College students one step closer to being able to protect selves on campus

Guns one step closer to being OK at public colleges

I hope it becomes law. This is common sense. We protect politicians but our kids of all ages are open to threats from criminals.

IMO, only federal, state offices and some other special condition should be gun-free zones. And the reason for that is they are adequately guarded by armed personnel. I don't think campuses should be gun free zones because, as proven in the past, a nutball is always going to ignore gun laws and start shooting people regardless of whether it is a gun-free zone or not.
Guns one step closer to being OK at public colleges

I hope it becomes law. This is common sense. We protect politicians but our kids of all ages are open to threats from criminals.

IMO, only federal, state offices and some other special condition should be gun-free zones. And the reason for that is they are adequately guarded by armed personnel. I don't think campuses should be gun free zones because, as proven in the past, a nutball is always going to ignore gun laws and start shooting people regardless of whether it is a gun-free zone or not.
I agree 100%.
Have you ever been on a college campus ? Is there a bigger collection of assholes !? You what them packing heat!?
Have you ever been on a college campus ? Is there a bigger collection of assholes !? You what them packing heat!?
Yes been on several actually. Some were more active than others. The college I went to was pretty calm and nice folks actually. I am sure several of my classmates had pistols in their cars...wouldn't surprise me. This just lowers the risk of if there is an active shooter of him or her having more victims than they would if no one was armed. Its sad our youngest citizens ( those in elementary-high school) will be the last to be protected from mentally ill assholes who want to shoot places up.
Apparently you did not have a frat row . It's where people can break all kinds of laws and not get arrested .

Then there's the other crazy fucks on campus . U want them guns ? Have you ever been to a D1 college football game day !? It's like Faluja at the height of the Iraq war!!

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