COLDER Greenland GAINS Ice In June – Media Silent

I think you missed the point. Warmers have been proclaiming on high that ice lose is a huge problem and Remember the poor polar bears were losing their habitat? Apparently they were lying.

Plus when there is ice lose, the MSM reports it ad nauseam. When there is the greatest increase ever in ice, it isn’t reported.

You don't understand the science behind it.

It's not abnormal at all. You get times where the ice spreads out a lot, but is very thin. This is different to having thick ice.

This doesn't mean the polar bears aren't losing their habitat at all.

Yes, the media reports these things badly. But you coming on here and getting the science wrong is THE SAME SHIT THE MEDIA IS DOING.
You don't understand the science behind it.

It's not abnormal at all. You get times where the ice spreads out a lot, but is very thin. This is different to having thick ice.

This doesn't mean the polar bears aren't losing their habitat at all.

Yes, the media reports these things badly. But you coming on here and getting the science wrong is THE SAME SHIT THE MEDIA IS DOING.
Who said it was abnormal? Not I.

If the ice is expanding, then naturally it means the habitat for polar bears is too. Warmers have claimed for a long time their habitat is shrinking. Apparently not so.
Who said it was abnormal? Not I.

If the ice is expanding, then naturally it means the habitat for polar bears is too. Warmers have claimed for a long time their habitat is shrinking. Apparently not so.

You seem to be equating more surface ice with a colder Arctic.

The reality is the habitat probably is shrinking. This is what I'm telling you.

You have a thinner layer of snow and ice, that means there's less water. Where is this water? In the ocean.

And the habitat for polar bears, it's still disappearing.
You seem to be equating more surface ice with a colder Arctic.

The reality is the habitat probably is shrinking. This is what I'm telling you.

You have a thinner layer of snow and ice, that means there's less water. Where is this water? In the ocean.

And the habitat for polar bears, it's still disappearing.
The ice is expanding but the habitat is shrinking. That’s nonsensical.
And CO2 was 300 ppm, not 280 ppm. Hmmmm...................
What's your point?

Prior to the industrial revolution CO2 served as a proxy for temperature. After the industrial revolution that correlation was broken.

Englander 420kyr CO2-T-SL rev.jpg
Could you please provide proof that the DMI are quacks?
Who knew you were such a fan?
The increase in melting from the Greenland Ice Sheet that has been observed in the latest decade is highly influenced by the weather patterns, which can bring warm southern air up to Greenland. In the same manner there is also a signifiocant influence from weather and wind on the sea ice in the Arctic.

Who we are is financed by the DANCEA (Danish Cooperation for Environment in the Arctic) under the Danish Ministry for Energy, Utilities and Climate. The content is provided by three Danish research institutions:

DMI – Danish Meteorological Institute
Many of the people who have purple hair and think they can buy health at the organic vitamin store are also climate alarmists. They'll believe anything, no matter how far fetched, as long as it is proposed by someone from their side. These people can't be taken seriously.
And CO2 was 300 ppm, not 280 ppm. Hmmmm...................

But nobody cares about the ppm........nobody. Maybe some folks on community message boards and on college campuses. Nowhere else. Its been that way for well over 15 years now.

Again, you can have all the science in the world.......if nobody is caring, it has no impact outside the field. Which is hasnt........ever. If it has no impact on energy policy, its irrelevant. Not even debatable.

By 2040, renewables wont even be at 15% of providing grid electricity to America. Not my says the US Govt EIA....Ive posed up their projection graphs every year for many years now. They go basically unchanged. Fossil fuels dominate waaaaaaaaaaaaay out to 2050.

So the kibutzing about the ppm is kinda silly, no? :113: I mean.....c'mon now! Its a hobby for people who dont have enough to do except obsess on prolific levels of silly. Indeed, its a mental disorder......called OCD. The public at large could not possibly be any less interested in climate change..........a niche concern.:spinner:

For example.......who does nobody give a shit about the forest fires in California? Well.....its because the whole planet knows it has nothing to do with global warming and everything to do with the environmental k00ks shutting down effective forest management. People arent st00pid......nowhere else in the world do we get millions of acres of forests burning down ( every 6 months like clockwork) except in California. :abgg2q.jpg: People say to themselves, "Fcuk those assholes.....let the place burn to the ground!". A handful might not like to hear that but thats the way it is.
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The ice is expanding but the habitat is shrinking. That’s nonsensical.

It is if you don't understand.

You can see from the third picture from the bottom that the average Arctic sea ice extent is dropping every year.

The reality is if you put one months August snow on the Arctic, it doesn't make up for the years and years and years of snow and ice that has been lost.

If you have a 1 cm layer of snow and ice, that's different to one meter.

See but nobody cares about this stuff.........Ive seen graphs and maps, highly colorful btw, posted up in here for over 10 years. They move nobody. But......but......the public sees mega snow/ice storm reports in the headlines and the global warming concerns disappear in the public at large. The folks who make energy policy know it too!

Again, this stuff is all about the optics.......the science hardly matters. Will be the same way......5........10.......20 years from now. That will change only if we see Canada have a 3 week hot snap in mid-January with lots and lots of photos of bikini-clad babes tanning on the shore of some lake and jet-skiing om rivers in Manitoba. Not a moment sooner. In other words, something significant, not as determined by the climate obsessed. :113:

Its always about the optics! :hello77:
Your link is to a pseudo-science conspiracy theory website. The reason the MSM is silent on this event is because it never happened.


What has happened is that one glacier gained a small amount of ice but overall, the melting continues unchecked.

I missed this typical warmist/alarmist deflection because they can't handle the content of the article as it is well above their ability to understand it.

Post one article remains unchallenged
Principia Scientific International

COLDER Greenland GAINS Ice In June – Media Silent

Published on June 15, 2020

Written by Cap Allon


The month of June is breaking records across the Greenland ice sheet, and not records for warmth and melt –as the mainstream media have trained you to expect– but new benchmarks for COLD and GAINS.

The SMB gains occurring right now across Greenland are truly astonishing.

Data-driven FACTS reveal vast regions to the south have been GAINING RECORD/NEAR-RECORD LEVELS of snow & ice all month.

Never before in June has the Greenland ice sheet grown by more than 4 Gigatons in a single day (since 1981 when DMI records began), but now the past week has gone and delivered two such days — June 3, and now yesterday, June 10.

In fact, yesterday’s gains actually neared 5 Gts — you can see from the chart below how anomalous that gain is for the time of year:



CO2 must be pooped out up there, Jack Frost refuses to stand down!

Your link is not reliable.
The Principia Scientific International is a fake organization without scientific merit.

Principia Scientific International (PSI) is an organisation based in the United Kingdom which promotes fringe views and material to claim that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas. PSI was formed in 2010 around the time they published their first book, titled Slaying the Sky Dragon: Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory. [1]

PSI claims it provides its members with a “reliable port of call to ascertain the facts behind the news stories to better judge whether information being presented by third parties is accurate information and reflects a balanced view of all facets of the subject.” [2]

The PSI website says the organisation is “for everyone who supports the traditions [sic] scientific method against the rise of sinister and secretive government funded ‘post normal science’.”

As of 2014, PSI described itself as a “not-for-profit community interest subsidiary of PSI Acumen Ltd. That statement has since been removed. [2]

PSI Acumen was registered with Companies House in the UK in March 2013 (see PDF) as a private company, with an address in Battersea Park Road, London. In July 2013, the business address of PSI Acumen was changed (PDF) to an address in Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, which is the same as the home address of John O’Sullivan, the organisation’s founder and chief executive officer. PSI Acument LTD was dissolved (PDF) on October 15, 2014. [3], [4], [5]

The two named directors were John O’Sullivan, of the UK, and a Walter James O’Brien, with a US address listed in Fargo, North Dakota. Emails published by climate skeptic blogger Pete Ridley suggest that Walter James O’Brien no longer has any connection to the PSI Acument company. [3], [6]

Principia Scientific reports that one of their “proudest endeavors is the ongoing support given to world-leading independent climatologist, Dr Tim Ball,” who is also a founding member and former chairman of PCI. [7]

Stance on Climate Change​

PSI regularly publishes commentary which claims that carbon dioxide is not a greenhouse gas and that it could actually cool the planet. For example, in an article published in November 2013, “PSI Staff” wrote: [8]

Scientists at Principia Scientific International (PSI), who peer-reviewed Nahle’s paper, are currently advising colleagues that the most reliable data available now confirms that CO2 is shown to act as a coolant in earth’s climate. As such, the notion of a so-called ‘greenhouse gas’ warming effect may be regarded as refuted, while environmental measures by governments and individuals to reduce “carbon emissions” to combat climate change are, in turn, rendered pointless.
In 2013, PSI also began to promote unfounded claims that wind turbines make people sick and that childhood vaccines were “one of the largest most evil lies in history.” [9]


PSI is described on its website as being part of PSI Acumen Ltd — a private company registered in the UK with two named directors. No accounts have been filed for the company.

PSI asks for donations on its website and also seeks members. Membership is free, but PSI asks people applying to make a voluntary donation (they suggest about $30). According to their website, [2]

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