College without sports

To those who are illiterate: Ranting against COLLEGE SPORTS is not ranting against sports. I think sports are wonderful. I have participated in sports for the past 64 years. I think competition is wonderful in a number of ways.

But perverting American higher education in order to PROMOTE sports is an academic abomination. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD DOES THIS. Not even our neighbors in Canada or Mexico. Nobody. Because it is colossally stupid.

For those who believe that it MUST BE the way that is IS, how do you suppose people in other countries manage to survive without college sports? Do their athletic yoots just shrivel up and die? No. They play recreationally, they play on club teams, and if they are good enough, they play professionally. And the colleges and universities? Well, they somehow manage to muddle through without the pointless distraction of football Saturdays.

Oh the misery of it.

Athletic scholarships should be abolished. Professional coaching for college teams should be prohibited. The bullshit majors and courses that allow many athletes to "graduate" should be dropped.

And if you fear that "millions" of "minority" and at-risk kids will be denied a chance for a Better Life, consider this: Let's award scholarships to disadvantaged yoots on the basis of ACADEMIC MERIT, and not athletic ability. Doesn't that make more sense for COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES???
To those who are illiterate: Ranting against COLLEGE SPORTS is not ranting against sports. I think sports are wonderful. I have participated in sports for the past 64 years. I think competition is wonderful in a number of ways.

But perverting American higher education in order to PROMOTE sports is an academic abomination. NO OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD DOES THIS. Not even our neighbors in Canada or Mexico. Nobody. Because it is colossally stupid.

For those who believe that it MUST BE the way that is IS, how do you suppose people in other countries manage to survive without college sports? Do their athletic yoots just shrivel up and die? No. They play recreationally, they play on club teams, and if they are good enough, they play professionally. And the colleges and universities? Well, they somehow manage to muddle through without the pointless distraction of football Saturdays.

Oh the misery of it.

Athletic scholarships should be abolished. Professional coaching for college teams should be prohibited. The bullshit majors and courses that allow many athletes to "graduate" should be dropped.

And if you fear that "millions" of "minority" and at-risk kids will be denied a chance for a Better Life, consider this: Let's award scholarships to disadvantaged yoots on the basis of ACADEMIC MERIT, and not athletic ability. Doesn't that make more sense for COLLEGES and UNIVERSITIES???
How fortunate that a would-be communist dictator weakling like yourself is utterly impotent and irrelevant. Your anti-American whining means exactly nothing in the real world.
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it?
Wow what a concept. Use colleges and universities to educate people and teach them to use their brains and thinking instead of playing silly assed games, getting drunk or otherwise wasted and learning to be a herd animal.
A truly novel concept indeed!
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it?
Wow what a concept. Use colleges and universities to educate people and teach them to use their brains and thinking instead of playing silly assed games, getting drunk or otherwise wasted and learning to be a herd animal.
A truly novel concept indeed!
I am sorry that is how you intended to spend your college days but missed the opportunity. My three kids all attended college without getting drunk, wasted, and being a herd animal. They all received great educations.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks and before, the connection between robust physical health developed and expressed through sport and other forms of education have been recognized by all but the nearsighted or bitter weaklings.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks and before, the connection between robust physical health developed and expressed through sport and other forms of education have been recognized by all but the nearsighted or bitter weaklings.
You are correct about that. However, has college sports overshadowed college education? Why so expensive for everything?
Since the time of the ancient Greeks and before, the connection between robust physical health developed and expressed through sport and other forms of education have been recognized by all but the nearsighted or bitter weaklings.
You are correct about that. However, has college sports overshadowed college education? ...
Have student newspapers overshadowed "college education"? Orchestra? Study groups? Student Unions? Cafeterias? Laboratories?
Because of a number of factors I only went to college in the conventional way for two years. I played intramural basketball, played recreational tennis, bowled, and played softball. As for the NCAA Division 1 football, basketball, etc., teams, they were as far off my radar screen as the chess club. Those intercollegiate programs have NOTHING TO DO with education. They have no business on a college campus. If the professional sports leagues want to develop their talent, then they should be forced to do so as MLB does, and PAY FOR IT.

Corrupting the colleges is not the answer.

Name one academic benefit to all of this sports bullshit.
Because of a number of factors I only went to college in the conventional way for two years. ....

= you are a fucking fraud. You're a community college dilettante pretending to be more than he is.
... I played intramural basketball, played recreational tennis, bowled, and played softball. ...

= you were, at best, a feeble little weakling playing with the less athletic lesbians and other poseurs like yourself.
... As for the NCAA Division 1 football, basketball, etc., teams, they were as far off my radar screen as the chess club. ...

= you had as little chance of ever being on one as you did of going to the moon or growing a pair of adult-sized balls.

So because I did not pine to sit inertly in the bleachers during college watching other people play childrens' games, I'm a girly man? (To clarify what you may recall as my "history," I went to the University of Pittsburgh for one year (NCAA Div 1), failed miserably, went into the Army for three years, then went to the Community College of Allegheny County for 2 years - full time, while working full time at night - then finished my bachelors degree at Pitt night school, then went to Duquesne Law School for four years at night, to get my JD. I went for a year at night in pursuit of an MBA, but dropped it due to time and other constraints that made it "not worth the trouble").

I truly hope that you are not actually a public school teacher. How sad that would be for your students. One only hopes that if you are, you are close to 52 years old, so you can finally take your well-deserved, taxpayer-funded retirement.
... I ... failed miserably... went to the Community College ... finished ... night school, then went to ... night, ...I went for a year at night in pursuit of an MBA, but dropped it due to time and other constraints that made it "not worth the trouble"...
So you failed, went to community college, night school, and failed out. No wonder why you resent education; you apparently sucked at it.
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it?

There should be zero, none, nada athletic programs at public colleges and universities outside intramural athletics. Private schools can do whatever they want. If you want to play professional football, you can just apply for it like any other job.
Imagine, if you will, American colleges deciding collectively that while they can hold classed in a fairly rational manner under the Covid constraints, in sports it's just not feasible. There is too much contact and "togetherness" intrinsic with Sport, so they just drop sports altogether...for a time.

The fact is that the vast majority of college sports programs lose money. They make a bit of money on football and basketball, and those surpluses partially fund the other sports ("stupid sports"), but overall, when considering the staff, facilities, and expenses of the sports programs overall, they lose money.

Then maybe they would make it permanent. No college sports. No athletic scholarships. No AD's. Just like EVERY OTHER COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, where college sports is/are a total mystery.

To quote the old song lyric, "...what a wonderful world it would be."

Post-high school Yoots who want to play sports would have to play for "club" teams. The major leagues would have to support minor-professional leagues to nurture the talent, rather than forcing the colleges to do their work for them.

Can you even imagine it?
The 98lb weakling ranting against sports - AGAIN.
If they could remove the fat from between your ears, you'd weigh 8 pounds.
Since the time of the ancient Greeks and before, the connection between robust physical health developed and expressed through sport and other forms of education have been recognized by all but the nearsighted or bitter weaklings.

And how is that Greek empire looking these days?
Because of a number of factors I only went to college in the conventional way for two years. I played intramural basketball, played recreational tennis, bowled, and played softball. As for the NCAA Division 1 football, basketball, etc., teams, they were as far off my radar screen as the chess club. Those intercollegiate programs have NOTHING TO DO with education. They have no business on a college campus. If the professional sports leagues want to develop their talent, then they should be forced to do so as MLB does, and PAY FOR IT.

Corrupting the colleges is not the answer.

Name one academic benefit to all of this sports bullshit.

Whats more is that the argument about the supposed financial benefits never seem to result in lower tuition for students. Ohio State, if that were the case, should be nearly free of charge. First it's subsidized by the people of Ohio and then it has the influx of TV contract monies, stadium receipts, radio deals, and concessions. Yet somehow, the tuition remains out of reach for most people in Ohio without some form of financial aid. Nearly half of all students receive need-based aid:


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