Colorado baker told to bake that cake

He runs a public accommodation. By refusing service, he is imposing his religious views.
Refusing service doesn't impose a fucking thing on anyone. It's a fundamental human liberty. Everyone should have the right to say "no".
What you guys don't seem to get is that Public Accommodation laws also protect the religious, which is why I can't refuse service to Mormons and heap abuse on them about how Joseph Smith was a child molester.
Exactly. And that's just as wrong. It's a gross misinterpretation of freedom of religion. Arguably, it's the opposite.
No, there is more than one argument here. I've stayed away from this thread but the point I brought up many times earlier has never been addressed.

Why the hate out of a guy who says he is a Christian?

Customer: I'd like a pink and blue cake to celebrate my transitioning.

Baker: I can have that Thursday.

Customer: I'm here for my cake.

Baker: Here you go. By the way, I see you are local? Do you have a local church? If not, I would like to invite you to mine.

Has nothing to do with laws.
As has been argued, it’s not about hate the man didn’t tell the gay couple or the trans person “ewe no way! I’m sorry, but your lifestyle is disgusting and you are a bad person for doing it”. That would be an example of hate. Rather, he said “unfortunately, my religious beliefs do not allow me to use my labor to assist in the the celebration of a sin, however, I’m happy to sell you a cake that has already been prepared”.

See? No hate, he’s willing to do business with that person, just not anything that would require him to specifically labor for a cause that he feels would be him participating in the sin.
I think the ultimate end for this issue has very little to do with bakers and gay weddings. If I can refuse to bake a cake for a group, lets say gay weddings, can I refuse to sell black people gasoline? Or people from India a house? Or write a loan for people from a certain area of town. I think if the baker was really worried about sin, they would not sell cakes to fat people.
As has been argued, it’s not about hate the man didn’t tell the gay couple or the trans person “ewe no way! I’m sorry, but your lifestyle is disgusting and you are a bad person for doing it”. That would be an example of hate. Rather, he said “unfortunately, my religious beliefs do not allow me to use my labor to assist in the the celebration of a sin, however, I’m happy to sell you a cake that has already been prepared”.

See? No hate, he’s willing to do business with that person, just not anything that would require him to specifically labor for a cause that he feels would be him participating in the sin.

Refusing service doesn't impose a fucking thing on anyone. It's a fundamental human liberty. Everyone should have the right to say "no".

The time to say no is before you open a business. What always amazes me about libertarian children is that they seem very concerned about the "liberties" of the affluent. No one is out there fighting for a wage slave to refuse to do his job on religious grounds.

Exactly. And that's just as wrong. It's a gross misinterpretation of freedom of religion. Arguably, it's the opposite.

Well, you can make that argument, but you'd be wrong. Here's the thing, if you are white, male, cis-gendered, straight and mainstream Christian, you don't need to protection of law. You are already privileged. The purpose of Public Accommodation laws is to protect those who aren't privileged.
The time to say no is before you open a business.
Nope. I reject your premise that the government is "part-owner" of every business. Try again.

Well, you can make that argument, but you'd be wrong. Here's the thing, if you are white, male, cis-gendered, straight and mainstream Christian, you don't need to protection of law. You are already privileged. The purpose of Public Accommodation laws is to protect those who aren't privileged.
Fuck "equity".

What you're talking about is the opposite of equal rights. It's special rights for special people, favors for those the government favors. It's the opposite of everything liberals pretend to value. Or, well, they used to pretend to value equal rights. Maybe that's not a thing these days.
As has been argued, it’s not about hate the man didn’t tell the gay couple or the trans person “ewe no way! I’m sorry, but your lifestyle is disgusting and you are a bad person for doing it”. That would be an example of hate. Rather, he said “unfortunately, my religious beliefs do not allow me to use my labor to assist in the the celebration of a sin, however, I’m happy to sell you a cake that has already been prepared”.

See? No hate, he’s willing to do business with that person, just not anything that would require him to specifically labor for a cause that he feels would be him participating in the sin.

They can buy a cake that has already been prepared in a grocery store.

So if I walk into a baker with my Chinese girlfriend and we order a cake for our wedding, and the baker says, "I'm sorry, but I think the mixing of races is a sin and my religious beliefs don't allow it", would that be cool by you?
He runs a public accommodation. By refusing service, he is imposing his religious views.

What you guys don't seem to get is that Public Accommodation laws also protect the religious, which is why I can't refuse service to Mormons and heap abuse on them about how Joseph Smith was a child molester.
And again, they cannot make laws that force a person to give up their cotus rights.

As far as the Mormon thing, do you have a religious claim for heaping abuse on them for something Joseph smith did? No? Then yeah, PA laws would protect them, at that point it would be harassment also.
I just saw the commercial on television "Jesus loved the people we hate".
They can buy a cake that has already been prepared in a grocery store.

So if I walk into a baker with my Chinese girlfriend and we order a cake for our wedding, and the baker says, "I'm sorry, but I think the mixing of races is a sin and my religious beliefs don't allow it", would that be cool by you?
If he had a sincerely held religious belief, the yes. The part that the left can’t seem to get past is that it all must be done because of hate. Again, I ask you to show examples of hate.

Him refusing service because you are a mixed couple isn’t him saying “I hate your lifestyle”, it’s him saying “my religion believes mix couples are a sin, and me making a cake specifically for the celebration of that sin would be the same as me laboring for that sin, so I cannot do this, but I’m more than happy to sell you anything already pre made”.

They can buy a cake that has already been prepared in a grocery store.

Yes, they could, or they could buy a cake already made in his shop, or they could find another baker who would accommodate them as they need.
No. I reject your presumption that the government is "part-owner" of every business. Try again.

Good idea. The government should butt out.

SO when an angry mob of gays storms Philips cake shop and burns it to the ground, the government should totally stay out of that. Because, hey, not their problem.

Point is, his business relies on government to provide police protection, fire protection, roads, utilities, safety inspections, etc. Ooooh, evil government, except when it is providing services to you, in which case it's fine.

Fuck "equity".

What you're talking about is the opposite of equal rights. It's special rights for special people, favors for those the government favors. It's the opposite of everything liberals pretend to value. Or, well, they used to pretend to value equal rights. Maybe that's not a thing these days.

In short, "I've got mine, fuck you".

If he had a sincerely held religious belief, the yes. The part that the left can’t seem to get past is that it all must be done because of hate. Again, I ask you to show examples of hate.

Jesus would have made the cake.

Good idea. The government should butt out.

SO when an angry mob of gays storms Philips cake shop and burns it to the ground, the government should totally stay out of that. Because, hey, not their problem.
Yep. That's what your worldview comes down to. Angry mobs. No thanks.
Point is, his business relies on government to provide police protection, fire protection, roads, utilities, safety inspections, etc. Ooooh, evil government, except when it is providing services to you, in which case it's fine.
My bad.... mobs AND a protection racket. Covering all the bases!
Good idea. The government should butt out.

SO when an angry mob of gays storms Philips cake shop and burns it to the ground, the government should totally stay out of that. Because, hey, not their problem.

Point is, his business relies on government to provide police protection, fire protection, roads, utilities, safety inspections, etc. Ooooh, evil government, except when it is providing services to you, in which case it's fine.

In short, "I've got mine, fuck you".

And he pays taxes for all those services. If you are unhappy that a business may receive certain tax breaks, then take it up with your state and local city officials and tell them you want to remove tax breaks for any business that exercises their religious beliefs.
Why does the sincerity of a belief matter? Who's to decide how "sincere" someone is?
Is it documented in that religions books and teachings? Or is it something that they just made up? If it’s a teaching that is documented as a part of the religion, then that’s what I consider a “sincerely held religious belief”
And he pays taxes for all those services
Along with the gay couple.

They too, pay taxes for the police that protect the bakery, the food inspector, the nearby curbing & parking (and enforcement of parking). In short, if the baker wishes to pay for all of those services individually, by himself.....well, then maybe he has a leg to stand on, in my opinion.

But, of course, he can't. His contributed taxes pay only a small share of all those services....hence, he relies upon his community to chip-in too, to help defray the cost of the three shifts of cops who are on call if he has a problem. And, as long as he must rely upon his community of fellow taxpayers......then he must be willing to serve all of his fellow taxpayers.
Is it documented in that religions books and teachings? Or is it something that they just made up? If it’s a teaching that is documented as a part of the religion, then that’s what I consider a “sincerely held religious belief”
Really? So if it's not documented in a book as part of a religion, you have no right to your beliefs?
Along with the gay couple.

They too, pay taxes for the police that protect the bakery, the food inspector, the nearby curbing & parking (and enforcement of parking). In short, if the baker wishes to pay for all of those services individually, by himself.....well, then maybe he has a leg to stand on, in my opinion.

But, of course, he can't. His contributed taxes pay only a small share of all those services....hence, he relies upon his community to chip-in too, to help defray the cost of the three shifts of cops who are on call if he has a problem. And, as long as he must rely upon his community of fellow taxpayers......then he must be willing to serve all of his fellow taxpayers.
And again, he can’t be forced to give up his cotus rights, so, if in your community, you have businesses that practice religion, you are free to petition your state and local government to remove any tax breaks and increase their tax rates, though you’d have to get passed the cotus freedom of religion practices.

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