CDZ Collective identity--what's up with that?

In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
Maybe it just the way I was raised, but I've never understood the need of many people to associate only with people who are like themselves in some way. And further still, to take pride in this collective identity. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me?
sorry, but I never fit in anywhere, didn't like running with the pack, hang with the in crowd or wear the cool thing.

I laugh at people who say they don't conform to society but conform to a smaller group, like goths or some metal heads, bikers, etc...

Since we are onto it, will you allow me to share my enjoyable nonconformist group perspective too? I assure you I am neither like you or anyone else, if that has any significance to you at all. Anyway, we are here sharing for a reason I believe, so I may as well exert my function too.

This may be indeed a ridiculous thing to say, but who in their sane minds is not fond of a good healthy laugh? If you pay attention to your own words, which by the way I find fantastic and curious, it is quite an accomplishment to say "I laugh AT something or someone." Just think about it, it is like saying that someone or someone is ACTUALLY making the circumstances of your experience! That is such an incredible realization! Perhaps even especially for someone who could never be in cooperation with another in similarity, even if that association is in a very small scale. Congratulations, you just learned as I have and do! Do not be proud now, okay? For your own sake and respect. :bye1: > (proper laughing emote) > (proper happy smile emote) > (proper farewell emote).
Maybe it just the way I was raised, but I've never understood the need of many people to associate only with people who are like themselves in some way. And further still, to take pride in this collective identity. Can someone explain this phenomenon to me?
sorry, but I never fit in anywhere, didn't like running with the pack, hang with the in crowd or wear the cool thing.

I laugh at people who say they don't conform to society but conform to a smaller group, like goths or some metal heads, bikers, etc...

Since we are onto it, will you allow me to share my enjoyable nonconformist group perspective too? I assure you I am neither like you or anyone else, if that has any significance to you at all. Anyway, we are here sharing for a reason I believe, so I may as well exert my function too.

This may be indeed a ridiculous thing to say, but who in their sane minds is not fond of a good healthy laugh? If you pay attention to your own words, which by the way I find fantastic and curious, it is quite an accomplishment to say "I laugh AT something or someone." Just think about it, it is like saying that someone or someone is ACTUALLY making the circumstances of your experience! That is such an incredible realization! Perhaps even especially for someone who could never be in cooperation with another in similarity, even if that association is in a very small scale. Congratulations, you just learned as I have and do! Do not be proud now, okay? For your own sake and respect. :bye1: > (proper laughing emote) > (proper happy smile emote) > (proper farewell emote).

yer funny, long winded, but a good addition to our board.
The greatest organizing principle in human society is fear, and group think is a weapon against fear. The best description of this phenomenon I've ever read is "a conspiracy of agreement". Gathering in like minded groups makes it easier for us to pretend that our own most deeply cherished assumptions are, in fact, the truth. People who suggest that perhaps the truth is different than our assumptions threaten our peace of mind. These people are frequently torn to pieces by angry mobs.
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.

holos-----you are largely over-ruled by just about every biologist and anthropologist
in the world. The idea that SURVIVAL OF THE GROUP is possible only if ALL THE COMPONENT members are capable of INDEPENDENT SURVIVAL ----is kinda idiotic. Even the one celled EUGLENA----needs other EUGLENAS to bhe
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.

holos-----you are largely over-ruled by just about every biologist and anthropologist
in the world. The idea that SURVIVAL OF THE GROUP is possible only if ALL THE COMPONENT members are capable of INDEPENDENT SURVIVAL ----is kinda idiotic. Even the one celled EUGLENA----needs other EUGLENAS to bhe

Would you like me to do something about it?

I have already revised Darwin, and indeed I have not met anyone with a similar interpretation (or any interpretation at all, actually, but only literal replication), which I confess is very disappointing given the expanse and kind invitation of Darwin work's in relation to future interested scholars.
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.

holos-----you are largely over-ruled by just about every biologist and anthropologist
in the world. The idea that SURVIVAL OF THE GROUP is possible only if ALL THE COMPONENT members are capable of INDEPENDENT SURVIVAL ----is kinda idiotic. Even the one celled EUGLENA----needs other EUGLENAS to bhe

Would you like me to do something about it?

I have already revised Darwin, and indeed I have not met anyone with a similar interpretation (or any interpretation at all, actually, but only literal replication), which I confess is very disappointing given the expanse and kind invitation of Darwin work's in relation to future interested scholars.

In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
Sure thing. First question. Why do you want me to google Lamarcks failed theory?
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

I am curious about the nature of your observations. "Humans are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet." Well, yes, if the group of humans you are thinking about are spending the majority of their times sitting on chairs in front of computers or reading books, then yes, it is more than probable, it is actually evident, they are the weakest.

But you have included in that statement "the face of the planet". And it is there where I am able to firmly disagree with your probability driven theory for lack of data collected. Have you spent the majority of your time in this planet observing its various locations by using your own physical body and nothing else other than its natural biological necessities? If you had, you would know of the inherent strenght in humans. If you had actually spent time with wild animals who do indeed have claws and fangs (without being a scared scattered wimp), you would know, for instance, that upright walking and two inferior and two superior body members phenotypically consistent of two 5 digit grasps each can take on any fang or claw easilly. This I tell you not only from my own solitary human experience in the wilderness but also of my experience observing other active humans throughout the face of the planet.
In layman's terms, group association is a survival instinct. As one progresses intellectually, commonality of experiences and beliefs supplant this instinct. Ultimately, some may graduate to an independent valuation of ideas, for which external support mechanisms are unnecessary.

I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

I am curious about the nature of your observations. "Humans are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet." Well, yes, if the group of humans you are thinking about are spending the majority of their times sitting on chairs in front of computers or reading books, then yes, it is more than probable, it is actually evident, they are the weakest.

But you have included in that statement "the face of the planet". And it is there where I am able to firmly disagree with your probability driven theory for lack of data collected. Have you spent the majority of your time in this planet observing its various locations by using your own physical body and nothing else other than its natural biological necessities? If you had, you would know of the inherent strenght in humans. If you had actually spent time with wild animals who do indeed have claws and fangs (without being a scared scattered wimp), you would know, for instance, that upright walking and two inferior and two superior body members phenotypically consistent of two 5 digit grasps each can take on any fang or claw easilly. This I tell you not only from my own solitary human experience in the wilderness but also of my experience observing other active humans throughout the face of the planet.
No one that I have ever heard of has spent the majority of their life alone in the wild. I doubt you have as well. I have spent some time in the militarys survival classes which ironically is where I learned the simple truth of my view point. I didnt need to spend much time with wild animals such as leopards, lions, and bears to figure out they are top level predators by themselves while I would need tools and help from other humans to do what they do easily and alone. All I really need to do is be shown a video of you or some other guy taking on a angry wild lion without any tools or help from other humans and emerging victorious from a deadly encounter.
I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

I am curious about the nature of your observations. "Humans are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet." Well, yes, if the group of humans you are thinking about are spending the majority of their times sitting on chairs in front of computers or reading books, then yes, it is more than probable, it is actually evident, they are the weakest.

But you have included in that statement "the face of the planet". And it is there where I am able to firmly disagree with your probability driven theory for lack of data collected. Have you spent the majority of your time in this planet observing its various locations by using your own physical body and nothing else other than its natural biological necessities? If you had, you would know of the inherent strenght in humans. If you had actually spent time with wild animals who do indeed have claws and fangs (without being a scared scattered wimp), you would know, for instance, that upright walking and two inferior and two superior body members phenotypically consistent of two 5 digit grasps each can take on any fang or claw easilly. This I tell you not only from my own solitary human experience in the wilderness but also of my experience observing other active humans throughout the face of the planet.
No one that I have ever heard of has spent the majority of their life alone in the wild. I doubt you have as well. I have spent some time in the militarys survival classes which ironically is where I learned the simple truth of my view point. I didnt need to spend much time with wild animals such as leopards, lions, and bears to figure out they are top level predators by themselves while I would need tools and help from other humans to do what they do easily and alone. All I really need to do is be shown a video of you or some other guy taking on a angry wild lion without any tools or help from other humans and emerging victorious from a deadly encounter.

Angry and fully capable animals in their optimal health, either human, feline or mammal alike, find their greatest achievement in assuring security not through physical combat but through effective communication. Animals, we ourselves included, are not killing machines. We are associative relating machines able to create multiple venues for conflicting life forms in a variety of expressive ways.

There are plenty of those videos on the internet, by the way. If you don't want to go outside of your computer, why don't you try going outside of this website? Your independence appreciates it.
I disagree. Groups are beyond survival in my opinion. Groups cannot survive at all if individuals cannot survive by their own first.

I would like to address the rest of your post too, as you have used very few but very important words to convey quite a laborial extent of concepts. I do not think I can do that effectively, however, if we cannot both first agree with the extent of the beginning set you have presented.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
Sure thing. First question. Why do you want me to google Lamarcks failed theory?

your statement CONFORMS to LAMARCK's theory of evolution-----"we evolve
IN ORDER to achieve a goal"------is kinda Lamarckian. ----we evolve
---as Darwin concluded---because OF NATURAL SELECTION----which means htat
a given MUTATION conferred SURVIVAL VALUE------and was, therefore-----thru
NATURAL SELECTION ----propagated-------the issue is THAT WHICH SUPPORTS
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
Sure thing. First question. Why do you want me to google Lamarcks failed theory?

your statement CONFORMS to LAMARCK's theory of evolution-----"we evolve
IN ORDER to achieve a goal"------is kinda Lamarckian. ----we evolve
---as Darwin concluded---because OF NATURAL SELECTION----which means htat
a given MUTATION conferred SURVIVAL VALUE------and was, therefore-----thru
NATURAL SELECTION ----propagated-------the issue is THAT WHICH SUPPORTS

I'd feel better about debating this topic in reference to third parties if we could at least have legitimate excerpts from their work to discuss and improve our understandings.

It does not seem you want to improve your understanding, as you are neither offering close detailed transliteration nor your own interpretation. Therefore I will not endeavor to continue this dialogue as my sole purpose here is to continue learning in mutuality.
Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
Sure thing. First question. Why do you want me to google Lamarcks failed theory?

your statement CONFORMS to LAMARCK's theory of evolution-----"we evolve
IN ORDER to achieve a goal"------is kinda Lamarckian. ----we evolve
---as Darwin concluded---because OF NATURAL SELECTION----which means htat
a given MUTATION conferred SURVIVAL VALUE------and was, therefore-----thru
NATURAL SELECTION ----propagated-------the issue is THAT WHICH SUPPORTS

I'd feel better about debating this topic in reference to third parties if we could at least have legitimate excerpts from their work to discuss and improve our understandings.

It does not seem you want to improve your understanding, as you are neither offering close detailed transliteration nor your own interpretation. Therefore I will not endeavor to continue this dialogue as my sole purpose here is to continue learning in mutuality.

that which is HARD WIRED in the HUMAN BRAIN-----via the evolution of
the HUMAN BRAIN-----specifically in this case----SOCIALIZATION with ---
members of ones "group"-------is very much at the heart of your OP.
You seem not to be able to grasp that fact. I will assume that you are not
in any way familiar with-------the area of "learning" called BIOLOGY----more
specifically in this case-----Neuroscience.--------another area of learning
germane to your OP is BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

Butterfly-----GOOGLE LAMARCK------please feel free to ask questions
Sure thing. First question. Why do you want me to google Lamarcks failed theory?

your statement CONFORMS to LAMARCK's theory of evolution-----"we evolve
IN ORDER to achieve a goal"------is kinda Lamarckian. ----we evolve
---as Darwin concluded---because OF NATURAL SELECTION----which means htat
a given MUTATION conferred SURVIVAL VALUE------and was, therefore-----thru
NATURAL SELECTION ----propagated-------the issue is THAT WHICH SUPPORTS
I thought you were referring to the part were he claimed if an organism evolved to survive during its lifetime then it passed on that change to its offspring. We now know there has to be a genetic change within the DNA to accomplish that.
We are social animals for a reason. Without help we would die when sick or injured. Think about it. Why is solitary confinement such a terrible punishment? Why do people go crazy when forced to be alone?

Okay. Are you ready for this? I've thought about it ever since I was given my thinking faculties and have never stopped improving my understanding on these circumstances. (Guess why? Yes! You are correct! Because dying, getting sick or injured is not in my interest at all, even if every other person says there is no way out and we better stay in our houses, labs and offices until the inevitable takes the little borrowed and expendable power we acquired by the combination of our very determined and committed efforts to be debtors with an IMPERSONAL LUCKIER THAN US PARTIALLY ADMITTED PREDILECTION!)

We are indeed social animals. Not FOR a rescuing reason from powerlesness, but BECAUSE of and already fulfilled reason proceeded from, and advanced beyond, power. Society does not work upon wishful thinking and helpless expectations. Society works upon carefully planned wishes and modifiable beneficial certainty.

Think with me. Solitary confinement is no punishment at all. Solitary confinement is actually an excellent opportunity for discipline, comprehension of reality, and enhancement of experience. After all, you would at least have shelter secured for you, right? The shelter may indeed turn out to be something less than a refuge, but this would be realized only in the case the confinement is first embraced as an opportunity.

People go crazy when forced to do anything, including believe in and deny what they cannot comprehend (sickness and death are great examples). However, if instead of being forced a person engages in the same activity willingly then sanity will never be a problem to them, except as one of collaborative nature.
I'll address the only point in your reply that addressed my post. You arent a typical human if you like solitary confinement.forced or unforced. Yes a large part of why we are social animals is for safety. A human has no fangs, claws, etc. We are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet. You get sick when you are alone and you are a goner. Our minds have developed this need for groups in order to preserve our survival.

I am curious about the nature of your observations. "Humans are probably the physically weakest mammal on the face of the planet." Well, yes, if the group of humans you are thinking about are spending the majority of their times sitting on chairs in front of computers or reading books, then yes, it is more than probable, it is actually evident, they are the weakest.

But you have included in that statement "the face of the planet". And it is there where I am able to firmly disagree with your probability driven theory for lack of data collected. Have you spent the majority of your time in this planet observing its various locations by using your own physical body and nothing else other than its natural biological necessities? If you had, you would know of the inherent strenght in humans. If you had actually spent time with wild animals who do indeed have claws and fangs (without being a scared scattered wimp), you would know, for instance, that upright walking and two inferior and two superior body members phenotypically consistent of two 5 digit grasps each can take on any fang or claw easilly. This I tell you not only from my own solitary human experience in the wilderness but also of my experience observing other active humans throughout the face of the planet.
No one that I have ever heard of has spent the majority of their life alone in the wild. I doubt you have as well. I have spent some time in the militarys survival classes which ironically is where I learned the simple truth of my view point. I didnt need to spend much time with wild animals such as leopards, lions, and bears to figure out they are top level predators by themselves while I would need tools and help from other humans to do what they do easily and alone. All I really need to do is be shown a video of you or some other guy taking on a angry wild lion without any tools or help from other humans and emerging victorious from a deadly encounter.

Angry and fully capable animals in their optimal health, either human, feline or mammal alike, find their greatest achievement in assuring security not through physical combat but through effective communication. Animals, we ourselves included, are not killing machines. We are associative relating machines able to create multiple venues for conflicting life forms in a variety of expressive ways.

There are plenty of those videos on the internet, by the way. If you don't want to go outside of your computer, why don't you try going outside of this website? Your independence appreciates it.
Its pretty simple. Predators kill to eat, train, or play. Humans without tools and social groups are pretty low on the predator scale and high on the victim scale. We cant run fast, fly, climb, or fight very well in relation to other animals. Our survival depended on our instinct to make groupings with other humans to overcome those deficiencies.

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