Baker who won SCOTUS suit being sued for refusing to bake a “Trans” Cake


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?
Why would he need to be forced to be in a religious ceremony? It’s his right to not want to put out a message he doesn’t agree with. Do you think a black baker should be forced to bake a cake with a message of the KKK? Should a Jew be forced to make one for a Nazi? The baker in question will also not make Halloween cakes either.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted. It's any resistance to their social engineering agenda.
Yup, what’s next? They going to sue artists for refusing to paint a trans orgy?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.

Of course you're right. This is a scam. Several years ago, when the Homos first approached the cake shop for a Gay Cake- if they would have just said "sure, no problemo, homo money spends like anyone else's", they would have been told "thanks but no thanks" and they would have gone for a different mark.

This is a scam similar to older scamolas like folks going into businesses to see if they meet ADA requirements, or fair housing requirements by pretending to be Black Panthers seeking to rent a safe house.

They aren't real customers, just looking for a payoff.
The real irony, and rank hypocrisy, of this issue is that the same people defending the rights of businesses to "cancel" Trumpsters, will be calling for the baker to be brought to heel. And, on the other side, most of those defending the baker want to "go after" social media sites that won't accommodate their agenda.

"It's different when we do it."
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted. It's any resistance to their social engineering agenda.
Yup, what’s next? They going to sue artists for refusing to paint a trans orgy?
Or sue social media sites for refusing to post stuff they don't like?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.
I would bake them a cake but it would be so salty as to be not eatable. If they complained the next cake would not have as much salt but it wouldn’t have any sugar. In their next cake I would add a good quantity of habanero powder.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with?
I'm not sure. I'm just saying that, if the goal was to defend liberty, it was a mistake. Choosing to make it a religious freedom issue implicitly concedes the other freedoms that these policies violate.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
This is how the left rolls. They keep on attacking, they never let up. The miserable bastards that they are. And yeah, this a targeted upon this man, they are targeting him and the bakery. He should file countersuits.

Nothing in the 14th Amendment applies to businesses and individuals.

Section 1 of the 14th only covers States (and thus their political subdivisions as wel).

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Nothing in this applies to businesses or individuals.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.

There is nothing "bigoted" about not wanting it in the caboose.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.

Because they HATE losing. They will continue their attacks on this poor guy until he either shuts down, or they die.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.

Why can't the people wanting the cake just go to another baker?

Are they trying to make a point, or get a payday?

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