College: Fire professor who forced students to vote for Obama Read more: http://dail

I apologize for assuming that the OP made an honest and accurate report of the situation.

I WILL NOT make the same mistake with this poster.

Without exception, each thread she's started has been a lie.

I don't think she can help herself, though, and probably deserves our pity.
The parents of these students or the students themselves paid her to teach them MATH not shove her political view down their throats. Some kids may felt threatened if they did not sign that pledge and may get a poor grade ( we know it happens in other cases not just politics) that teachers bribe their students. This teacher needs to be fired PERIOD.

My God you are stupid. No one forced anyone to sign anything. I realize if you were a college student you'd do whatever your teachers told you to do.

The point that the bitch was paid to teach math...not to assume that her students needed guidance in developing their political posture. Whether she made them sign, suggested they sign or begged them to sign is irrelevant.

Funny, it's usually the liberal educators that feel a need to impose their views on students. I think they are afraid that if students are left on their own to develop political postures, they will naturally be in favor of anything but liberalism....especially if they are students of history and have learned of past failures of socialist governments to enable the same benefits as do those that practice capitalism.

It is as if they want the impressionable students to think that they can successfully feed themselves forever off the government teats before those students learn that the teats will soon run dry due to being sucked on by too many goddamned moochers.
Funny, it's usually the liberal educators that feel a need to impose their views on students

My personal experience was exactly the opposite so I'm not sure where you collected that data.
Did you collect data? Or did you just pull that out of your a$$?
Funny, it's usually the liberal educators that feel a need to impose their views on students

My personal experience was exactly the opposite so I'm not sure where you collected that data.
Did you collect data? Or did you just pull that out of your a$$?
Did you come from a site that won't let you type "ass"?

My statement comes from years (I am 70) of reading tidbits about professors trying to steer their students. I have no notes tucked away...just memories. My personal experience with professors and their political views has been that those teaching the sciences (math, physics, chemistry, electrical, mechanical) stuck to their assigned tasks of teaching those things advertized. It was the English, literature, art, drama and social studies teachers that drifted into promoting their own political bullshit.

Of course, this opinion I hold applies only to state run universities and colleges. If you factor in privately run campuses like Life College and Oral Roberts University, then the pendulum likely swings the other way. One should expect private colleges to push the agenda of their founders. That is a "duh" topic.
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Funny, it's usually the liberal educators that feel a need to impose their views on students

My personal experience was exactly the opposite so I'm not sure where you collected that data.
Did you collect data? Or did you just pull that out of your a$$?
Did you come from a site that won't let you type "ass"?

My statement comes from years (I am 70) of reading tidbits about professors trying to steer their students. I have no notes tucked away...just memories. My personal experience with professors and their political views has been that those teaching the sciences (math, physics, chemistry, electrical, mechanical) stuck to their assigned tasks of teaching those things advertized. It was the English, literature, art, drama and social studies teachers that drifted into promoting their own political bullshit.

Of course, this opinion I hold applies only to state run universities and colleges. If you factor in privately run campuses like Life College and Oral Roberts University, then the pendulum likely swings the other way. One should expect private colleges to push the agenda of their founders. That is a "duh" topic.

I preffer not to type it.

So you verify that you pulled it out of your a$$.

The parents of these students or the students themselves paid her to teach them MATH not shove her political view down their throats. Some kids may felt threatened if they did not sign that pledge and may get a poor grade ( we know it happens in other cases not just politics) that teachers bribe their students. This teacher needs to be fired PERIOD.

My God you are stupid. No one forced anyone to sign anything. I realize if you were a college student you'd do whatever your teachers told you to do.

The point that the bitch was paid to teach math...not to assume that her students needed guidance in developing their political posture. Whether she made them sign, suggested they sign or begged them to sign is irrelevant.

Funny, it's usually the liberal educators that feel a need to impose their views on students. I think they are afraid that if students are left on their own to develop political postures, they will naturally be in favor of anything but liberalism....especially if they are students of history and have learned of past failures of socialist governments to enable the same benefits as do those that practice capitalism.

It is as if they want the impressionable students to think that they can successfully feed themselves forever off the government teats before those students learn that the teats will soon run dry due to being sucked on by too many goddamned moochers.

Shows more about your lack of class right there.
Whether she made them sign, suggested they sign or begged them to sign is irrelevant.

And if she just provided bookmarks that include the web address to the pledge?

It is very relevant.
Forced seems a tad strong a word for the situation. Though what she did clearly crossed a line.
She didnt force anyone to do anything

Brevard CC Professor Caught Soliciting Students for Obama | Sunshine State News

She advocated for Obama in her classes, and handed out bookmarks that asked students to pledge to vote Dem.Obviously she crossed the line, she's been suspended without pay and will most likely resign.

If students (how ever foolishly) thought their graded in her class depended upon how they voted... Then she forced them.


Without having access to her students’ actual ballots there’s no way to determine who voted for whom, and no ‘force’ was involved.

Otherwise this is a partisan non-issue; had the same professor done the exact same thing except advocating for Romney, the OP would have never started a thread.

In the past Courts have held, IIRC, that it is the employees state of mind that matters, not what the employer claims they meant.

If enough students claim that they felt their grades were at risk if they did not vote as she wanted, then they were forced. She had the power, not them.

Granted, you and I know that that there is no practical way, short them telling her, of her knowing how they voted. But in the past, that didn't matter in the courts when it came to employee/employer relationships. It was the "state of mind" that mattered. Nothing else.
The parents of these students or the students themselves paid her to teach them MATH not shove her political view down their throats. Some kids may felt threatened if they did not sign that pledge and may get a poor grade ( we know it happens in other cases not just politics) that teachers bribe their students. This teacher needs to be fired PERIOD.

This is becoming quite common especially in classroom with Black teachers. The indoctrination begins early.
She didnt force anyone to do anything

Brevard CC Professor Caught Soliciting Students for Obama | Sunshine State News

She advocated for Obama in her classes, and handed out bookmarks that asked students to pledge to vote Dem.Obviously she crossed the line, she's been suspended without pay and will most likely resign.

If students (how ever foolishly) thought their graded in her class depended upon how they voted... Then she forced them.

Is there any evidence they thought that?

Handing out bookmarks that urge you to vote dem doesn't equal "your grades are dependant on your vote".

While, again, I think what she did crossed the line and she should lose her job, I also don't think making stuff up to sensationalize the story is valid either.

Of course not, that's why no one brought it to the attention of the college.
If students (how ever foolishly) thought their graded in her class depended upon how they voted... Then she forced them.

Is there any evidence they thought that?

Handing out bookmarks that urge you to vote dem doesn't equal "your grades are dependant on your vote".

While, again, I think what she did crossed the line and she should lose her job, I also don't think making stuff up to sensationalize the story is valid either.

Of course not, that's why no one brought it to the attention of the college.

Parents of students brought it to school attention. There is a diffrence in understanding your teacher is acting inappropriately and feeling threatened by their actions.
She did not enter into the voting booth with them, so there is no debate about their free will being infringed. If voting age people can be that easily swayed, the problem is much more profound than one teacher's possible excess.
My own experiences were that ultra-conservative views were more expressed than radical left ones. I came out of school, and remain, eclectic rather than doctrinaire.
I apologize for assuming that the OP made an honest and accurate report of the situation.

I WILL NOT make the same mistake with this poster.

It is Lovebear's MO to lie in a topic and abandon it once she is called out on her lies.

Clearly the teacher crossed a line, but saying she forced anybody to do anything is plain false.

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