Cocked And Loaded

It should be 'locked & loaded' but as we all know, Trump wasn't even a 'private' so, he only knows about cock.

I kinda cracked up when I heard dat. He probably misspoke but it makes sense--what he said in the weapon was cocked and ready to fire.

  • phrase popularized by John Wayne. Origin is from procedure for readying an M1 Garand firearm for firing.

  • possible alternative origin: When a horse is reluctant to enter the starting gate before a race the assistant starters will position themselves on each side of the horse's haunches. They each extend an arm and grasp the others wrist. With their hands thus "locked" behind the horse's rump they pull/push the horse and "load" him into the starting gate.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.
No, he was thinking in terms of equivocal retaliative justice. He deemed that 150 human beings' lives are more important that a state-of-the-art drone that became a hunk of junk the minute an enemy figured out how to bypass its evasive feature. My guess is somebody gave them the plans on the drone. And it sure as hell better not be a former president and his former secretary of state. :cranky:

Has anyone told you that for a beautress you have a very active imagination? :rolleyes:
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
The moron who can't form complete thoughts and sentences, and who doesn't even know what is going to slither out of his mealy little mouth next, is not "playing" anyone.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter. Obama sounded like a retard off of one.

I am sure that his base appreciates his 5th grade vocabulary! What good is a man who, "...has the best words", if his fans can't understand them?

You are not on the level of sophisticated vocabulary, your best bet is to STFU.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.
No, he was thinking in terms of equivocal retaliative justice. He deemed that 150 human beings' lives are more important that a state-of-the-art drone that became a hunk of junk the minute an enemy figured out how to bypass its evasive feature. My guess is somebody gave them the plans on the drone. And it sure as hell better not be a former president and his former secretary of state. :cranky:

Has anyone told you that for a beautress you have a very active imagination? :rolleyes:
No, but they've told me I have beautiful tresses, sugar.
Lol he plays you guys like a fiddle and I love it!.
The moron who can't form complete thoughts and sentences, and who doesn't even know what is going to slither out of his mealy little mouth next, is not "playing" anyone.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter. Obama sounded like a retard off of one.

I am sure that his base appreciates his 5th grade vocabulary! What good is a man who, "...has the best words", if his fans can't understand them?

You are not on the level of sophisticated vocabulary, your best bet is to STFU.

President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

Apparently he's in your head, poking your brain with a cocktail fork every 5 minutes or less. Rent Phree. In yoar head.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

It's the art of making the Tards look like the fools they are...
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.
No, he was thinking in terms of equivocal retaliative justice. He deemed that 150 human beings' lives are more important that a state-of-the-art drone that became a hunk of junk the minute an enemy figured out how to bypass its evasive feature. My guess is somebody gave them the plans on the drone. And it sure as hell better not be a former president and his former secretary of state. :cranky:
Global Hawk doesn't have evasive features. It isn't stealthy. It was never intended to be flown over enemy territory.
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.
What "red line" did Trump establish?
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

Apparently he's in your head, poking your brain with a cocktail fork every 5 minutes or less. Rent Phree. In yoar head.

Did you learn how to spell at Trump University?
President Donald Trump on Friday confirmed that he called off a retaliatory strike on Iran at the last minute Thursday night, saying he decided that the potential cost of human lives was “not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.”

“We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights [sic] when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it,” Trump wrote in a series of tweets, adding that not only would such an attack have been disproportionate, “I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world.”

Trump Has a Point on Iran. So Do the Democrats.

Must have been thinking about Stormy.

Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

It's the art of making the Tards look like the fools they are...

"Tards"? Sounds like you and Marion were classmates at T. U. !
Trump just keeps pounding you Tards just like he did Stormy...

Trump is playing chess while you Tards are playing checkers..

Trumps response was appropriate and brilliant all at once.....

Again he has you Tards making fools of yourselves.
Obama doesn't enforce his red line and he's a coward according to the right. Trump doesn't enforce his red line and he's "appropriate and brilliant all at once."

Don't get me wrong, I think Trump did the right thing in calling off the strikes. Just interesting how the perspective changes when there is an -R beside the name.

Well if we are going to be brutally honest, it does tend to work that way.....

But the left will always take first place where hypocrisy is concerned.

But the facts are very different in these two cases....

Assad was murdering thousands of his own people....

Iran shot down an unmanned drone.

The Tards will scream bloody murder no matter what Trump does...

Tards will be Tards.

But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

Apparently he's in your head, poking your brain with a cocktail fork every 5 minutes or less. Rent Phree. In yoar head.

Did you learn how to spell at Trump University?

I lernt to spell on the internetz around 1997. Faggot.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Ask this cracker how many fucks I give about your lies, bitch! Zero! Fuck you and your lies. Liar. You're a lying leftist POS shill, straight up.

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