Students told to sign obama pledge

A "promise" which really has no effect beyond expressing her opinion. As I said, it's unethical, but it's not illegal.
If you read the rest of 104.31 closely, you'll notice they're all referring to things that constitute employment discrimination. The clear intent is to prevent elected officials from placing financial pressure on their unelected subordinates.
If you read the rest of 104.31 closely, you'll notice they're all referring to things that constitute employment discrimination. The clear intent is to prevent elected officials from placing financial pressure on their unelected subordinates.

(2) An employee of the state or any political subdivision may not participate in any political campaign for an elective office while on duty.
Do you suppose Professor Sweets will be prosecuted for violating Florida code: Section 104.31, of Title IX in chapter 104?

A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.

Early last week Professor Sharon Sweet at Brevard Community College (BCC) allegedly told students to sign a pledge that reads: “I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.

Ernie you really are an idiot. Wanna explain how any pledge on how to vote is enforcable?

It is not enforceable, but using a little psychology works on mindless drones, especially since they have been indoctrinated for most of their lives.

Give them a reason to feel important and make them think they are making a difference in the world by putting Obama back in office. Not because he has helped the US, but because he will bring peace to the entire world and forgive their student loans. :D
In Florida it is illegal.

Section 104.31, of Title IX in chapter 104, states that “no officer or employee of the state... shall... use his or her official authority or influence for the purpose of interfering with an election or nomination of officer or influencing another person’s vote or affecting the result thereof.”

The tampering statute is 104.30

Any person who tampers or attempts to tamper with or destroy any voting system or equipment with the intention of interfering with the election process or the results thereof is guilty of a felony of the third degree

Pretty clear that's referring to stuffing ballot boxes and hacking voting machines, not expressing an opinion you don't like.

Note, I think what she did is highly improper. However, that doesn't make it illegal.

She made them sign a pledge, that is not expressing an opinion. Signing a pledge is a promise, what she did is illegal. I would have her fired, no matter what political party she is in. She is wrong and so are you.

I just want to know how many of the kids actually signed the pledge. I would have been stubborn and refused, ready to face whatever punishment the teacher had in mind. I would have called my lawyer or the ACLU immediately after I exited the class but I NEVER would have signed that pledge.
A "promise" which really has no effect beyond expressing her opinion. As I said, it's unethical, but it's not illegal.

Actually, it's a felony, as you know.

But you're a partisan hack and hold your party above the law, ethics, and reality.
Liberals will defend some scumbag forcing students to pledge to vote Democrap, but they would have a lynch mob if some Christian professor brought up God in class.
Well.. The investigation is over and Sharon Sweet has been terminated.

College fires professor who forced students to sign pledge to vote for Obama

Brevard Community College (BCC) has fired a professor after a school investigation concluded she required students to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the run-up to the 2012 election.

The school’s spokesman John Glisch, said the Board of Trustees voted Wednesday morning to terminate mathematics professor Sharon Sweet with an overwhelming vote.

“The board voted 3-1, with one member absent, to dismiss professor Sweet,” Glisch told Campus Reform Wednesday afternoon.

“The termination took effect immediately, ending pay and benefits for Sweet who had been suspended with pay under provisions of the United Faculty of Florida collective bargaining agreement with the college, pending the board’s decision,” the school added in a press release.

BCC was hurled into the national spotlight last year for Sweet’s actions after a Campus Reform exposé highlighted her alleged demand for students to support the Democratic Party in the 2012 elections.

The school’s president later recommended to the Board of Trustees that professor Sweet should be fired, following an investigation that found her guilty of “harassment, incompetence, misconduct, and unprofessional behavior.”
Sweet was a tenured professor who had taught at the college five years. She earned $40,000 annually.
What do you expect from a State-Run Education System? It's all about the indoctrination.
Just about every republican in DC signed a pledge to a private citizen backed by corporations. Grover Norquist. So what's the big deal?
Do you suppose Professor Sweets will be prosecuted for violating Florida code: Section 104.31, of Title IX in chapter 104?

A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.

Early last week Professor Sharon Sweet at Brevard Community College (BCC) allegedly told students to sign a pledge that reads: “I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.

What part of "allegedly" do you not understand?

yeah the same people that blame every tragedy on right wingers the second they happen and are wrong.

I love this, there are so many of these type of stories......and yet liberals try and deny each one....good luck!
Do you suppose Professor Sweets will be prosecuted for violating Florida code: Section 104.31, of Title IX in chapter 104?
A college professor has been placed on leave after she allegedly forced her class to sign a pledge to vote for President Obama in the upcoming elections.

Early last week Professor Sharon Sweet at Brevard Community College (BCC) allegedly told students to sign a pledge that reads: “I pledge to vote for President Obama and Democrats up and down the ticket.

IF this is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

The woman has no place in a classroom.
What part of "allegedly" do you not understand?

What part of "tampering with voters," a FELONY, has you dumbfounded - nutsack.

So, in your neo-nazi world, everyone is guilty until proven innocent?

You're not one of those morons that actually believes you're innocent until proven guilty are you? That's bs. You can be held in jail for months, sometimes over a year, before you are ever found guilty of anything. In this nation you can be arrested on the words of another citizen, taken to jail, maybe having bail denied, or placed at such a high amount you cannot pay it, then you must go to court and prove your innocence. Innocent until proven guilty is a myth, the whole process in this nation is arrest and jail, then fighting to prove your innocence quite often from jail. There are tens of thousands of citizens in this nation held behind bars for extended periods of time who have never been found guilty of anything.
Just about every republican in DC signed a pledge to a private citizen backed by corporations. Grover Norquist. So what's the big deal?

Grover Norquist is a private citizen, you idiot. THAT is the difference.
Apparently not because they fired her, as they should. The question is, whatever made her think she could do such a thing?

99.99999999% of leftist college teachers DID get away with the same thing. Sharon Sweet - who was not a "Professor." (no .PhD) simply got caught doing what most of academia does as a matter of course. Campus Reform happened to look at her school, and made a national story of it. They could have looked at any campus throughout the USA and garnered the same results.
Just about every republican in DC signed a pledge to a private citizen backed by corporations. Grover Norquist. So what's the big deal?

I'm curious; when you get thirsty, do you just lick your anal walls to get moisture, or to you actually pull your head out of your ass and get a drink from the toilet?
American State-Run Education. This explains its origins and how it has helped create this current Police State...

[ame=]SCHOOL SUCKS: The American Way - YouTube[/ame]

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