Coincidence my ass. When is our modern day Joe Mcarthy going to investigate this?


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010
Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials

In the days that followed, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. made frequent phone calls and visits to Boehner. Neither Paulson nor Boehner would publicly discuss the progress of their negotiations to shore up the nation’s financial portfolio.

On Jan. 23, Boehner (R-Ohio) met Paulson for breakfast. Boehner would later report the rearrangement of a portion of his own financial portfolio made on that same day. He sold between $50,000 and $100,000 from a more aggressive mutual fund and moved money into a safer investment.

The next day, the White House unveiled the stimulus package.

Boehner is one of 34 members of Congress who took steps to recast their financial portfolios during the financial crisis after phone calls or meetings with Paulson; his successor, Timothy F. Geithner; or Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, according to a Washington Post examination of appointment calendars and congressional disclosure forms.

The lawmakers, many of whom held leadership positions and committee chairmanships in the House and Senate, changed portions of their portfolios a total of 166 times within two business days of speaking or meeting with the administration officials. The party affiliation of the lawmakers was about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, 19 to 15.[...]

Boehner, now the speaker of the House, declined to discuss his transactions. His spokesman said they did not pose a conflict because a financial adviser executed them and they were made in diversified mutual funds. Other lawmakers also said their financial advisers handled their trades. They said that the timing of the trades and the conversations was “coincidental” and that they did not adjust their portfolios based on what they were told by the administration officials.​

This is the crap that noted car thief and suspected arsonist Daryl Issa should be going after.
[ame=]Casablanca gambling? I'm shocked! - YouTube[/ame]
What's to investigate?

Congress has excluded themselves from insider trading laws.
Reports are that there are about 15 members from each party involved in this.

Why you're focusing on just one member is beyond me. Having said that in he was also guilty of insider trading he does not deserve his post.
Reports are that there are about 15 members from each party involved in this.

Why you're focusing on just one member is beyond me. Having said that in he was also guilty of insider trading he does not deserve his post.

I'm not, the article did...probably because HE was the guy in talks with the Treasury Poo, Paulson. The article also mentioned 19 Dems and 15 Repubs. I want them all investigated. You?
Reports are that there are about 15 members from each party involved in this.

Why you're focusing on just one member is beyond me. Having said that in he was also guilty of insider trading he does not deserve his post.

I'm not, the article did...probably because HE was the guy in talks with the Treasury Poo, Paulson. The article also mentioned 19 Dems and 15 Repubs. I want them all investigated. You?

I'm not familiar with the laws regarding their activity so I can't really comment on what should happen. I think it should be illegal and if it is they should all be prosecuted.
At that time, they had no insider trader restrictions. Now they must publically post any changes, buys, trades, etc...within 30 days ? (I think it is)

This is a nonstory. unless we are going to retroactively punish people based on newer laws.

LOLberals dont even know the rules, they just want to throw a book at someone in their blind envy rage.
Don't you just love how Congress, on BOTH sides of the aisle, exempt themselves from that which they push upon the REST of us??
Patrick Henry and others warned of this during the convention. Too late now LOLberals. You have to lay in the bed you make. Shouldn't have centralized the power in this country with your alarmist, arm twist, shady tactics.

Same as it ever was.
Lawmakers reworked financial portfolios after talks with Fed, Treasury officials

In the days that followed, Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson Jr. made frequent phone calls and visits to Boehner. Neither Paulson nor Boehner would publicly discuss the progress of their negotiations to shore up the nation’s financial portfolio.

On Jan. 23, Boehner (R-Ohio) met Paulson for breakfast. Boehner would later report the rearrangement of a portion of his own financial portfolio made on that same day. He sold between $50,000 and $100,000 from a more aggressive mutual fund and moved money into a safer investment.

The next day, the White House unveiled the stimulus package.

Boehner is one of 34 members of Congress who took steps to recast their financial portfolios during the financial crisis after phone calls or meetings with Paulson; his successor, Timothy F. Geithner; or Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, according to a Washington Post examination of appointment calendars and congressional disclosure forms.

The lawmakers, many of whom held leadership positions and committee chairmanships in the House and Senate, changed portions of their portfolios a total of 166 times within two business days of speaking or meeting with the administration officials. The party affiliation of the lawmakers was about evenly divided between Democrats and Republicans, 19 to 15.[...]

Boehner, now the speaker of the House, declined to discuss his transactions. His spokesman said they did not pose a conflict because a financial adviser executed them and they were made in diversified mutual funds. Other lawmakers also said their financial advisers handled their trades. They said that the timing of the trades and the conversations was “coincidental” and that they did not adjust their portfolios based on what they were told by the administration officials.​

This is the crap that noted car thief and suspected arsonist Daryl Issa should be going after.

My only problem with this story is that is put Boehner in the spotlight absent democrats that are equally as guilty of this "soft corruption". The "Stock Act" was passed in light of a conservative think tank led investigation, by Peter Schweizer, that propelled this behavior into the spotlight.

Insiders: The road to the STOCK act - CBS News
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It's not insider trading. Insider trading is foreknowledge of the company whose stock is issued, bought and sold. It is not foreknowledge, or in this case, expectation of presidebtial or congressional action.
It's not insider trading. Insider trading is foreknowledge of the company whose stock is issued, bought and sold. It is not foreknowledge, or in this case, expectation of presidebtial or congressional action.

So what is it then?
Paulson is the same guy who went before Congress during the "Economic Crisis of 2008" and said if they don't give Banker Bailouts "There will be Martial Law".

No doubt Boner is dirty but you're focusing on the wrong criminal here.
Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) was in charge of the House, in 2008, and Harry Reid (D-NV) in the Senate. John Boehner was simply a Congressman from the minority party.
It wasn't illegal then for Congressional Representatives to trade on their own behalf based on privileged information they had obtained from Government sources. It should be. Perhaps that would be one way to get rid of the Charlie Rangels (D-NY) and the Maxine Waters (D-CA) who persistently keep returning to Congress, not simply for their constituents sake, but to maximize their own personal gain.
If you want a chuckle, or to get angry enough to lose control of your anal sphincter, check out the increases in the personal net worth of John Kerry or Nancy Pelosi over the years.
^^^ This guy cant respond to anything without putting it into partisan terms. The fact the they are shielded from insider trading laws shows that its both parties fucking con game.
It's not insider trading. Insider trading is foreknowledge of the company whose stock is issued, bought and sold. It is not foreknowledge, or in this case, expectation of presidebtial or congressional action.

So what is it then?

What have the parties been charged with?

The government has too much power that's the problem. It has enough power that it can take actions that support or crush individual companies and politicians can take advantage of knowing what the government is going to do.
Shockingly those members of Congress also knew when it would become illegal for them to pursue insider trading:

Obama Signs Ban On Congressional Insider Trading - Corruption Currents - WSJ

* April 4, 2012, 2:35 PM

Obama Signs Ban On Congressional Insider Trading

...The law mandates that government employees and members of Congress report investment transactions within 45 days of making a trade, instead of the annual basis under the old law. Information in public financial disclosure reports must be made available on agency websites under the law, according to a fact sheet issued by the White House.

Known by its acronym the STOCK Act, the law also expands the pension forfeiture requirement for members of Congress who commit acts of corruption to include insider trading offenses and to include misconduct committed in other elected offices.

Though initially introduced by Rep. Louise Slaughter (D., N.Y.) in 2006, its passage by Congress in 2012 came quickly following a blistering report by “60 Minutes” and a series of stories by The Wall Street Journal.

The Journal reported on the signature, and there’s more here, here and here.

The version of the STOCK Act signed into law Wednesday didn’t include Senate-passed restrictions on political intelligence firms—businesses that use their connections with congressional insiders to get information they then use to make decisions about investments in the stock market. However, lawmakers said they are already bringing separate legislation to regulate them.

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