Coincidences, frustrations, questions surrounding the Trump assassination.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
Desert Southwest USA
Though I was upset and concerned about President Trump, once I saw his injury was relatively minor and not life threatening in the assassination attempt, I was bothered that the media, in the initial reporting, was providing almost no acknowledgment much less concern for the man killed and the two others injured.

I was bothered that nobody seemed to understand how even more serious the situation could have been if the Secret Service had not quickly taken out the gunman, however curious it was that they allowed him onto that roof at all. How could that happen this day and age? (I blame DEI for that at this time with the caveat that I could be wrong.)

Cory Competore, a 50-yr-old fireman and family man, was killed as he attempted to shield his family from the bullets. Anybody who spent any time on Twitter or X or perhaps watching other media knows of a popular folk hero type character and author known as Catturd. (You'll find his books under that name on Amazon.) He has 2.6 million followers on X.

My heart caught in my throat when I saw this post while ago:

For those who can't or don't access X, Corey Competore's response to Catturd's question was "Trump Rally! Butler Pennsylvania."
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The venue was about as secure as the Benghazi diplomatic outpost and the Afghanistan withdrawal. Dems controlled both.
There are so many unexpected things coming from this whole incident.

Several miracles or at least happened in the last few days.
They were not successful in taking Trump out in two civil trials.
They were not successful in taking Trump out in the most obviously politically motivating trial.
They were not successful in killing him.
Biden and Trump had what Trump at least describes as a 'very nice' phone call.
We've had days now without the left pushing more draconian gun laws.
The media temporarily stopped attacking Trump. (That likely won't last.)

The conspiracy theorist are out in force:
--the corrupt government put out a contract on Trump
--Trump staged his own attempted assassination

But unless the Democrats find some way to sidetrack the initiative, the RNC Convention that began this morning is determined to be one pushing for unity and the MAGA vision of a strong, secure America with liberty, choices, options, opportunity, prosperity for all.
I was bothered by the fact that the Feds let the shooter get off about ten rounds before they took him down. What took them so long? The agents on the ground seemed slow to react but they get credit for shielding him after the threat was over. The crowd saw the assassin on the roof while the FBI sniper with all his sophisticated equipment seemed oblivious. Something ain't right and the Feds ain't talking.
I was bothered by the fact that the Feds let the shooter get off about ten rounds before they took him down. What took them so long? The agents on the ground seemed slow to react but they get credit for shielding him after the threat was over. The crowd saw the assassin on the roof while the FBI sniper with all his sophisticated equipment seemed oblivious. Something ain't right and the Feds ain't talking.
What are the odds against winning the lottery once, much less twice?

Thats what happened saturday

The SS failed to secure a vital rooftop position

It was left totally unguarded

Thats the first implausible occurance

Then a 20 year old loser comes along with his AR15 and finds that roof

That was even more unlikely than winning the lottery
a lot of the questions Foxfyre can be answered in these two videos below that the media is not talking about because it proves the ss agents committed treason same as they did on nov 22nd 1963

the coincidence theorists just chalk all these events up to being just a coincidence of course same as they have tried to sense 1963 as well. :auiqs.jpg:

There is no way some random 20-yr-old, climbed onto a roof top with a rifle, within 130 yds from the former President unless he was allowed to.

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