The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record

The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record
by Joe Romm Posted on November 14, 2014 at 9:22 am

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reports that last month was the hottest October in more than 120 years of record-keeping — by far. This follows the hottest September, August, June, and March-May in JMA’s records! Projections by NOAA make clear 2014 is increasingly likely to be hottest year on record.

And these records occurred despite the fact we’re still waiting for the start of El Niño. It is usually the combination of the underlying long-term warming trend and the regional El Niño warming pattern that leads to new global temperature records.

The JMA is a World Meteorological Organization Regional Climate Center of excellence. NASA reported Friday very similar observations. In the NASA dataset, last month was tied for hottest October on record with 2005.

In this country, temperatures were quite hot in the West, and the fourth-warmest on record for the lower 48. Here is the NASA chart for global temperatures last month:


For the third month in a row, it was so hot over West Antarctica, that NASA had to put in the color brown to cover the anomalous warmth — 4°C to 5.5°C (7°F to 10°F).

Sure, recent studies have found that the huge glaciers in the West Antarctic ice sheet “have begun the process of irreversible collapse,” and “many of the world’s coastal cities would eventually have to be abandoned” if that continues — but hey that’s our grandkids’ problem, isn’t it?

The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record ThinkProgress

It is now extremely likely that 2014 will be the hottest! Still not enough to say that the pause has ended.

Wow! Global average temperatures from the 1890s. Impressive! How many data points did they use?
Do you have any charts with the original numbers?

It's on the internet, but a good friction, fewer than today. This is why the error bar is larger for the late 19th century than currently.
I've a better set:

IPCC First Assessment Report
IPCC Second Assessment Report
IPCC Third Assessment Report
IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Political load of horse shit... Science is not involved..

If it is collecting data and making graphs of global anomalies. Well, that is science.

When politicians throw away real science for agenda that is when you get the IPCC.. I think Otmar Edenhoffer said it best; "
(EDENHOFER): First of all, developed countries have basically expropriated the atmosphere of the world community. But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world's wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole."

You see it has been a sham from day one and a deceitful lie.
The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record
by Joe Romm Posted on November 14, 2014 at 9:22 am

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reports that last month was the hottest October in more than 120 years of record-keeping — by far. This follows the hottest September, August, June, and March-May in JMA’s records! Projections by NOAA make clear 2014 is increasingly likely to be hottest year on record.

And these records occurred despite the fact we’re still waiting for the start of El Niño. It is usually the combination of the underlying long-term warming trend and the regional El Niño warming pattern that leads to new global temperature records.

The JMA is a World Meteorological Organization Regional Climate Center of excellence. NASA reported Friday very similar observations. In the NASA dataset, last month was tied for hottest October on record with 2005.

In this country, temperatures were quite hot in the West, and the fourth-warmest on record for the lower 48. Here is the NASA chart for global temperatures last month:


For the third month in a row, it was so hot over West Antarctica, that NASA had to put in the color brown to cover the anomalous warmth — 4°C to 5.5°C (7°F to 10°F).

Sure, recent studies have found that the huge glaciers in the West Antarctic ice sheet “have begun the process of irreversible collapse,” and “many of the world’s coastal cities would eventually have to be abandoned” if that continues — but hey that’s our grandkids’ problem, isn’t it?

The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record ThinkProgress

It is now extremely likely that 2014 will be the hottest! Still not enough to say that the pause has ended.

Wow! Global average temperatures from the 1890s. Impressive! How many data points did they use?
Do you have any charts with the original numbers?

It's on the internet, but a good friction, fewer than today. This is why the error bar is larger for the late 19th century than currently.

It's on the internet, but a good friction, fewer than today.

How do you take a few data points and turn it into a global average?

This is why the error bar is larger for the late 19th century than currently

Is that why they keep faking....err.....I mean fixing the old data?

Gosh...Japanese scientist have discovered the 'little ice age'.

Where is my hockey stick anyway?


What? That graph only goes back into the late 19th century.

Yeah, but it shows the standard trend line from the ~500 year old little ice age coming out of the ~1000 year old medieval warming period. Standard natural climate fluctuation.

Oh....and where is the hockey stick again? By the year 2005, we were supposed to be in a sauna bath...if we were to believe the models promoted by 'the experts'. I am freezing my ass off today.


Gosh...Japanese scientist have discovered the 'little ice age'.

Where is my hockey stick anyway?


What? That graph only goes back into the late 19th century.

Yeah, but it shows the standard trend line from the ~500 year old little ice age coming out of the ~1000 year old medieval warming period. Standard natural climate fluctuation.

Oh....and where is the hockey stick again? By the year 2005, we were supposed to be in a sauna bath...if we were to believe the models promoted by 'the experts'. I am freezing my ass off today.


no hokey schtick here!

But the i wonder how they would react to a rapid increase like happened over 275 million years ago?

Gosh...Japanese scientist have discovered the 'little ice age'.

Where is my hockey stick anyway?


What? That graph only goes back into the late 19th century.

Yeah, but it shows the standard trend line from the ~500 year old little ice age coming out of the ~1000 year old medieval warming period. Standard natural climate fluctuation.

Oh....and where is the hockey stick again? By the year 2005, we were supposed to be in a sauna bath...if we were to believe the models promoted by 'the experts'. I am freezing my ass off today.

View attachment 34062

no hokey schtick here!

But the i wonder how they would react to a rapid increase like happened over 275 million years ago?

Taking place over ten million years? They'd never notice it happening.
Meanwhile, the kooks just keep finding it harder to deny reality. Hence their shrillness.

Warmest oceans ever recorded -- ScienceDaily
"This summer has seen the highest global mean sea surface temperatures ever recorded since their systematic measuring started. Temperatures even exceed those of the record-breaking 1998 El Niño year," says Axel Timmermann, climate scientist and professor, studying variability of the global climate system at the International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.
Meanwhile, the kooks just keep finding it harder to deny reality. Hence their shrillness.

Warmest oceans ever recorded -- ScienceDaily
"This summer has seen the highest global mean sea surface temperatures ever recorded since their systematic measuring started. Temperatures even exceed those of the record-breaking 1998 El Niño year," says Axel Timmermann, climate scientist and professor, studying variability of the global climate system at the International Pacific Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa.

This summer has seen the highest global mean sea surface temperatures ever recorded since their systematic measuring started.

Wow! So how many years of data is that? 30?
Quick, let's crush our economy, because the oceans are warming.
Step 1, you should stop posting.
The CO2 released by your posts are killing the planet!!!

I'll use a nearby bike path to deliver step 2. Thanks for saving the planet.
You know that's a fudged graph, Kosh, yet you still use it. That says everything anyone needs to know about you.
The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record
by Joe Romm Posted on November 14, 2014 at 9:22 am

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) reports that last month was the hottest October in more than 120 years of record-keeping — by far. This follows the hottest September, August, June, and March-May in JMA’s records! Projections by NOAA make clear 2014 is increasingly likely to be hottest year on record.

And these records occurred despite the fact we’re still waiting for the start of El Niño. It is usually the combination of the underlying long-term warming trend and the regional El Niño warming pattern that leads to new global temperature records.

The JMA is a World Meteorological Organization Regional Climate Center of excellence. NASA reported Friday very similar observations. In the NASA dataset, last month was tied for hottest October on record with 2005.

In this country, temperatures were quite hot in the West, and the fourth-warmest on record for the lower 48. Here is the NASA chart for global temperatures last month:


For the third month in a row, it was so hot over West Antarctica, that NASA had to put in the color brown to cover the anomalous warmth — 4°C to 5.5°C (7°F to 10°F).

Sure, recent studies have found that the huge glaciers in the West Antarctic ice sheet “have begun the process of irreversible collapse,” and “many of the world’s coastal cities would eventually have to be abandoned” if that continues — but hey that’s our grandkids’ problem, isn’t it?

The Planet Just Had Its Hottest October On Record ThinkProgress

It is now extremely likely that 2014 will be the hottest! Still not enough to say that the pause has ended.

Can you give me a rational reason to think that this graph would not accurately portray what is happening across the entire globe?

Meanwhile, the kooks just keep finding it harder to deny reality. Hence their shrillness.
Meanwhile the climate denier kooks keep thinking they can keep the next ice age from happening by holding their farts in.l
Meanwhile the climate denier kooks keep thinking they can keep the next ice age from happening by holding their farts in.l

Man, if that's all you've got, I really don't know why you bother. When you typed that up and were about to hit POST, did you really think that would advance the conversation? Did you think anyone would learn something meaningful from what you had to say.
Can you give me a rational reason to think that this graph would not accurately portray what is happening across the entire globe?

Because the world isn't composed of pathologically dishonest cult conspiracy nutters like you.

We get it. You forge and fudge everything, so you assume others must do that same. Not being honest, you can't imagine that anyone else is honest. You just need to understand that your moral decrepitude is the exception, not the rule.
Can you give me a rational reason to think that this graph would not accurately portray what is happening across the entire globe?

Because the world isn't composed of pathologically dishonest cult conspiracy nutters like you.

We get it. You forge and fudge everything, so you assume others must do that same. Not being honest, you can't imagine that anyone else is honest. You just need to understand that your moral decrepitude is the exception, not the rule.

So you are saying that only the US climate community is composed of people willing to alter data if there is enough money in it?
Meanwhile the climate denier kooks keep thinking they can keep the next ice age from happening by holding their farts in.l

Man, if that's all you've got, I really don't know why you bother. When you typed that up and were about to hit POST, did you really think that would advance the conversation? Did you think anyone would learn something meaningful from what you had to say.
So you think humans can defeat mother nature? Do tell.

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