Colorado baker told to bake that cake

The Supreme court didn't really protect him last time, because they merely said they were snarky about his religion at the hearing.

So this time, they are less snarky, and more professional.
I would take the burden like Christ did for us. Don’t make it. God bless this man. We will get America back.
"May god protect this man from commies."

The Laotians?
Kim Jong-un?

Clue for the clueless: You can crawl out from underneath your school desk, Stalin is dead. Castro is dead. Nikita can't hurt you anymore.
There's a whole new and exciting world that has developed out there since 1955. The clue-full know that.

We will get America back."

Where is it now?
Back from whom?
And who is "we"?
And why should America and the responsibly faithful trust any social media chatterati who claims there's a "we" out there that excludes others?

Count me skeptical.
The Laotians?
Kim Jong-un?

Clue for the clueless: You can crawl out from underneath your school desk, Stalin is dead. Castro is dead. Nikita can't hurt you anymore.
There's a whole new and exciting world that has developed out there since 1955. The clue-full know that.

Aren’t democrats destroying education so the masses become solely dependent on the government?
Will you, though.

The Red Wave didn't happen in 2022 because the Youth Vote showed up and stopped it.

And last time I checked, Jesus wasn't about hating gays and Mexicans like the Christian right does.
Trump won 86% of the counties in America, mostly young votes, Tucker, Carlson’s age demographics, age from 18 to 35 ..
Where is it now?
Back from whom?
And who is "we"?
And why should America and the responsibly faithful trust any social media chatterati who claims there's a "we" out there that excludes others?

Count me skeptical.
From demacommies
"Aren’t democrats destroying education so the masses become solely dependent on the government?"

To suggest such is silly, foolish and paranoiac.
And the clue-full know it is silly and foolish and paranoiac.

To suggest such is silly, foolish and paranoiac.
And the clue-full know it is silly and foolish and paranoiac.
I have 3 schools around me solely meant to destroy education. The public school since 1965 in my area have been designed so kids don’t get educated. Democrats are commies .. the more they struggle the more power they get
  • I have 3 schools around me solely meant to destroy education.
  • The public school since 1965 in my area have been designed so kids don’t get educated.
  • Democrats are commies .*

How 'bout the forum let those three thoughtful thoughts stand to marinate on their own for a while? And let the good poster's ideas on education soak in.

And too, maybe we can visit the linked website below for context and sourcing in evaluating poster Patriot01's suggestions.

*So, is good poster Patriot01 asserting that American Democrats are really Laotians?
Trump won 86% of the counties in America, mostly young votes, Tucker, Carlson’s age demographics, age from 18 to 35 ..
86% of the counties, most of which are rural locations filled with people whose family trees don't fork.

And young people can't wait to get the hell out of those counties.

The Youth vote showed up in 2022 and stopped the red wave.
They'll carry Biden to a second term, especially when they realize what you all have done to them on reproductive choice.
86% of the counties, most of which are rural locations filled with people whose family trees don't fork.

And young people can't wait to get the hell out of those counties.

The Youth vote showed up in 2022 and stopped the red wave.
They'll carry Biden to a second term, especially when they realize what you all have done to them on reproductive choice.
No the commie youth showed up to harvest illegal votes in 5 large cites, won’t happen in Florida, we arrest two of them, and video recorded it, so other will see if you cheat.
You guys don't lose elections because of cheating.

You lose election because you are awful people and your ideas are stupid.

You should probably work on that.
Lol dude democrats just invested in BLACK CHILD SLAVERY, they gave billions to slavery owners. We have an invasion, we are on the brink of getting nuked by Russia, we have record high inflation, you just nuked and killed an entire town in America,
How are republicans awful? lol
Lol dude democrats just invested in BLACK CHILD SLAVERY, they gave billions to slavery owners. We have an invasion, we are on the brink of getting nuked by Russia, we have record high inflation, you just nuked and killed an entire town in America,
Are you on drugs?

So no one died in this private sector train accident, which only happened because Trump rolled back Obama's railroad safety rules.

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