Colorado baker told to bake that cake

Actually Joe, if this was about sin
Shush, the grownups are talking.

The funny thing is, government enforcing social norms is the reason gay marriage name a political issue in the first place.

NO, their denying gay marriage is why it became a political issue. Until we had the discussion and found out that the anti-gay marriage argument boiled down to "I think it's icky when it's two dudes."

Actually in Colorado the SCOTUS has ruled in favor of the business refusing to serve gays:

Let's wait for the ruling on that one. I think at the end of the day, SCOTUS isn't going to want to open that can of worms that refusal of service is a religious right... otherwise, you'll get this.


So the answer to my question is "No, muslims shouldn't be forced to bake cakes that go against their religious beliefs, only Christians should be forced to." And then some bullshit blather about beating up a Muslim. That was fluff and meant nothing.

Again, give me a case where a Muslim did that, and we'll have something to talk about. I don't deal in hypotheticals.
It's not about cakes. Or gay marriage. It's about how much power government should have to pursue the "social engineering" goals of the majority, at the expense of everyone else.

But that by definition is what government has to do, balance competing interests.

For instance, I lived in a town where a drug rehab corporation bought up an unprofitable hotel and planned to convert it into a rehab center for about 240 patients.

The county needs this center. The next nearest facility is in Cook County, and it's overbooked. So the County and the State were heavily pressing for this deal. It wasn't even a partisan thing, as both parties were for it.

But the town would take on quite a burden, as it only has 1 ambulance and 11 cops. So the town voted against rezoning the property. But that was largely an excuse, the residents just didn't want 240 junkies wandering around the town in a facility with no security.

The owners of the rehab facility (who bought the property without having secured zoning) are now suing under the American with Disabilities Act, and while it will probably drag on for years, they have a good shot at winning.

So if you take the Libertarian view, the drug rehab corporation should be able to do whatever they want with their property, I guess.
But the town might have something to say about that.
The county and State want a facility. (My opinion, they picked this town as opposed to other properties because they figured they wouldn't have the resources for an extended fight.)

someone has to resolve this issue.
Hard to bake a cake for people who dont exist.
Prove they don’t. Here in the United States of America, we have same sex marriage, not gay marriage.

See, we tried doing something called “gay marriage” but the gay community opposed that.

So, by looking at the issued marriage licenses, you can tell who is gay, and who is straight? Is that the Gaydar I’ve heard about????? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

I can't speak to your own personal 'normalcy'.
So let's move on.

Let's not. Because is central to the conversation. This notion you have, that government is there to enforce norms, is exactly why homosexually was illegal in the first place.
But that by definition is what government has to do, balance competing interests.
That's insane when you think about (give it a try). Do you really think government should "balance the competing interests" of racists and the rest us? Should we, for example, have some public water fountains that are whites only? And some that are for everyone? To balance interests?
That's insane when you think about (give it a try). Do you really think government should "balance the competing interests" of racists and the rest us? Should we, for example, have some public water fountains that are whites only? And some that are for everyone? To balance interests?

But our whole history is exactly that, isn't it?

I mean, why do you think reparations haven't happened yet? Because the racists would throw a shit-fit.

They are throwing shit fits about affirmative action.
Actually, it is in Colorado and several other states.
Businesses get more subsidies than taxes they pay.

Nobody makes cakes like that. They actually should, because the Wedding Cake is a

I always find it funny that you Christian whiners think that Muslims are getting some special treatment you aren't getting, when your average Muslim just hopes he can get through the day without some inbred redneck beating him up.

"Whoops, Cleetus, I think that one was a Sikh!"

"Don't matter, Bubba, he still had a rag on his head!"

I always find it funny that you Christian whiners think that Muslims are getting some special treatment you aren't getting, when your average Muslim just hopes he can get through the day without some inbred redneck beating him up.

Because in general, they are. Notice we don’t have any gay people trying to go to Muslim owned shops asking for services to a gay wedding…

This is all a part of the attack on the “Christian right” by the left, because the left hates all things white, Christian, and republican, Phillips happens to check at least 2 of those boxes, I don’t know if his politics have ever become known, but he may check all 3 of those boxes, so, he’s a prime target for the left.
I'm not backing you into a corner at all. Either you think that Religion gives you the right to break the law, or you don't.
We have murder laws. I can't break them to please my Aztec God.
We have public accommodation laws. You can't break them to please your Abrahamic God.
That's... actually pretty reasonable.

The fact is that no matter what sky pixie you believe in, the vast majority of humanity believes in some different sky pixie. Or no Sky Pixies. Or multiple sky pixies. Not to mention all the Sky Pixies that used be worshipped, but aren't anymore. Poor Zeus and Odin, they were a lot cooler than Yahweh, any day of the week.

Good thing no one did that, then. The same laws applies to non-believers as believers. You can't discriminate against gays because God tells you to, and you can't discriminate against them because you don't like the icky butt stuff.

Actually, no. He broke the law. Gays asked for a service, he refused them, violating the state's public accommodation laws.

Everything. the bible is very clear that you should be screaming Jesus' testimony at every opportunity. But companies want you to actually be doing the work they pay you for.

Now, I did have a coworker once who was a Jehovah's Witless, who spent all day doing that until HR told her to knock it off. The ironic thing is that our boss was a gay woman. She pretty much freaked out when I told her I thought there was nothing wrong with that.

Nope. Again, just ask the Japanese-Americans in 1942, who were subsequently rounded up because we were scared of them. No rights at all. Rights can go away in an instance if the vast majority says they are.

Sure they do, as long as they don't break other laws.

Actually, half the fucking tax code is subsidizing businesses. They don't pay more in taxes.
Which is why we have public accommodation laws, to make sure that EVERYONE has equal access to those goods and services we subsidize. Their root is in when black people couldn't get hotel rooms or service in stores. You run a business, you have to provide the services you offer to everyone. Even the icky butt sex people that Jesus tells you to hate. (Even though Jesus never actually said that.)

I'm not backing you into a corner at all. Either you think that Religion gives you the right to break the law, or you don't.
We have murder laws. I can't break them to please my Aztec God.
We have public accommodation laws. You can't break them to please your Abrahamic God.
That's... actually pretty reasonable.

Sure, if I were to say “we’ll, there’s a difference between killings someone and not baking a cake”, you wouldn’t say “AH HA!!! See, you’re picking and choosing what religions are acceptable!! See, I told you, you just only want YOUR religion to be recognized!!!” I’ve been around USMB long enough to know how this works.

So, if you want to kill people in the name of your Aztec god, feel free to petition the government for it, but don’t try to ruin other people’s freedom to practice religion because government won’t allow you to sacrifice people..

The fact is that no matter what sky pixie you believe in, the vast majority of humanity believes in some different sky pixie. Or no Sky Pixies. Or multiple sky pixies. Not to mention all the Sky Pixies that used be worshipped, but aren't anymore. Poor Zeus and Odin, they were a lot cooler than Yahweh, any day of the week.
Exactly, the point is, most everyone believes in a higher power of some sort…so maybe they’re onto something…maybe they’re not. Because you personally don’t believe, billions of others do…so, here in the US, they gave people the freedom to practice their religion.

Good thing no one did that, then. The same laws applies to non-believers as believers. You can't discriminate against gays because God tells you to, and you can't discriminate against them because you don't like the icky butt stuff.

Not yet, but if this court decides against Phillips, then they will have. There’s no discrimination, only the practice of religion.

Actually, no. He broke the law. Gays asked for a service, he refused them, violating the state's public accommodation laws.

Nope, no law was broken. Again, tell me if you feel congress can make a law that overrules the cotus. What other laws do you feel take precedent over the cotus? Do you believe the cotus has any effect or relevance at all? Apparently, at least in this case, you don’t. As of now, you feel that legislation can overrule cotus protections, in this case.

So, tell me, if congressional passed laws take precedent over cotus rights…then if congress passes a law stating abortion is legal in all 50 states, the you are good with that? If congress passes a law that actually enforces 2A rights and says no state can make a law infringing on gun ownership…you’re good with that right? Or is it that you are only ok with laws, when they hinder religious rights?

Everything. the bible is very clear that you should be screaming Jesus' testimony at every opportunity. But companies want you to actually be doing the work they pay you for.

Again, that is irrelevant to this conversation. Phillips isn’t going out and preaching to people. People came to him and asked him to do something he could not do.

Nope. Again, just ask the Japanese-Americans in 1942, who were subsequently rounded up because we were scared of them. No rights at all. Rights can go away in an instance if the vast majority says they are.

That was 1942….there was a war…Pearl Harbor was bombed…by the Japanese…that was a different time…a long time ago. We have least currently.

Actually, half the fucking tax code is subsidizing businesses. They don't pay more in taxes.
Which is why we have public accommodation laws, to make sure that EVERYONE has equal access to those goods and services we subsidize. Their root is in when black people couldn't get hotel rooms or service in stores. You run a business, you have to provide the services you offer to everyone. Even the icky butt sex people that Jesus tells you to hate. (Even though Jesus never actually said that.)

Business pay more in taxes than the average person does…I guess unless you are a multi millionaire..then maybe you pay more than some small businesses.

You don’t subsidize businesses, they pay taxes too. Their tax money goes to pay for roads, and schools, and alll that other stuff.

you’re right, Jesus did teach not to hate..and as of yet, you’ve not proven any hate on the part of Phillips. But, the Bible does teach against same sex relations….so, as a part of Phillips’ religious practices, it says he cannot associate himself with that activity. That doesn’t mean he hates anyone…it just means he can’t work for that type of wedding.
Shush, the grownups are talking.

NO, their denying gay marriage is why it became a political issue. Until we had the discussion and found out that the anti-gay marriage argument boiled down to "I think it's icky when it's two dudes."

Let's wait for the ruling on that one. I think at the end of the day, SCOTUS isn't going to want to open that can of worms that refusal of service is a religious right... otherwise, you'll get this.


Again, give me a case where a Muslim did that, and we'll have something to talk about. I don't deal in hypotheticals.
Lol, again, your meme is irrelevant. A business has to make a REASONABLE accommodation. If you can’t check out everything that comes through your check stand, then you get put somewhere else in the store…that’s your reasonable accommodation.
Notice we don’t have any gay people trying to go to Muslim owned shops asking for services to a gay wedding…

And we know that how?
That gay folks haven't gone to a Muslim shop?
And been refused?
Or have they been served as no big deal -- that the Muslim baker complied with the law?
Because in general, they are. Notice we don’t have any gay people trying to go to Muslim owned shops asking for services to a gay wedding…

Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be that Muslims just want to be left alone and aren't trying to constantly roll back gay rights? Or do you really think the Muslim baker is going to leap out from behind the counter with a Scimitar and behead them?

This is all a part of the attack on the “Christian right” by the left, because the left hates all things white, Christian, and republican, Phillips happens to check at least 2 of those boxes, I don’t know if his politics have ever become known, but he may check all 3 of those boxes, so, he’s a prime target for the left.

Actually, the biggest oxymoron in history is "Christian Right". He's a prime target because he's gone public with his bigotry.

Exactly, the point is, most everyone believes in a higher power of some sort…so maybe they’re onto something…maybe they’re not. Because you personally don’t believe, billions of others do…so, here in the US, they gave people the freedom to practice their religion.

You can't have freedom of religion without freedom FROM religion. This is the point you don't get. You God-botherers have spent the last 2000 years murdering each other over the "right" way to worship your imaginary sky friend. Just because you've spent the last 50 years holding hands and singing Kumbaya at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast doesn't take away from the fact you are all just biding your time.

Not yet, but if this court decides against Phillips, then they will have. There’s no discrimination, only the practice of religion.

Except he agreed to make the cake until he found out where it was going.

Nope, no law was broken. Again, tell me if you feel congress can make a law that overrules the cotus. What other laws do you feel take precedent over the cotus? Do you believe the cotus has any effect or relevance at all? Apparently, at least in this case, you don’t. As of now, you feel that legislation can overrule cotus protections, in this case.

The constitution is not a suicide pact.

I'd like to take a sharpie to the Second Amendment so I don't have to share my streets with crazy people with AR-15s.

That was 1942….there was a war…Pearl Harbor was bombed…by the Japanese…that was a different time…a long time ago. We have least currently.

Funny, we had the same outdated constitution in 1942 we have now. It wasn't just that Order 1066 happened, it was that the courts upheld it as constitutional (Korematsu v. US, amongst others.)

Business pay more in taxes than the average person does…I guess unless you are a multi millionaire..then maybe you pay more than some small businesses.

You don’t subsidize businesses, they pay taxes too. Their tax money goes to pay for roads, and schools, and alll that other stuff.

They might pay more in taxes, but they get more subsidized services.
you’re right, Jesus did teach not to hate..and as of yet, you’ve not proven any hate on the part of Phillips. But, the Bible does teach against same sex relations….so, as a part of Phillips’ religious practices, it says he cannot associate himself with that activity. That doesn’t mean he hates anyone…it just means he can’t work for that type of wedding.

The Bible also teaches to kill your neighbors for working on the Sabbath... but we don't do that anymore, either.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.
And we know that how?
That gay folks haven't gone to a Muslim shop?
And been refused?
Or have they been served as no big deal -- that the Muslim baker complied with the law?

That’s a good point, but, by now, some virtue signaling leftist would have pointed it out by now, about how some Muslim bakery accepted work to prepare a wedding cake for a gay wedding.

How do you know they have though? For Muslims, their religion also teaches against same sex relations, are you telling me that a practicing Muslim would violate their religious tenants?

Not to mention, nobody hates’s just the white Christian right that the left hates, so they are the only targets.

Steven crowder did do a bit where he posed as a gay man going to Muslim bakeries, and he was turned away, but at least one of the businesses that he went to claimed he misrepresented them, the others, there was no push back. Either way, that story never gained National attention…
Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be that Muslims just want to be left alone and aren't trying to constantly roll back gay rights? Or do you really think the Muslim baker is going to leap out from behind the counter with a Scimitar and behead them?

Actually, the biggest oxymoron in history is "Christian Right". He's a prime target because he's gone public with his bigotry.

You can't have freedom of religion without freedom FROM religion. This is the point you don't get. You God-botherers have spent the last 2000 years murdering each other over the "right" way to worship your imaginary sky friend. Just because you've spent the last 50 years holding hands and singing Kumbaya at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast doesn't take away from the fact you are all just biding your time.

Except he agreed to make the cake until he found out where it was going.

The constitution is not a suicide pact.

I'd like to take a sharpie to the Second Amendment so I don't have to share my streets with crazy people with AR-15s.

Funny, we had the same outdated constitution in 1942 we have now. It wasn't just that Order 1066 happened, it was that the courts upheld it as constitutional (Korematsu v. US, amongst others.)

They might pay more in taxes, but they get more subsidized services.

The Bible also teaches to kill your neighbors for working on the Sabbath... but we don't do that anymore, either.

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

Why do you think that is? Could it possibly be that Muslims just want to be left alone and aren't trying to constantly roll back gay rights? Or do you really think the Muslim baker is going to leap out from behind the counter with a Scimitar and behead them?

I’m sure Phillips would like to be left alone as well. Yes, Muslims aren’t trying to interfere, but, again, let’s get some people, maybe project Veritas could do this, where they go into Muslim owned shops and start requesting services for gay weddings. Then you’ll see then start to make an uproar. We saw this not too long ago in Dearborn, when a mostly Muslim community protested lgtbq books in their schools. Did we have msnbc and cnn…or vox or salon, coming out to vilify those Muslims? No…not really. But have a white Christian group come out and do it and it’s all they can talk about.

But thanks for admitting that what is going on is a targeted attack.

Actually, the biggest oxymoron in history is "Christian Right". He's a prime target because he's gone public with his bigotry.

No, he didn’t go public, he was forced into the spotlight by people who don’t care about religious freedom.

You can't have freedom of religion without freedom FROM religion.

I agree, and Phillips wasn’t asking them to join his religion. And their freedom FROM religion also includes HIS freedom OF religion. It works both ways.

Except he agreed to make the cake until he found out where it was going.

Correct, he was willing to make the cake, until he found out it was for a transition celebration party.

Now, I’d be interested to know if Phillips knew that person was trans, and agreed to bake a cake for them, until he found out it was for a celebration of the trans persons transition party.

I'd like to take a sharpie to the Second Amendment so I don't have to share my streets with crazy people with AR-15s.

I’m sure you would, likely you’d also want to use that sharpie for freedom of religion, and freedom of speech too, right?

Just curious, do you happen to own any of those types of guns you hate?

Funny, we had the same outdated constitution in 1942 we have now. It wasn't just that Order 1066 happened, it was that the courts upheld it as constitutional (Korematsu v. US, amongst others.)

Again, a different time and a specific situation.

They might pay more in taxes, but they get more subsidized services.

What extra services do they get over the average citizen, that are subsidized? And who subsidizes them?

The Bible also teaches to kill your neighbors for working on the Sabbath... but we don't do that anymore, either.

No it doesn’t. It says you will be put to death, but it doesn’t say your neighbor should kill you for it.
I’m sure Phillips would like to be left alone as well. Yes, Muslims aren’t trying to interfere, but, again, let’s get some people, maybe project Veritas could do this, where they go into Muslim owned shops and start requesting services for gay weddings. Then you’ll see then start to make an uproar. We saw this not too long ago in Dearborn, when a mostly Muslim community protested lgtbq books in their schools. Did we have msnbc and cnn…or vox or salon, coming out to vilify those Muslims? No…not really. But have a white Christian group come out and do it and it’s all they can talk about.

Here's an actual account of those meetings. Several books were in fact retained. Two were removed for being age inappropriate. One of them had nothing to do with LGBTQ.

So you admit there was no muslim baker who refused service to a gay couple, then. That must be one scary scimitar.

No, he didn’t go public, he was forced into the spotlight by people who don’t care about religious freedom.

Then he should have sat down, shut up and baked the cake.

I agree, and Phillips wasn’t asking them to join his religion. And their freedom FROM religion also includes HIS freedom OF religion. It works both ways.

He has all the "Freedom of Religion" he wants.
As long as he isn't breaking any other laws.
His business, however, does not. It's a business.

Correct, he was willing to make the cake, until he found out it was for a transition celebration party.

Now, I’d be interested to know if Phillips knew that person was trans, and agreed to bake a cake for them, until he found out it was for a celebration of the trans persons transition party.

Doesn't matter. He agreed to bake the cake, until he found out it was for a Trans person.

I’m sure you would, likely you’d also want to use that sharpie for freedom of religion, and freedom of speech too, right?

Just curious, do you happen to own any of those types of guns you hate?

I was in the army/Reserves for 11 years. I'm actually who the Second Amendment had in mind, not so much guys like Lanza, Holmes and Crimo.

But, no I don't own a gun now because I don't need to.

Again, a different time and a specific situation.

How is it different? Do you think that if we went to war with China tomorrow, and the Chinese managed to blow a couple of our aircraft carriers out of the water, that we wouldn't do the same fucking thing? I don't have that much faith in my fellow Americans.

Heck, I don't even have to go back that far. Just look at all the anti-Muslim discrimination that happened after 9/11, even though most of the Islamic World - even Iran - condemned the attacks.

What extra services do they get over the average citizen, that are subsidized? And who subsidizes them?

Increased police presence.
Higher use of utilities at a subsidized rate.
The ability to write off all their expenses as deductions.
Special Zoning permits

No it doesn’t. It says you will be put to death, but it doesn’t say your neighbor should kill you for it.

So, um who do you think put people to death for that sort of thing.

Here, let's go with the bible's description of such a stoning.

Numbers 15
32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.
Here's an actual account of those meetings. Several books were in fact retained. Two were removed for being age inappropriate. One of them had nothing to do with LGBTQ.

So you admit there was no muslim baker who refused service to a gay couple, then. That must be one scary scimitar.

Then he should have sat down, shut up and baked the cake.

He has all the "Freedom of Religion" he wants.
As long as he isn't breaking any other laws.
His business, however, does not. It's a business.

Doesn't matter. He agreed to bake the cake, until he found out it was for a Trans person.

I was in the army/Reserves for 11 years. I'm actually who the Second Amendment had in mind, not so much guys like Lanza, Holmes and Crimo.

But, no I don't own a gun now because I don't need to.

How is it different? Do you think that if we went to war with China tomorrow, and the Chinese managed to blow a couple of our aircraft carriers out of the water, that we wouldn't do the same fucking thing? I don't have that much faith in my fellow Americans.

Heck, I don't even have to go back that far. Just look at all the anti-Muslim discrimination that happened after 9/11, even though most of the Islamic World - even Iran - condemned the attacks.

Increased police presence.
Higher use of utilities at a subsidized rate.
The ability to write off all their expenses as deductions.
Special Zoning permits

So, um who do you think put people to death for that sort of thing.

Here, let's go with the bible's description of such a stoning.

Numbers 15
32 Now while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day. 33 And those who found him gathering sticks brought him to Moses and Aaron, and to all the congregation. 34 They put him under guard, because it had not been explained what should be done to him.

35 Then the Lord said to Moses, “The man must surely be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp.” 36 So, as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.

Here's an actual account of those meetings. Several books were in fact retained. Two were removed for being age inappropriate. One of them had nothing to do with LGBTQ.

That’s not the point. The point was, the Muslim community were protesting lgbtq books in the schools, just like the white Christian’s did…but only the white Christian’s were chastised for it, the Muslims doing it barely made the news.

So you admit there was no muslim baker who refused service to a gay couple, then. That must be one scary scimitar.

No, I don’t admit that, I admit that, as of yet, we haven’t seen any gay couples going to a bakery trying to get them to make a wedding cake. It’s my position that gay couples won’t do that, because white Christian’s are the target of their ire. I’m only suggesting that if there were gay couples targeting Muslim businesses like that, you’d see them start to speak out against it.

Then he should have sat down, shut up and baked the cake.

No, they should have respected his rights and moved to another bakery. They just automatically assumed he was discriminating against them because they were gay, when he apparently told them he would sell them a cake in the shop, even after he knew what it was for, but he wouldn’t make one specifically.

He has all the "Freedom of Religion" he wants.
As long as he isn't breaking any other laws.
His business, however, does not. It's a business.

He didn’t break any laws, he just exercised his cotus freedom.

Doesn't matter. He agreed to bake the cake, until he found out it was for a Trans person.

That’s not accurate. He was going to make the cake until he found out it was for a trans ceremony. I’m sure he would have been totally willing to make a cake for a trans person for any other reason, just not for a trans ceremony.

How is it different? Do you think that if we went to war with China tomorrow, and the Chinese managed to blow a couple of our aircraft carriers out of the water, that we wouldn't do the same fucking thing? I don't have that much faith in my fellow Americans.

Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to round up Chinese Americans, now, maybe Chinese citizens who are in America, but Chinese Americans? Nah, that’s not going to happen again.

Heck, I don't even have to go back that far. Just look at all the anti-Muslim discrimination that happened after 9/11, even though most of the Islamic World - even Iran - condemned the attacks.

We’re they American Muslim…or non citizens that overstayed their visa? Yes, Muslims had just killed over 3000 Americans, so, yeah, they are going to look at any Muslims that are not citizens, who could potentially carry out more attacks. If they rounded up American Muslims, then that was wrong, but no citizens would naturally be scrutinized more stringently.

Increased police presence.
Higher use of utilities at a subsidized rate.
The ability to write off all their expenses as deductions.
Special Zoning permits

Yep, and all those things are paid for with the higher taxes those businesses pay. Unless you are suggesting a business pay taxes similar to a normal household income…

Also, are all businesses the same? Does a bakery get the same tax deductions and write offs as say, a clinic?…or a day care?

maybe some do get some breaks, because communities want businesses to be there, but those businesses pay taxes too.

Regardless, all that doesn’t mean anything when you are trying to pit cotus rights vs legislation.

As to the stoning of people working in the sabbath, if God tells someone to kill you for working on the sabbath, then I guess there’s not much you can do about it, but, it’s not like your neighbor can see you mowing the lawn on a Saturday and just come up and whack you for it.
That’s not the point. The point was, the Muslim community were protesting lgbtq books in the schools, just like the white Christian’s did…but only the white Christian’s were chastised for it, the Muslims doing it barely made the news.

You mean a couple of parents showed up at the meeting an protested books, as opposed to white Christians, who support shit like "Don't say gay" laws.

No, I don’t admit that, I admit that, as of yet, we haven’t seen any gay couples going to a bakery trying to get them to make a wedding cake. It’s my position that gay couples won’t do that, because white Christian’s are the target of their ire. I’m only suggesting that if there were gay couples targeting Muslim businesses like that, you’d see them start to speak out against it.

Again... Muslims just want to be left alone. Christians are the ones trying to impose their will on the rest of us.

No, they should have respected his rights and moved to another bakery. They just automatically assumed he was discriminating against them because they were gay, when he apparently told them he would sell them a cake in the shop, even after he knew what it was for, but he wouldn’t make one specifically.

Still in violation of the law.

Yeah, I don’t think we’re going to round up Chinese Americans, now, maybe Chinese citizens who are in America, but Chinese Americans? Nah, that’s not going to happen again.

You have far more faith in your fellow man than I do. Heck, Trump says "Kung Flu" and his Nazis go around beating little old Asian ladies and shooting up massage parlors. I would shudder to think what happens if China really did present a threat.

We’re they American Muslim…or non citizens that overstayed their visa? Yes, Muslims had just killed over 3000 Americans, so, yeah, they are going to look at any Muslims that are not citizens, who could potentially carry out more attacks. If they rounded up American Muslims, then that was wrong, but no citizens would naturally be scrutinized more stringently.

Nope, we sent American citizens to Gitmo and rendered them to black sites.

Yep, and all those things are paid for with the higher taxes those businesses pay. Unless you are suggesting a business pay taxes similar to a normal household income…

Except they don't pay higher taxes... they pay a lower rate with lots of deductions.

As to the stoning of people working in the sabbath, if God tells someone to kill you for working on the sabbath, then I guess there’s not much you can do about it, but, it’s not like your neighbor can see you mowing the lawn on a Saturday and just come up and whack you for it.
God didn't tell them anything, that was the voices in their heads. We have medications for that now. God's laws aren't a buffet. you can't just pick and chose the ones you want to follow. So get a bucket of rocks and if you see your neighbors doing any yardwork, you know what to do.
You mean a couple of parents showed up at the meeting an protested books, as opposed to white Christians, who support shit like "Don't say gay" laws.

Again... Muslims just want to be left alone. Christians are the ones trying to impose their will on the rest of us.

Still in violation of the law.

You have far more faith in your fellow man than I do. Heck, Trump says "Kung Flu" and his Nazis go around beating little old Asian ladies and shooting up massage parlors. I would shudder to think what happens if China really did present a threat.

Nope, we sent American citizens to Gitmo and rendered them to black sites.

Except they don't pay higher taxes... they pay a lower rate with lots of deductions.

God didn't tell them anything, that was the voices in their heads. We have medications for that now. God's laws aren't a buffet. you can't just pick and chose the ones you want to follow. So get a bucket of rocks and if you see your neighbors doing any yardwork, you know what to do.
May god protect this man from commies.
Nothing to do with Commies, bud.

This man has a business that offers a service. The law says he can't discriminate on the basis of race, religion, national origin, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
He’s not, he’s protected by religious freedom. The supreme court will protect him again.

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