Colonizing Saturn's moon - Titan

We haven't even properly colonized Detroit ...

If a planet does not have water or oxygen..none is fit for colonization.
Yeah, but then...

... the anti-colonial movement...

... will want to throw off the shackles...

... an' run things themselves...

... which we all know hasn't worked in Africa,

Move Venus into earth orbit on the opposite side of the sun and provide it with a moon of similar size to our moon. Speed up the rotation and give it a slight tilt. Skim off the atmosphere and bring in some ice comets to provide water.

Venus Statistics

Planetary Symbol:

Name in Roman/Greek Mythology: Venus/Aphrodite
Diameter: 12,104 km (7,522 miles)
Rotation Period about Axis: 243 days (retrograde)
Mass: 4.87x10^24 kilograms (0.82 x Earth's)
Revolution Period about the Sun: 0.62 years
Density: 5,243 kg/m^3
Tilt of Axis: 177-178o
Minimum Distance from Sun: 108 million km
(67 million miles)
Surface Gravity: 8.87 m/s^2 (0.90 x Earth's)
Maximum Distance from Sun: 109 million km
(68 million miles)
Average Temperature (C/F): 457o C (855o F)
Orbital Semimajor Axis: 0.72 AU (Earth=1 AU)
Average Surface Temperature (K): 730K
Minimum Distance from Earth: 40 million km
(25 million miles)
Satellites: 0

Walla. A habitable planet approximately the same surface area as earth.


Walla. A habitable planet approximately the same surface area as earth
Other than a surface temp of 850, PERFECT!


If it's moved to 93,000,000 miles from the sun and most of the atmosphere is skimmed off it'll start being very earth like. The current extremely dense atmosphere creates a noticeable green house effect because it's like heating up a water filled boiler.


Yeah, well start moving that planet today.

Face it. There are no worlds for us but this one. None.

We live in a computer generated universe and this is all there really is. God sits outside this universe He created for us and watches as we fulfill our destiny to be born into the God Family.
Yeah, well start moving that planet today.

Face it. There are no worlds for us but this one. None.

We live in a computer generated universe and this is all there really is. God sits outside this universe He created for us and watches as we fulfill our destiny to be born into the God Family.

Oh!!!!! You want an easier solution. Hollow out an asteroid, give it a spin, and fill it with what you want.


This is why I hate loserterinaism! What you want is for America to not be great and to just rot into another fucking somalia.

Imagine the tech advancements and the advantages of controlling all the resources all the way to saturn.
We haven't even properly colonized Detroit ...



People like you wouldn't want to fix Detroit or any other part of the earth. Fuck, you want to transform the first world into the third world. Heres a little hint for you...>America is wealthy because we do things, educate our children and take advantage of the world around us. The third world sits around and looks at the other guys asshole all day and bitch about poor old me.

Taking advantage of all those resources in our own solar system is the best way to bring up the rest of the world.

Either way we can do both....
None of us will be alive to see it, but it would certainly be fascinating. The author makes a case for why Titan is a better option for humans to inhabit than Mars.

Confession Of A Planetary Scientist: 'I Do Not Want To Live On Mars'
I like how he said we wouldn't need bulky space suits then mentioned the tempeture and the fact that we would need a respirator.

Unless we figure out a new way of getting rockets to rocket w/o propulsion, we aren't going anywhere that isn't a one way suicide mission.

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