Cocked And Loaded

Lol, he gives great speeches without a teleprompter.
No he doesnt. He can barely form complete thoughts or complete sentences. He appeals to the lowest moral, ethical, and intellectual demoninators for mean spirited applause. . But you do provide a shining example of how far the trumpettes will lower their standards.
You're a liar. Trump doesn't always use a teleprompter. He Prefers not to. Obama on the other hand is a train wreck without it.
Trump has the vocabulary of a 9 year and and cant even complete sentences. Obama the great orator once destoryed a room full of repuplicans with binders in from of them amd prepared scripts. Obama, without notes or a teleprompter, embarrassed them so badly in real time that FOX had to cut away from live coverage. You are delusional.
Lol, Obama had to use a teleprompter to talk to elementary kids.
That's funny. So now it's a big deal that Trump says we were cocked and loaded, but for 8 years Obama was half cocked and loaded in everything he did. He managed to keep America poor, pissed off and government dependent all that time. Thank God for Trump
But Trump has his bases covered! He decides to bomb them, and then not to bomb them, all in a space of 10 minutes! It is from a chapter in his next book. "The art of Pandering"!

It's the art of making the Tards look like the fools they are...

"Tards"? Sounds like you and Marion were classmates at T. U. !

Trump U is kicking Tard ass.....

Actually, Trump U is bankrupt, and Trump had to pay off a huge class action settlement due to the fact that it was a scam that was operating primarily just to relieve rich friends and admirers of Trump from their money. Therefore, I guess you are right. Trump U was kicking "Tard's" Ass.

I'm sure your diploma is on the wall.....

Trump is no doubt a slick businessman.

That's why he's such a Fantastic PRESIDENT......

Trump U is and will continue to kick LIBTard ass......
Trump University closed in 2010 so they are not going to be kicking any ass. Trump has settled the lawsuits paying 25 million and students are entitled to a 90% refund which reflects the value received by the students. I suppose cheating people out of their money is your definition of a fantastic businessman.
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Obama HAD to use a teleprompter,
No he didn't, and he often didn't. You are a delusional fool whose mind has been addled by an irrational fear of president blackenstein.
Google Obama without a teleprompter.
And google trump without a teleprompterm. Watch how he has severe problems completing sentences and thoughts. Watch how he mangles 3 syllable words, and drifts from one topic to another like a demented person. Watch how he contradicts hinself within seconds, which indicates a lack of continuity of thought and lack of ability to form a complete thought. Watch how he repeats certain phrases 4 or 5 times in a row, as he struglles to form his next thought. Its kind of embarrassing for the mentally ill pussyboy.
Obama HAD to use a teleprompter,
No he didn't, and he often didn't. You are a delusional fool whose mind has been addled by an irrational fear of president blackenstein.
Google Obama without a teleprompter.
And google trump without a teleprompterm. Watch how he has severe problems completing sentences and thoughts. Watch how he mangles 3 syllable words, and drifts from one topic to another like a demented person. Watch how he contradicts hinself within seconds, which indicates a lack of continuity of thought and lack of ability to form a complete thought. Watch how he repeats certain phrases 4 or 5 times in a row, as he struglles to form his next thought. Its kind of embarrassing for the mentally ill pussyboy.
You do realize he rarely uses a teleprompter. Which some of those speeches were great. Obama was a train wreck every ime he was off the teleprompter.
You do realize he rarely uses a teleprompter.
Yes, thank you. And d9ea s9ich to the chagrin of all of his staff, as he embarrasses himself nearly every time he opens his mouth. He has the vocabulary of a 9 year old and shows signs of psychocis and dementia.
You do realize he rarely uses a teleprompter.
Yes, thank you. And d9ea s9ich to the chagrin of all of his staff, as he embarrasses himself nearly every time he opens his mouth. He has the vocabulary of a 9 year old and shows signs of psychocis and dementia.
He puts stupid ass liberals in there place. Not saying much about yourself when he owns you daily, little one. Lol
He puts stupid ass liberals in there place
No, he embarrasses himself and clear ignorant, incurious, unethical, amoral, classless, and thin skinned.
He doesn't take any shit off of liberals, and you don't know what to do.
He puts stupid ass liberals in there place
No, he embarrasses himself and clear ignorant, incurious, unethical, amoral, classless, and thin skinned.
He doesn't take any shit off of liberals, and you don't know what to do.
View attachment 266408
What to do? Do you have some special superpower that other voters do not? No? Then STFU already....
Obama wanted to know if Trump had a magic wand to bring jobs back. Abracadabra bitch! Lol
Obama wanted to know if Trump had a magic wand to bring jobs back. Abracadabra bitch!
Except Trump has added jobs at a slower pace since he took office than Obama did the previous 2 years. Oops!

Trump really, really counts on people like you for votes.
Obama wanted to know if Trump had a magic wand to bring jobs back. Abracadabra bitch!
Except Trump has added jobs at a slower pace since he took office than Obama did the previous 2 years. Oops!

Trump really, really counts on people like you for votes.
Jobs are coming back. Something Obama said "himself" said couldn't happen. Your transgendered man child was the worse president we ever had.

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