Baker who won SCOTUS suit being sued for refusing to bake a “Trans” Cake

If these guys had walked into the bakery

and asked for a chocolate cake with strawberry icing, and the baker refused, you might have a point.

They didn't.

the buyers requested a cake with decorations he found offensive.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.

Why can't the people wanting the cake just go to another baker?

Are they trying to make a point, or get a payday?

Why didn't they just find another lunch counter? Nobody said they had to eat at Woolworth's.
View attachment 471415
That’s the best you got? Now a tranny who can’t get a cake is as oppressed as Blacks under Democrat Jim Crow laws?
The principal is the same.
If these guys had walked into the bakery
View attachment 471417

and asked for a chocolate cake with strawberry icing, and the baker refused, you might have a point.

They didn't.

the buyers requested a cake with decorations he found offensive.

Exactly. They demanded that he CREATE something that he finds offensive. They may not do that. He has no problem serving anyone. But he will not create something he finds offensive, nor may the government compel him to do so.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.

Why can't the people wanting the cake just go to another baker?

Are they trying to make a point, or get a payday?

Why didn't they just find another lunch counter? Nobody said they had to eat at Woolworth's.
View attachment 471415
That’s the best you got? Now a tranny who can’t get a cake is as oppressed as Blacks under Democrat Jim Crow laws?
The principal is the same.

Provably wrong because he has won every Supreme Court hearing.
I think the USSC were correct on this one...

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 says, regarding public accommodation (which includes bakeries)," Under that law, you cannot discriminate on the basis of protected classes: race, gender, religion, etc. "

But, as I understand it, the baker in question isn't refusing to serve them in a discriminatory manner. He is merely refusing to serve them items which are not on on the menu. They are more than free to buy a cake, just not one that he doesn't provide.

Try going into a Carvelle shop and asking for a penis cake.

Precisely! And, of course, that's the very same point I make in the above: The state has no legitimate power to compel one to participate in activities or to make expressions that are anathema to one's worldview. In other words, jackasses (Karens) are demanding that business owners provide goods/services that these business owners don't provide in the first place!
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You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.
But your bigotry against Christians is good and righteous.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
I said he was an idiot. I suspect he only used his religion as an excuse to justify his bigotry like so many other right wingers do.

Why can't the people wanting the cake just go to another baker?

Are they trying to make a point, or get a payday?
It's both punishing a Thoughtcriminal and playing Litigation Lottery.
I would bake them a cake but it would be so salty as to be not eatable. If they complained the next cake would not have as much salt but it wouldn’t have any sugar. In their next cake I would add a good quantity of habanero powder.
..I'd add a little extra ''whipped cream''-----they would probably say ''this taste familiar''''
That may create repeat customers in this case.
You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

Please state what denomination/sect this guy is in. Christianity is an extremely generic term for a religion followed by millions, and not all Christians hold to this idea or would act the way this guy does.
You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

Please state what denomination/sect this guy is in. Christianity is an extremely generic term for a religion followed by millions, and not all Christians hold to this idea or would act the way this guy does.
That doesn't invalidate this man's faith.
You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

Please state what denomination/sect this guy is in. Christianity is an extremely generic term for a religion followed by millions, and not all Christians hold to this idea or would act the way this guy does.

I don't believe this is fundamentally a matter of religion. What one finds offensive, while it may have a religious justification, is purely a matter of personal feelings.

You may find that an Orthodox Jewish baker, or a Muslim baker, might hold the same views.

Is there a reason why those types of establishments were not the target of this protest?
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
I hope these courts are awarding him court costs and lawyers fees. Fuck all of these degenerate assholes.
You can’t make this shit up. The left are targeting this man for his religious beliefs.
The newest unhinged lunatic is trying to force him to bake a cake that is blue on the outside and pink on the inside to represent the freak’s “transition”.


Why can’t the idiot go to another cake shop, or make their own? Oh yea, because the real goal is to destroy the lives of anyone that disagrees with their batshit crazy Agenda.
What religious ceremony would the baker be forced to participate in with the trans cake?

It's not religious freedom that's being targeted - it's any resistance to their social engineering agenda. The freedoms at risk are much broader and more fundamental - freedom of conscience, freedom of association. Making this narrowly about religious freedom is a mistake.

Well who made the idiot baker's argument about religion to start with? Since it was all about religion before, I don't see how that ruling could have anything to do with this cake.

You might not appreciate the baker's religion, Christianity, and you might disagree with the Christian idea that Almighty God put Adam and Eve (not Steve) into the garden.

But you are beyond the pale in calling the belief "idiotic".

I disagree with the islamic hatred of bacon and the Hindu's worship of the Sacred Cow and the Shintoist thought that the emperor is Almighty God.

However, I wouldn't call them "idiotic."
Nor do we call Bulldog idiotic because she worships degenerate lifestyles. She is the one that is forcing her beliefs on others.
If these guys had walked into the bakery
View attachment 471417

and asked for a chocolate cake with strawberry icing, and the baker refused, you might have a point.

They didn't.

the buyers requested a cake with decorations he found offensive.
My husband and I went into a bakery once and requested a birthday cake for my mother to be made. The Decorator almost refused to do the cake because she found the message offensive. My husband requrested that HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLD BAG be put on the cake--------had our request been completely refused, we simply would have had the cake made elsewhere.

Business's should have the right to refuse customers, just as customers have the right to refuse them. A business refusing business is unlikely to stay in business long. AND btw, what fucking idiot wants food made by someone who doesn't like them in a cake business.

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