week. Fortunately, we have a President who is willing to go the extra mile to encourage Iran to opt for peaceful means. Their people are not stupid, but their alliance to reopening World War II is a bad thing. Europe did not stop Hitler. We're never going to repeat that mistake when another world-class bully steps in the center of the kill-Israelis plot that has been in place since Hitler promised the Mullah of Jerusalem in the last century that he would decimate the Jews worldwide. His concentration camps were converted in the blink of an eye to extermination ones. Iran is threatening to do likewise if Israel doesn't just up and leave their prehistoric home for any reason. That is against the United Nations charter for one thing. And President Trump has a good shot at getting Iran to the table for a lasting peace in the world. He has placed a decision into their court. I hope they decide on peace with their neighbors and perish ill will into decimation.

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