Coconspiritor Adam Schiff: Declassifying Crossfire Hurricane Data Is “Un-American”


To date, no person has been held accountable for the many false statements made to the FISA court under Rosenstein’s signature. In the absence of consequences, there’s nothing to deter continued lying to courts to spy on Americans and interfere in elections. Rosenstein’s unmolested freedom proves his promises of accountability were as false as the FISA application he signed.

If Democrats think they can control an FBI that has slipped free of its constitutional safeguards, they’re fooling themselves. If nobody makes good on Rosenstein’s promises of accountability, elections will become a quaint ceremonial exercise as the real power of government remains in the hands of the FBI.

None other than Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein certified that the application

“satisfies the criteria and requirement of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978…”​

From the outset, Page’s cooperation with the government made the entire FISA warrant totally illegal. The FBI could have just asked him to recount his contacts with the Russians and he would have told them everything. As noted on page viii of the Horowitz report, the FISA applications

“[o]mitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an ‘operational contact’ for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application.”​

The great unsolved mystery of this scandal is why the FBI lied to spy on Page even after he left the Trump campaign in September 2016. A lot of people invested a lot of time and risk into keeping that warrant going until June of 2017. Why?
Among the other false statements made in that June 2017 FISA application is one on page 17. Rosenstein certified to the court,

“Source 1 [Christopher Steele] has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings . . .” That wasn’t true. Horowitz found that Steele did little to help with a prior criminal proceedings noting that the FBI bolstered Steele’s credibility with a history of cooperation that was “overstated and had not been approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures.”
The FBI also falsely claimed that,
“the FBI assesses Source #1 [Steele] to be reliable . . . and the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1.”
In fact, the FBI knew by January 2017 that Steele’s source disavowed everything.
We find on page 188 of Horowitz’s report that Steele’s primary source explained that his information came from

“word of mouth and hearsay . . . conversation that [he/she] had with friends over beers” and that some of the information, such as allegations about Trump’s sexual activities, were statements the source heard made in “jest.”
Worse yet, the FBI had reason to believe

“that the other sub-sources exaggerated their access to information and the relevance of that information to his/her requests.”​

Steele’s primary sub-source told the FBI that he/she

“takes what [sub-sources] tell [him/her] with ‘a grain of salt.’”​

In other words, at the time Rosenstein certified the final Carter Page warrant renewal, the FBI knew Steele was unreliable. And after talking to Steele’s primary sub-source in January 2017, FBI officials knew that the next layer of sources was also unreliable.

Rosenstein also certified to the court,

“Source #1 [Steele] tasked his sub-source(s) to collect the requisite information. After Source #1 received information from the sub-source(s), described herein, Source #1 provided the information to the identified U.S. person who had hired Source #1 and to the FBI.”​

According to page 188 of the OIG report, “the corroboration was ‘zero.’” And furthermore,

“the Primary Sub-source had reported the same conclusion to the Crossfire Hurricane team members who interviewed him/ her in January 2017.”​

Among the explanations for why Steele’s reporting to the FBI conflicted with the results of the FBI’s interview with Steele’s source (see page 189 of Horowitz’s report),

“miscommunications between Steele and the Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information he obtained, or misrepresentations by the Primary Sub-source and/or sub-sources when questioned by the FBI about the information they conveyed to Steele or the Primary Sub-source.”​

On page 227 of Horowitz’s report, we learned that Rosenstein raised a question

“about whether continued FISA coverage was going to produce useful information given that the FISA coverage targeting Carter Page had been leaked to the media.”
Rosenstein was simply told that this renewal application was the last one “unless new evidence was uncovered.”

So Rosenstein signed the application in spite of the fact that he was absolutely right to doubt whether spying on Carter Page for another three months would develop any evidence. Indeed, Page has never been charged with a crime, leading one to wonder how Rosenstein could have justified continuing to spy on Page after the previous nine months of surveillance yielded nothing.

As indicated on page 229 of Horowitz’s report, Rosenstein claimed he first learned of the DNC funding of the Steele dossier from news media accounts but, “did not recall whether he knew it at the time he approved the third renewal.”

Horowitz’s report reflects that Rosenstein claimed ignorance of the many misstatements in the FISA application. But he clearly participated in the subsequent coverup.

On page 302 of the report, Rosenstein learned that Bruce Ohr, a member of his own staff, had been acting as an intermediary between the FBI and Steele, making Ohr a fact witness. Then,

“On November 28, 2017, the Department [of Justice] received a letter from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) requesting a closed interview of Ohr as part of its inquiry into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election. SSCI’s request was forwarded to Ohr and Crowell the next day, and the FBI subsequently provided ODAG with the Ohr FD-302s, which Crowell and Schools reviewed.”​

Rosenstein delayed that interview until August 2018. Further, in January 2018, Rosenstein threatened to use the Department of Justice to investigate congressional staffers to deter them from probing the Crossfire Hurricane malfeasance.

At the time he gave the Newseum interview, a movement was underway to impeach Rosenstein for obstructing congressional oversight of the Justice Department’s spying and interference in the 2016 election.

The FBI violated its oath to uphold the Constitution to gain and maintain a warrant to spy on Carter Page. Swearing to a false affidavit to obtain a search warrant violates the Fourth Amendment. Defying and threatening Congress violates Article I.

Gawd, have we such a zero life we sort through pro trump stuff and cut and paste?
Try enrolling in college
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

If you can tear yourself away from Americas Greatness (omg) the Times conclusion...
What cares what the Fake News New York Times says? They have been front and center pushing this blizzard of lies on the American People.

The New York Times had a young reporter screwing a married 50 year old Senate security officer in exchange for dirt on Trump.


Fake News New York Times gives new meaning to the practice of "sitting on a source".

To date, no person has been held accountable for the many false statements made to the FISA court under Rosenstein’s signature. In the absence of consequences, there’s nothing to deter continued lying to courts to spy on Americans and interfere in elections. Rosenstein’s unmolested freedom proves his promises of accountability were as false as the FISA application he signed.

If Democrats think they can control an FBI that has slipped free of its constitutional safeguards, they’re fooling themselves. If nobody makes good on Rosenstein’s promises of accountability, elections will become a quaint ceremonial exercise as the real power of government remains in the hands of the FBI.

None other than Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein certified that the application

“satisfies the criteria and requirement of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978…”​

From the outset, Page’s cooperation with the government made the entire FISA warrant totally illegal. The FBI could have just asked him to recount his contacts with the Russians and he would have told them everything. As noted on page viii of the Horowitz report, the FISA applications

“[o]mitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an ‘operational contact’ for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application.”​

The great unsolved mystery of this scandal is why the FBI lied to spy on Page even after he left the Trump campaign in September 2016. A lot of people invested a lot of time and risk into keeping that warrant going until June of 2017. Why?
Among the other false statements made in that June 2017 FISA application is one on page 17. Rosenstein certified to the court,

“Source 1 [Christopher Steele] has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings . . .” That wasn’t true. Horowitz found that Steele did little to help with a prior criminal proceedings noting that the FBI bolstered Steele’s credibility with a history of cooperation that was “overstated and had not been approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures.”
The FBI also falsely claimed that,
“the FBI assesses Source #1 [Steele] to be reliable . . . and the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1.”
In fact, the FBI knew by January 2017 that Steele’s source disavowed everything.
We find on page 188 of Horowitz’s report that Steele’s primary source explained that his information came from

“word of mouth and hearsay . . . conversation that [he/she] had with friends over beers” and that some of the information, such as allegations about Trump’s sexual activities, were statements the source heard made in “jest.”
Worse yet, the FBI had reason to believe

“that the other sub-sources exaggerated their access to information and the relevance of that information to his/her requests.”​

Steele’s primary sub-source told the FBI that he/she

“takes what [sub-sources] tell [him/her] with ‘a grain of salt.’”​

In other words, at the time Rosenstein certified the final Carter Page warrant renewal, the FBI knew Steele was unreliable. And after talking to Steele’s primary sub-source in January 2017, FBI officials knew that the next layer of sources was also unreliable.

Rosenstein also certified to the court,

“Source #1 [Steele] tasked his sub-source(s) to collect the requisite information. After Source #1 received information from the sub-source(s), described herein, Source #1 provided the information to the identified U.S. person who had hired Source #1 and to the FBI.”​

According to page 188 of the OIG report, “the corroboration was ‘zero.’” And furthermore,

“the Primary Sub-source had reported the same conclusion to the Crossfire Hurricane team members who interviewed him/ her in January 2017.”​

Among the explanations for why Steele’s reporting to the FBI conflicted with the results of the FBI’s interview with Steele’s source (see page 189 of Horowitz’s report),

“miscommunications between Steele and the Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information he obtained, or misrepresentations by the Primary Sub-source and/or sub-sources when questioned by the FBI about the information they conveyed to Steele or the Primary Sub-source.”​

On page 227 of Horowitz’s report, we learned that Rosenstein raised a question

“about whether continued FISA coverage was going to produce useful information given that the FISA coverage targeting Carter Page had been leaked to the media.”
Rosenstein was simply told that this renewal application was the last one “unless new evidence was uncovered.”

So Rosenstein signed the application in spite of the fact that he was absolutely right to doubt whether spying on Carter Page for another three months would develop any evidence. Indeed, Page has never been charged with a crime, leading one to wonder how Rosenstein could have justified continuing to spy on Page after the previous nine months of surveillance yielded nothing.

As indicated on page 229 of Horowitz’s report, Rosenstein claimed he first learned of the DNC funding of the Steele dossier from news media accounts but, “did not recall whether he knew it at the time he approved the third renewal.”

Horowitz’s report reflects that Rosenstein claimed ignorance of the many misstatements in the FISA application. But he clearly participated in the subsequent coverup.

On page 302 of the report, Rosenstein learned that Bruce Ohr, a member of his own staff, had been acting as an intermediary between the FBI and Steele, making Ohr a fact witness. Then,

“On November 28, 2017, the Department [of Justice] received a letter from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) requesting a closed interview of Ohr as part of its inquiry into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election. SSCI’s request was forwarded to Ohr and Crowell the next day, and the FBI subsequently provided ODAG with the Ohr FD-302s, which Crowell and Schools reviewed.”​

Rosenstein delayed that interview until August 2018. Further, in January 2018, Rosenstein threatened to use the Department of Justice to investigate congressional staffers to deter them from probing the Crossfire Hurricane malfeasance.

At the time he gave the Newseum interview, a movement was underway to impeach Rosenstein for obstructing congressional oversight of the Justice Department’s spying and interference in the 2016 election.

The FBI violated its oath to uphold the Constitution to gain and maintain a warrant to spy on Carter Page. Swearing to a false affidavit to obtain a search warrant violates the Fourth Amendment. Defying and threatening Congress violates Article I.

Gawd, have we such a zero life we sort through pro trump stuff and cut and paste?
Try enrolling in college
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

... mistakes were made (FISA of carter)...

We don't spy on American Citizens. We don't spy on Presidential campaigns. The only way to get a FISA exception to spy on Americans is with solid, corroborated, evidence of the highest caliber demonstrating that the American Citizen is acting as a spy for a foreign power. The only charge that even attempted to meet this high bar are the explosive lies in the Steele Dossier about Carter Page.

Here's an example of what you are calling a "mistake", from the Horowitz Report.

Omitted Page’s prior relationship with another U.S. government agency, despite being reminded by the other agency in June 2017, prior to the filing of the final renewal application, about Page’s past status with that other agency; instead of including this information in the final renewal application, the FBI OGC [Office of the General Counsel] Attorney altered an email from the other agency so that the email stated that Page was “not a source” for the other agency, which the FBI affiant relied upon in signing the final renewal application;
The corrupt FBI lied about Carter Page, claimed he was Kremlin spy coordinating with the Trump campaign. They supported this with Steele's lies purchased by the Clinton Campaign. In support of these lies, they described his contact with Russian Intelligence, even though the CIA had repeatedly warned them, even in writing, that Carter Page was a valuable source of Russian Intelligence FOR the United States of America, so of course he is going to have contacts with Russian Intelligence, he would be of no value to the CIA if he didn't have contacts with them.

But, the corrupt FBI did more than just conceal this from the Court, they actually FORGED one of the emails to make it read "NOT A SOURCE" rather than A SOURCE.

Calling that a "mistake" is like calling a bank robbery a mistake.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Why are you so invested in this obvious web of lies perpetrated by the corrupt Obama Administration, Hillary Campaign, DNC, FBI and DOJ against Americans and a Presidential campaign? Do you view those not of your party as subhuman without human rights that can be violated?

To date, no person has been held accountable for the many false statements made to the FISA court under Rosenstein’s signature. In the absence of consequences, there’s nothing to deter continued lying to courts to spy on Americans and interfere in elections. Rosenstein’s unmolested freedom proves his promises of accountability were as false as the FISA application he signed.

If Democrats think they can control an FBI that has slipped free of its constitutional safeguards, they’re fooling themselves. If nobody makes good on Rosenstein’s promises of accountability, elections will become a quaint ceremonial exercise as the real power of government remains in the hands of the FBI.

None other than Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein certified that the application

“satisfies the criteria and requirement of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978…”​

From the outset, Page’s cooperation with the government made the entire FISA warrant totally illegal. The FBI could have just asked him to recount his contacts with the Russians and he would have told them everything. As noted on page viii of the Horowitz report, the FISA applications

“[o]mitted information the FBI had obtained from another U.S. government agency detailing its prior relationship with Page, including that Page had been approved as an ‘operational contact’ for the other agency from 2008 to 2013, and that Page had provided information to the other agency concerning his prior contacts with certain Russian intelligence officers, one of which overlapped with facts asserted in the FISA application.”​

The great unsolved mystery of this scandal is why the FBI lied to spy on Page even after he left the Trump campaign in September 2016. A lot of people invested a lot of time and risk into keeping that warrant going until June of 2017. Why?
Among the other false statements made in that June 2017 FISA application is one on page 17. Rosenstein certified to the court,

“Source 1 [Christopher Steele] has been corroborated and used in criminal proceedings . . .” That wasn’t true. Horowitz found that Steele did little to help with a prior criminal proceedings noting that the FBI bolstered Steele’s credibility with a history of cooperation that was “overstated and had not been approved by Steele’s handling agent, as required by the Woods Procedures.”
The FBI also falsely claimed that,
“the FBI assesses Source #1 [Steele] to be reliable . . . and the FBI is unaware of any derogatory information pertaining to Source #1.”
In fact, the FBI knew by January 2017 that Steele’s source disavowed everything.
We find on page 188 of Horowitz’s report that Steele’s primary source explained that his information came from

“word of mouth and hearsay . . . conversation that [he/she] had with friends over beers” and that some of the information, such as allegations about Trump’s sexual activities, were statements the source heard made in “jest.”
Worse yet, the FBI had reason to believe

“that the other sub-sources exaggerated their access to information and the relevance of that information to his/her requests.”​

Steele’s primary sub-source told the FBI that he/she

“takes what [sub-sources] tell [him/her] with ‘a grain of salt.’”​

In other words, at the time Rosenstein certified the final Carter Page warrant renewal, the FBI knew Steele was unreliable. And after talking to Steele’s primary sub-source in January 2017, FBI officials knew that the next layer of sources was also unreliable.

Rosenstein also certified to the court,

“Source #1 [Steele] tasked his sub-source(s) to collect the requisite information. After Source #1 received information from the sub-source(s), described herein, Source #1 provided the information to the identified U.S. person who had hired Source #1 and to the FBI.”​

According to page 188 of the OIG report, “the corroboration was ‘zero.’” And furthermore,

“the Primary Sub-source had reported the same conclusion to the Crossfire Hurricane team members who interviewed him/ her in January 2017.”​

Among the explanations for why Steele’s reporting to the FBI conflicted with the results of the FBI’s interview with Steele’s source (see page 189 of Horowitz’s report),

“miscommunications between Steele and the Primary Sub-source, exaggerations or misrepresentations by Steele about the information he obtained, or misrepresentations by the Primary Sub-source and/or sub-sources when questioned by the FBI about the information they conveyed to Steele or the Primary Sub-source.”​

On page 227 of Horowitz’s report, we learned that Rosenstein raised a question

“about whether continued FISA coverage was going to produce useful information given that the FISA coverage targeting Carter Page had been leaked to the media.”
Rosenstein was simply told that this renewal application was the last one “unless new evidence was uncovered.”

So Rosenstein signed the application in spite of the fact that he was absolutely right to doubt whether spying on Carter Page for another three months would develop any evidence. Indeed, Page has never been charged with a crime, leading one to wonder how Rosenstein could have justified continuing to spy on Page after the previous nine months of surveillance yielded nothing.

As indicated on page 229 of Horowitz’s report, Rosenstein claimed he first learned of the DNC funding of the Steele dossier from news media accounts but, “did not recall whether he knew it at the time he approved the third renewal.”

Horowitz’s report reflects that Rosenstein claimed ignorance of the many misstatements in the FISA application. But he clearly participated in the subsequent coverup.

On page 302 of the report, Rosenstein learned that Bruce Ohr, a member of his own staff, had been acting as an intermediary between the FBI and Steele, making Ohr a fact witness. Then,

“On November 28, 2017, the Department [of Justice] received a letter from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) requesting a closed interview of Ohr as part of its inquiry into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election. SSCI’s request was forwarded to Ohr and Crowell the next day, and the FBI subsequently provided ODAG with the Ohr FD-302s, which Crowell and Schools reviewed.”​

Rosenstein delayed that interview until August 2018. Further, in January 2018, Rosenstein threatened to use the Department of Justice to investigate congressional staffers to deter them from probing the Crossfire Hurricane malfeasance.

At the time he gave the Newseum interview, a movement was underway to impeach Rosenstein for obstructing congressional oversight of the Justice Department’s spying and interference in the 2016 election.

The FBI violated its oath to uphold the Constitution to gain and maintain a warrant to spy on Carter Page. Swearing to a false affidavit to obtain a search warrant violates the Fourth Amendment. Defying and threatening Congress violates Article I.

Gawd, have we such a zero life we sort through pro trump stuff and cut and paste?
Try enrolling in college
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

IN your made up mind Ph.D. Opinion
Actually this a firm fact of reality. Howorwitz has the email sent by the CIA and he has the forgery used by the Corrupt FBI to illegally obtain a spy warrant on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Administration.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Why are you so invested into defending a forgery?
I must ask how big are the fines and prison time Schiff is facing

0 and 0 for the political elite.

I think Pelosi and other high ranking Dems need someone to throw under. the bus
I don't think they are there yet, in fact, they are still acting like their jihad against Trump has been justified. When they do start chucking folks under the bus, they will start with the Republicans; McCabe, Rosenstein and Comey.
Declassify ALL of IT!

What does Schiff have to hide?

Transparency is un-American? Donald Trump’s executive order granting William Barr the authority to declassify evidence and documents related to the origins of Operation Crossfire Hurricane might present opportunities for reasonable criticism. A lack of patriotism would not be among those issues, and yet that’s where House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff immediately went:

Too long to quote see more at
Hotair ^ | 05/24/2019 | Ed Morrissey

So what was it when Schiffless leaked?....The party of INFANTICIDE love hypocrisy also!
Gawd, have we such a zero life we sort through pro trump stuff and cut and paste?
Try enrolling in college
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

IN your made up mind Ph.D. Opinion
Actually this a firm fact of reality. Howorwitz has the email sent by the CIA and he has the forgery used by the Corrupt FBI to illegally obtain a spy warrant on the Trump Campaign, Transition and Administration.

IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Why are you so invested into defending a forgery?

A forgery in your PhD opinion.
And firm fact in your made up mind.
I keep telling you, go research for 4 years, come back and give all sides.
No point in discussing until then.
Happy NY and see you in 4 years
Quit quoting selective passages out of 400 pages from a rightie publication.
Nyti is fake, American whatever is not?
Don't you see how dumb that sounds?
You'll be quoting the blaze and gateway pundit next!!!
Declassify ALL of IT!

What does Schiff have to hide?

Transparency is un-American? Donald Trump’s executive order granting William Barr the authority to declassify evidence and documents related to the origins of Operation Crossfire Hurricane might present opportunities for reasonable criticism. A lack of patriotism would not be among those issues, and yet that’s where House Intelligence chair Adam Schiff immediately went:

Too long to quote see more at
Hotair ^ | 05/24/2019 | Ed Morrissey

So what was it when Schiffless leaked?....The party of INFANTICIDE love hypocrisy also!
I thought you knew.
Maybe he's concealing the cons tax returns??
I must ask how big are the fines and prison time Schiff is facing

0 and 0 for the political elite.

I think Pelosi and other high ranking Dems need someone to throw under. the bus

Yup. And Aden knows he is a candidate. He was a nobody who Trump made famous. She will burn him. Probably fat Naddler to.
Like the orange con?
And where are you coming from pray tell?
Over 65, white fart?
Gawd, have we such a zero life we sort through pro trump stuff and cut and paste?
Try enrolling in college
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

If you can tear yourself away from Americas Greatness (omg) the Times conclusion...
What cares what the Fake News New York Times says? They have been front and center pushing this blizzard of lies on the American People.

The New York Times had a young reporter screwing a married 50 year old Senate security officer in exchange for dirt on Trump.


Fake News New York Times gives new meaning to the practice of "sitting on a source".
Can't get it up old white fart??
Omg , like the repubs prosecuting Clinton?
Newt getting a bj in his car?
Livingston quitting?
My My - The Schiff Derangement Syndrome in this thread is palpable and I'm only on page one! :lol:
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

If you can tear yourself away from Americas Greatness (omg) the Times conclusion...
What cares what the Fake News New York Times says? They have been front and center pushing this blizzard of lies on the American People.

The New York Times had a young reporter screwing a married 50 year old Senate security officer in exchange for dirt on Trump.


Fake News New York Times gives new meaning to the practice of "sitting on a source".
Can't get it up old white fart??
Omg , like the repubs prosecuting Clinton?
Newt getting a bj in his car?
Livingston quitting?
It's very important that we rub your noses in your fake news crap, how else will you learn?

Darlin, it took me years to prove chloroform had 3 different atoms.
So to throw up paragraphs which support your opinion (whatever that is) is irrelevant.
To quote Just one line of an article
"But neither does the absence of such detail mean that the dossier is false,” wrote Grant and Rosenberg."
So it's not false?
I assume you saw the fox/Ayles doc?
"Our goal is not to report news, it's to say what our readers already believe"
Ask mr Barr, the Iran contra cover up king
So true. To really research something takes months and months, not a little cut and paste in an old white farts forum.
Happy NY darlin, enrol in a research program
The Dossier is false. Steele lied about what his sources told him:


IG Report: Here Are The 17 Specific ‘Inaccuracies And Omissions’ In The FBI’s FISA Warrants Against Carter Page

Omitted the fact that Steele’s Primary Sub-source, who the FBI found credible, had made statements in January 2017 raising significant questions about the reliability of allegations included in the FISA applications, including, for example, that he/she had no discussion with Person 1 concerning WikiLeaks and there was “nothing bad” about the communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team, and that he/she did not report to Steele in July 2016 that Page had met with Sechin;​

Steele is person 1. The FBI vouched for the reliability of Steele and his primary subsource even though when they finally interviewed the subsource (which they should have done before applying for the first warrant) the subsource said:
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, s/he never discussed Wikileaks with Steele.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary, he was aware of no untoward communications between the Kremlin and the Trump team.
  • Despite Steele's claims to the contrary that s/he had never told Steele that Page had met with Sechin.
One can imagine the silence in the FBI vehicle as they returned to the office realizing that they had clearly submitted a series of false statements to the FISA court and that their oaths required them to immediately disclose to the Court that they had serious credibility issues between Steele and his primary sub-source. Their claims were mutually exclusive on multiple points and that clearly one or both were liars.

It was on the word of these two, which they represented as of the utmost credibility, that they had represented to the Court that Carter Page was most assuredly a spy working with the Kremlin in illegal coordination with the Trump Campaign.

Did they immediately report this to the Court which would have resulted in the immediate cancellation of the existing warrant? No. They all conspired to concealed this from the Court, and they conspired to continue representing the original lies to the Court in subsequent renewals.

And that is just "one" of the 17 lethal flaws Horowitz describes in his extremely fair and low key complete thrashing of the quite corrupt FBI that illegally spied on a Presidential campaign, Transition and Administration.

If you can tear yourself away from Americas Greatness (omg) the Times conclusion...
What cares what the Fake News New York Times says? They have been front and center pushing this blizzard of lies on the American People.

The New York Times had a young reporter screwing a married 50 year old Senate security officer in exchange for dirt on Trump.


Fake News New York Times gives new meaning to the practice of "sitting on a source".
Can't get it up old white fart??
Omg , like the repubs prosecuting Clinton?
Newt getting a bj in his car?
Livingston quitting?

And who could forget Henry Hyde and Denny "The Diddler" Hastert?

But those guys sure got ol' Bubba for his lie about a blow job! :D
And who could forget Henry Hyde and Denny "The Diddler" Hastert?

But those guys sure got ol' Bubba for his lie about a blow job
Clinton lied and committed perjury and suborned the testimony of others to cover up his sexual exploitation of an underling under his supervision.
Are we going back to revise history now?
And who could forget Henry Hyde and Denny "The Diddler" Hastert?

But those guys sure got ol' Bubba for his lie about a blow job
Clinton lied and committed perjury and suborned the testimony of others to cover up his sexual exploitation of an underling under his supervision.
Are we going back to revise history now?
I'm still looking for a guy who wouldn't lie about a bj.
Have you found one?
Terrible crime
Underling? Hardly, you speak as if she was 15
And who could forget Henry Hyde and Denny "The Diddler" Hastert?

But those guys sure got ol' Bubba for his lie about a blow job
Clinton lied and committed perjury and suborned the testimony of others to cover up his sexual exploitation of an underling under his supervision.
Are we going back to revise history now?
I'm still looking for a guy who wouldn't lie about a bj.
Have you found one?
Terrible crime
Underling? Hardly, you speak as if she was 15

Yeah, Billy was a perv and he did something he shouldn't oughta have - But this is a constant RW tactic. Pretend that Monica wasn't a consenting adult. Guess it makes them feel better about Denny the Diddler.

Social Studies anyone? :)


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