Collusion HOAX! Trumps approval rating surges! Huge!

Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.
wait until the old bastard jerks the healthcare rug out from under 20 million people -
Trump will have a better system to put in its that is not designed to fail and bring us single payer....Obamacare was a time bomb...geared to not work so the next dem president could give us single payer....the people said fuck that and elected Trump.....Buuuuuaaaahahahahaha!!!! sucks to be you #7....


Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
The greatest ever

He really floats your boat, huh, Spunky?
Candace Owens has the number one podcast in America goodbye black vote Democrats
Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.

Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.

An emoji is not a link.
Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.

An emoji is not a link.
The emoji was to explain you’re crazy.

The link is ... RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!
Rasmussen is the only poll where Trump's approval rose after the Mueller report.
Na they all have .. he is captain America
Prove it.
Turn on your internet lol
Your proof is "I saw it on the Internet but I can't find a link ". Sounds legit!
Please try and impeach him now libtards...buuuuaaaahahahahahaha!!!!!!
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.

An emoji is not a link.
You probably still think Trump colluded with Russia Lol
I saw a blurb this morning about 6:00AM that had his approval up 1 point, from 41 in Feb to 42 after Mueller. His disapproval went from 55 to 54 in the same poll. Since I was making breakfast, I didn't look at what poll or who was posting it. Sorry.
Rasmussen ... +5
Politico ........... +1
Economist ...... +4
You lied about "Economist +4". Hence the absence of a link.

An emoji is not a link.
The emoji was to explain you’re crazy.

The link is ... RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Trump Job Approval
I visited the link and saw that his approval rose only on Rasmussen. Bullshitter. Did you expect your link to go unused?
Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!
Rasmussen is the only poll where Trump's approval rose after the Mueller report.
Na they all have .. he is captain America
Prove it.
Turn on your internet lol
Your proof is "I saw it on the Internet but I can't find a link ". Sounds legit!
No link will help you with your derangement
Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!

Rasmussen is not a reliable poll. From all the reports I have seen - his approval did NOT jump.after release of the Mueller Report.
It’s the only poll Americans trust
You mean the only pollster USMB conservatives trust : Donald Trump's favorite pollster was the least accurate in the midterms - CNNPolitics

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