Collusion HOAX! Trumps approval rating surges! Huge!

Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!
Wrong again.

The current average of all polls has Trump at only a 41.9 percent approval.

A majority of Americans – 52.8 percent – disapprove of Trump, and appropriately so.

Politics – FiveThirtyEight
This thread is a good example of the one and only positive in having the annoying orange as potus, the parasite class, “progressives”, old school leftists, Rockefeller GOPers, and other statist vermin are kept in a constant state of conniption by his mere existence.
Candace Owens has the number one podcast in America goodbye black vote Democrats
Yeah, the person who had the most influence on the New Zealand shooter, Brenton Tarrant.
From his manifesto:
Yes, the person that has influenced me above all was Candace Owens, each time she spoke I was stunned by her insights and her own views helped push me further and further into the belief of violence over meekness.
Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!

LOL...Rasmussen means nothing. They are well known for being staggeringly biased.

But I am quite sure he got a bump from the report.

That means nothing.

What matters is can he hold that bump. And history STRONGLY suggests...NOPE.

He already is blowing it by trying to kill off Obamacare without having anything to replace it with.
Well, if it says so in Breitbart it MUST be true....

Compared to CBS and Dan Rather, Breitbart is more credible.

Breitbart is completely devoid of credibility – it’s not even ‘news,’ CBS is.

Breitbart is a rightwing fake news site, one of the more dishonest and reprehensible.

CBS is a proven liar. When you knowingly have a Network and its lead icon, Dan Rather, present manufactured evidence as authentic,
You can’t get more fake than that. Show us when and where Breitbart did that.
Poll: Donald Trump Approval Rating Jumps Five Points After Mueller

Wanna keep looking Democrats? Good we will keep winning !

Trump 2020!!

LOL...Rasmussen means nothing. They are well known for being staggeringly biased.

But I am quite sure he got a bump from the report.

That means nothing.

What matters is can he hold that bump. And history STRONGLY suggests...NOPE.

He already is blowing it by trying to kill off Obamacare without having anything to replace it with.
Don’t be mad your team can’t win elections lol
I visited the link and saw that his approval rose only on Rasmussen. Bullshitter. Did you expect your link to go unused?
No, I expected it would educate you. My fault for expecting too much.

Economist 3/17 - 3/19 42
Economist 3/24 - 3/26 46

Now you wanna man up and apologize for calling me a liar and a bullshitter for trying to infuse you with reality?
Now do you wanna apologize for not telling us that the latest Economist poll has him at 42%, not 46%?
So? Where’s your apology for calling me a liar and a bullshitter because you’re a) too stupid to find trump’s approval ratings without help; and b) too moronic to understand them when a link is provided for you; and c) too idiotic to know 3/26/2019 came after 3/19/2019.......
And you're too stupid to stop denying that you're missing one poll ending on March 27th. Can I call you Mister Stupid?
No, but we can call you a liar and a bullshitter; and show you were projecting those qualities.
And here it is. An average -of-all-polls number to make Faun depressed:
Trump's bump is 0.2%.
From 41.9 to 42.1%.
Conservative threads never age well.
And Faun gets the exaggerating-cherrypicker-of-the-month award.
Why Trump Hasn’t Seen A Post-Mueller Boost In The Polls
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