Cocked And Loaded

Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Ask this cracker how many fucks I give about your lies, bitch! Zero!

I understand, Duke, I was born and raised in Georgia, myself. Then I decided that I wanted more in life than to ask someone to hold my beer when I was doing wheelies on my Harley behind the trailer park, so I got an education and moved to civilization.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.

Obama did nothing without a teleprompter. Well, maybe had the Muslim Brotherhood for sleepovers in the White House.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Ask this cracker how many fucks I give about your lies, bitch! Zero!

I understand, Duke, I was born and raised in Georgia, myself. Then I decided that I wanted more in life than to ask someone to hold my beer when I was doing wheelies on my Harley behind the trailer park, so I got an education and moved to civilization.
I'm from FL and not inbred, so there's that. :)
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility of all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
I got the same reaction last year when I was in Germany. As America cedes it's role of leadership it is creating a power vacuum. It will be filled by someone. I'm betting it will be China. As American influence shrinks, China continues to grow. The IMF now forecasts that China’s economy will grow by 6.3 per cent in 2019, over twice that of the US economic This is despite the Trump tariffs and lower projected growth of the global economy.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Ask this cracker how many fucks I give about your lies, bitch! Zero!

I understand, Duke, I was born and raised in Georgia, myself. Then I decided that I wanted more in life than to ask someone to hold my beer when I was doing wheelies on my Harley behind the trailer park, so I got an education and moved to civilization.
I'm from FL and not inbred, so there's that. :)

Yeah. I used to hang out around the Okefenokee swamp, myself, sometimes.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.
And the mentally ill president had to write on his hand, because he couldn't remember a simple thought composed of 3 words.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.

Did Trump ever figure out that he is Puerto Rico's president?
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.
And the mentally ill president had to write on his hand, because he couldn't remember a simple thought composed of 3 words.
Obama HAD to use a teleprompter, Trump doesn't need one. Sorry but Obama was the worst president ever. Which is a shame, because I think the first black president should've been a great one. Liberals can't even do that right.
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.

Did Trump ever figure out that he is Puerto Rico's president?
I bet Trump knows there aren't 57 states.
"'You do know you just attacked a Gold Star family?' one adviser warned Trump
Trump didn’t know what a Gold Star family was: 'What’s that?' he asked." —as reported by New York Magazine
Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.

My lady love is in Europe right now, and writes to me that Trump has destroyed American credibility with respect to all our allies there. The feedback she is getting is that the US is no longer considered the leader of the free world, and is totally unreliable when it comes to treaties, accords, and commitments. Their attitude now is that we can not be trusted to keep our bargains and agreements, and have lost the respect of the free world. As for Trump, himself, they think that we have lost our collective minds in electing him.
Your "lady love" gets that kind of feedback because she hangs out with leftwing reprobates who hated Trump from the starting gate. No one who can think for themselves gives a shit what a bunch of leftwingers who hate America believe. These are the same morons who have allowed Europe to be flooded with murderous savages from the Middle East. Their opinion is hardly credible.
"'You do know you just attacked a Gold Star family?' one adviser warned Trump
Trump didn’t know what a Gold Star family was: 'What’s that?' he asked." —as reported by New York Magazine
So what? Trump doesn't spend his entire day posting political news boards like this one.

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