Cohen is the Connection to Russian Collusion


VIP Member
Jan 20, 2017
Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

This is why Trump is having a meltdown. It is Cohen who met with Russians to arrange collusion between them and the Trump campaign. It's not just about Stormy Daniels like most in the media originally assumed.

It is also another element of the infamous dossier confirmed.

Every fact in that dossier that has been able to be confirmed has proven true.

The prostitute urination story is likely true, as well.
Sources: Mueller has evidence Cohen was in Prague in 2016, confirming part of dossier

This is why Trump is having a meltdown. It is Cohen who met with Russians to arrange collusion between them and the Trump campaign. It's not just about Stormy Daniels like most in the media originally assumed.

It is also another element of the infamous dossier confirmed.

Every fact in that dossier that has been able to be confirmed has proven true.

The prostitute urination story is likely true, as well.
How do you feel about this post today?

Think back to how confident you felt when you posted it. Does it remind you of how confident you felt on election day 2016?

Where does this leave you?

Ten post-Mueller questions that could turn the tables on Russia collusion investigators.

The process of meting out accountability has begun.

Horowitz has interviewed between 50 and 100 witnesses in his exhaustive probe. Graham and his predecessor as Judiciary chairman, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), laid out the most important investigative issues they saw in a letter last year. This month, former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) sent a letter to DOJ identifying eight potential criminal referrals. His committee last year also released a memo on abuses of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that may have occurred during the Russia probe.

And President Trump reportedly is readying an order to declassify five key buckets of documents on alleged FBI abuses.

These 10 questions are the most important to be answered in the forthcoming probes.

1.) When did the FBI first learn that Steele’s dossier was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party and written by a partisan who, by his own admission, was desperate to defeat Trump?

2.) How much evidence of innocence did the FBI possess against two of its early targets, Trump campaign advisers George Papadopoulos and Carter Page?

3.) Why was the Steele dossier used as primary evidence in the FISA warrant against Page when it had not been corroborated?

4.) Why were Steele’s biases and his ties to the Clinton campaign — as well as evidence of innocence and flaws in the FISA evidence — never disclosed to the FISA court, as required by law and court practice?

5.) Why did FBI and U.S. intelligence officials leak stories about evidence in the emerging Russia probe before they corroborated collusion, and were any of those leaks designed to “create” evidence that could be cited in the courts of law and public opinion to justify the continuation of a flawed investigation?

6.) Did Comey improperly handle classified information when he distributed memos of his private conversations with Trump to his lawyers and a friend and ordered a leak that he hoped would cause the appointment of a special counsel after his firing as FBI director?

7.) Did the CIA, FBI or Obama White House engage in activities — such as the activation of intelligence sources or electronic surveillance — before the opening of an official counterintelligence investigation against the Trump campaign on July 31, 2016?

8.) Did U.S. intelligence, the FBI or the Obama administration use or encourage friendly spy agencies in Great Britain, Australia, Ukraine, Italy or elsewhere to gather evidence on the Trump campaign, leak evidence, or get around U.S. restrictions on spying on Americans?

9.) Did the CIA or Obama intelligence apparatus try to lure or pressure the FBI into opening a Trump collusion probe or acknowledge its existence before the election?

10.) Did any FBI agents, intelligence officials or other key players in the probe provide false testimony to Congress?

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