Collusion HOAX! Trumps approval rating surges! Huge!

I feel like like trump is a retired captain America, now as a older person he ran for president and he is fighting the racist hatefilled democrat party.
He was our last hope of getting our nation back from the America haters....
Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
There is a very corrupt element in our government that must be dealt with NOW.
Both Clinton and Obama went to work on day one of their respective presidencies rigging our legal system...why the GOP sat back and did nothing is astounding in itself...Bush was a waste of 8 years...he did nothing to correct this travesty.....That is why Trump won...the people had had we must stay on Trump and Barr to ferret out these scoundrels for good...
The economist is up 4 points, to 46% yesterday, and down 5, from 56% to 51%, in disapprove.
wait until the old bastard jerks the healthcare rug out from under 20 million people -
wait until the old bastard jerks the healthcare rug out from under 20 million people -

You forgot pushing all the seniors off a cliff.

they have medicare -

she doesnt

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Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
The greatest ever
wait until the old bastard jerks the healthcare rug out from under 20 million people -
Trump will have a better system to put in its that is not designed to fail and bring us single payer....Obamacare was a time bomb...geared to not work so the next dem president could give us single payer....the people said fuck that and elected Trump.....Buuuuuaaaahahahahaha!!!! sucks to be you #7....
wait until the old bastard jerks the healthcare rug out from under 20 million people -

You forgot pushing all the seniors off a cliff.

they have medicare -

she doesnt


Then she has Medicaid.

if her family qualifies -

Income requirements: Households with incomes up to 138% of the federal poverty level can qualify ($16,394 a year for an individual or $33,534 for a family of four). Children up to age 6 and pregnant women qualify with income up to 160% of the FPL ($38,880 for a family of four).

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