Colorado baker told to bake that cake

That’s not the point.
It’s never the point when you look dumb trying to debate it.
If you don’t bake the cake, you get sued, if they perceive the cake was intentionally made to lesser standards, you get sued. It puts the baker in a bad situation
So go ahead and sue. You’ll have a tough road if your case is “it could’ve tasted better than it did”. Probably get thrown out of court.
Ok joe, we’ve been down this road already. We’re not making any ground…so, you believe what you will, I’ll believe what I will.

Ain’t America grand?

it will be when homophobes like you and Philip have to hide under the same rocks Klansmen and Nazis do.

Twist and turn, duck and cover. Poor little Joe. A liar and a coward.
C'mon, guy!!! $10 000!!!!!!!!! Or even more!!!
Propose your judges! What are you afraid of???

No, man, I'm not letting you Dox Me or any of my friends.
Hmmm... maybe if I give you an address of one of my enemies, you can harrass them... Hmmmm...
Naw, I'm not that cruel.

Look, you lied, I caught you, deal with it.

His defence is the ridiculous religous freedom one that he used to deny a gay couple a cake a few yesrs ago. What does the bible say about trannys ?

It seems that a common link in these bigot cases is well funded extremist laawyers. These bigots never refuse cakes for adulterers or criminals or people who eat shellfish.

They make me sick to my stomach.
When I ran my business all I cared about is you paying the bill, who you fuck is yer business.
But, on the other hand, Businesses should be able to filter their clientele even if it pisses you libs off OR puts them out of business. It IS their business, literally! Let the market determine what happens, not your sorry judgemental ass.
But, on the other hand, Businesses should be able to filter their clientele even if it pisses you libs off OR puts them out of business. It IS their business, literally! Let the market determine what happens, not your sorry judgemental ass.
let those without sin cast the first stone.
let those without sin cast the first stone.
Sorry, that bullshit doesn't fly, I'm agnostic. So, what is wrong with letting the market do self correcting if it oversteps? Capitalism does that. Or is your inner "Socialist" need to dictate everything kicking in?
But, on the other hand, Businesses should be able to filter their clientele even if it pisses you libs off OR puts them out of business. It IS their business, literally! Let the market determine what happens, not your sorry judgemental ass.

Sorry, that bullshit doesn't fly, I'm agnostic. So, what is wrong with letting the market do self correcting if it oversteps? Capitalism does that. Or is your inner "Socialist" need to dictate everything kicking in?
So by your dubious logic of "Let the Market Decide", a big corporation should be able to dump carcinogens into your water supply because the rest of the country loves, loves, loves their products.

You don't need no gummit telling businesses what to dump in your water supply.

Real world, you'd be bitching to the EPA, OSHA and God knows who else if you found that shit in your water.

Same thing here.
it will be when homophobes like you and Philip have to hide under the same rocks Klansmen and Nazis do.

No, man, I'm not letting you Dox Me or any of my friends.
Hmmm... maybe if I give you an address of one of my enemies, you can harrass them... Hmmmm...
Naw, I'm not that cruel.

Look, you lied, I caught you, deal with it.
What a feeble excuse! Everyone reading this knows the reason you don't leap to take $10 000 (or more) off me, is that you know you'll lose your money. It would be easy to work out a way for you to get your money to me -- via an intermediary -- without revealing your identity.

Face it Joe. I can easily prove that my personal history is exactly what I say it is. (By the way, do you think that, on the Right, my particular history in the military is something they approve of? If I were a liar, I'd claim glorious military service, not time in the stockade, not editing an anti-war newsletter aimed at GI's, etc. )

No, it's clear that you're a liar and a coward. You're one of these people who just casually say the nastiest slander that pops up in your slimey brain about people you oppose politically: great Black political thinkers are 'Uncle Toms', conservatives are 'Nazis'. And with the anonymity of the internet, you can get away with it, you coward.

I repeat: this man is not typical of the Left, certainly not of the people I worked with when I was on the Left, who were, for the most part, honorable, and genuinely concerned about injustice. And, there are people like this on the Right as well -- for instance, people who forge false statements by Obama stating how he hates the Constitution.

These sort of people pollute the political argument, and unnecessarily raise the temperature in what should be discussions where we can acknowledge that our opponents have honorable motivations, but are simply terribly mistaken.

Joe doesn't take up my offer because he knows he'd lose. Simples.
No, man, I'm not letting you Dox Me or any of my friends.
Hmmm... maybe if I give you an address of one of my enemies, you can harrass them... Hmmmm...
Naw, I'm not that cruel.

Look, you lied, I caught you, deal with it.
It's one of those Joe, man up or shut up.

Here's a bit of education for you, when someone 'disagrees', it's often not a 'phobia'. You can disagree with someone's dress sense, you don't have fashionphobia. I'm sure you disagree with people in your personal and online life with topics etc.., are all those disagreements you've had personal phobias?

To me, the baker should choose to bake or not to bake. If he/she had done so and pissed in the cake etc.. I would say they have a phobia.

The baker made the mistake of making his beliefs known. If I'm refused service, I then use another retailer. The refused gay activist should have just simply moved onto a different bakery, but their Christophobia prevented them.
What a feeble excuse! Everyone reading this knows the reason you don't leap to take $10 000 (or more) off me, is that you know you'll lose your money. It would be easy to work out a way for you to get your money to me -- via an intermediary -- without revealing your identity.
I don't think anyone cares but you and your butthurt, Fake Hippy Doug.

No, it's clear that you're a liar and a coward. You're one of these people who just casually say the nastiest slander that pops up in your slimey brain about people you oppose politically: great Black political thinkers are 'Uncle Toms', conservatives are 'Nazis'. And with the anonymity of the internet, you can get away with it, you coward.

Naw, sorry, we had a moral test with Trump, and Conservatives failed it miserably. But no, it's pretty clear you are mentally unstable... and not someone I would expose my friends to.

But if I give you the address of my enemies... hmmmmm.... This could have some possibilities.

Here's a bit of education for you, when someone 'disagrees', it's often not a 'phobia'. You can disagree with someone's dress sense, you don't have fashionphobia. I'm sure you disagree with people in your personal and online life with topics etc.., are all those disagreements you've had personal phobias?

Here's the thing. If someone wears something I think is goofy, I don't make an effort to deny them of basic rights and protections. If someone comes to my small business, and they are wearing a MAGA hat, I'm still going to give them the best service possible and take their money.

Philips, on the other hand made a federal case out of minor business disagreement.

To me, the baker should choose to bake or not to bake. If he/she had done so and pissed in the cake etc.. I would say they have a phobia.

The baker made the mistake of making his beliefs known. If I'm refused service, I then use another retailer. The refused gay activist should have just simply moved onto a different bakery, but their Christophobia prevented them.

Or maybe they realize that being denied a service is demeaning to them. Now, here's the thing. Philips could have just told them that he was booked up that weekend. He decided to get into their faces with his disapproval.
I don't think anyone cares but you and your butthurt, Fake Hippy Doug.

Naw, sorry, we had a moral test with Trump, and Conservatives failed it miserably. But no, it's pretty clear you are mentally unstable... and not someone I would expose my friends to.

But if I give you the address of my enemies... hmmmmm.... This could have some possibilities.

Here's the thing. If someone wears something I think is goofy, I don't make an effort to deny them of basic rights and protections. If someone comes to my small business, and they are wearing a MAGA hat, I'm still going to give them the best service possible and take their money.

Philips, on the other hand made a federal case out of minor business disagreement.

Or maybe they realize that being denied a service is demeaning to them. Now, here's the thing. Philips could have just told them that he was booked up that weekend. He decided to get into their faces with his disapproval.
The baker decided to exercise his Constitutional right and refuse to submit to the gaystapo. Why do you hate the Constitution? Christophobic bigot.
The baker decided to exercise his Constitutional right and refuse to submit to the gaystapo. Why do you hate the Constitution? Christophobic bigot.

Hey, given the long history of Christians murdering people (and each other) over petty theological issues, a little caution is probably called for.

Sure, they all make nice at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast, but they are really eying each other suspiciously.

The Baker had no constitutional right to break a law that applies to the religious and non-religious alike. If he had refused to serve blacks because of his religious beliefs, no one would have supported him. If he refused to serve gays because he thinks the butt sex is icky, no one would have supported him.
I don't think anyone cares but you and your butthurt, Fake Hippy Doug.

Naw, sorry, we had a moral test with Trump, and Conservatives failed it miserably. But no, it's pretty clear you are mentally unstable... and not someone I would expose my friends to.

But if I give you the address of my enemies... hmmmmm.... This could have some possibilities.

Here's the thing. If someone wears something I think is goofy, I don't make an effort to deny them of basic rights and protections. If someone comes to my small business, and they are wearing a MAGA hat, I'm still going to give them the best service possible and take their money.

Philips, on the other hand made a federal case out of minor business disagreement.

Or maybe they realize that being denied a service is demeaning to them. Now, here's the thing. Philips could have just told them that he was booked up that weekend. He decided to get into their faces with his disapproval.
Joe, you have a chance to make $10 000!!!!!!!!!!! And to take it away from an Evil Conservative!!!!
Why won't you do it????

If you believed what you said, you'd leap at the chance. If you believed it. But if you believed that I would prove that I am just what I say I am (or was), then of course you will twist and turn desperately to evade the challenge.

So ... everytime you post, little Joe ... and mention me ... people reading the thread will learn about you and the $10 000 challenge.

God, this is fun!!!!!
Um, because I don't believe you have $10,000 and you are kind of creeping me out, man

You told some lies, and no one really believed you.
Well, Joe, if 'no one believed me', then ... the judges will look at my evidence, and you'll get $10 000!!!

How about it??? IF you believe what you said, you'll jump at the chance. $10 000 Joe!!!! Let's start recruiting judges now. They'll be compensated for their work. All they have to do is to examine the documents I send them, interview me via Zoom to make sure I'm the person in the documents, interview me regarding any details they want to find out about.

We can focus on something easy to decide, my glorious military career as an anti-Vietnam war deserter, military prisoner, editor of GI Voice. ( For instance, if they want to know, is someone trained as a light-weapons infantryman (11B10) precluded from being a clerk while awaiting being kicked out of the Army, I can explain how the Army works, which Joe, surprisingly, doesn't seem to know: when you're in the Army, they can make you do anything. A clerk can be given a rifle and sent to where the shooting is, that's what Basic Combat Training is all about. But we can leave that to the judges to ask about.)

Anyone want to earn $100??? I'm sure Joe will agree now. After all, he, an honest fellow, genuinely and sincerely believes that I'm some teenager just inventing a fake history. A teenager with a big bank account. So of course Honest Brave Joe will now call my bluff. Won't you, Joe?
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Well, Joe, if 'no one believed me', then ... the judges will look at my evidence, and you'll get $10 000!!!

Dude, I'm going to keep making fun of you, and I'm not going to let you Dox me. Deal with it.

We can focus on something easy to decide, my glorious military career as an anti-Vietnam war deserter, military prisoner, editor of GI Voice.
Dude, anyone can fake a military document...

( For instance, if they want to know, is someone trained as a light-weapons infantryman (11B10) precluded from being a clerk while awaiting being kicked out of the Army, I can explain how the Army works, which Joe, surprisingly, doesn't seem to know: when you're in the Army, they can make you do anything. A clerk can be given a rifle and sent to where the shooting is, that's what Basic Combat Training is all about. But we can leave that to the judges to ask about.)

Yeah, here's the reason why that wouldn't have happened when I was in... and they probably didn't do it back then, either.

You are dealing with SENSTIVE INFORMATION. Social security numbers, family information, medical records. They don't give those jobs to the unit fuckup. Because if you did, they tended to fuck up people's payroll (among other things) and that tends to get soldiers really upset.
I don't think anyone cares but you and your butthurt, Fake Hippy Doug.

Naw, sorry, we had a moral test with Trump, and Conservatives failed it miserably. But no, it's pretty clear you are mentally unstable... and not someone I would expose my friends to.

But if I give you the address of my enemies... hmmmmm.... This could have some possibilities.

Here's the thing. If someone wears something I think is goofy, I don't make an effort to deny them of basic rights and protections. If someone comes to my small business, and they are wearing a MAGA hat, I'm still going to give them the best service possible and take their money.

Philips, on the other hand made a federal case out of minor business disagreement.

Or maybe they realize that being denied a service is demeaning to them. Now, here's the thing. Philips could have just told them that he was booked up that weekend. He decided to get into their faces with his disapproval.
You choose who to serve, if it's based on goofy, then goofy it is. Your turnover and profit is your cookie. If you have a strong sense of morals, you will stick to them and choose which cake design you're comfortable making. The business hasn't declined making the cake, the employee won't make the cake for the business because of their strong sense of morals.

I have a car that I wish to hold onto, but it needs welding done. But I can't find a garage that wants to do that, I mean, they restore old cars but they don't want to do my 2002 car because they think it's not worth the money, they disagree why it needs fixed. But I want to spend £3k to £4k getting that work done. They must have Vauxhallphobia. So I haven't tried to sue these garages, I just keep asking about until I find someone who's willing to do the work.

Let's hope the gay person finds a bakers willing to make their cake as opposed to being a social dickhead.
Hey, given the long history of Christians murdering people (and each other) over petty theological issues, a little caution is probably called for.

Sure, they all make nice at the Interfaith Pancake Breakfast, but they are really eying each other suspiciously.

The Baker had no constitutional right to break a law that applies to the religious and non-religious alike. If he had refused to serve blacks because of his religious beliefs, no one would have supported him. If he refused to serve gays because he thinks the butt sex is icky, no one would have supported him.
Butt sex IS icky. Sticking your penis in another man's anus is about as unsafe and stupid as you can get. I think I understand now why your posts are so ignorant.
Dude, I'm going to keep making fun of you, and I'm not going to let you Dox me. Deal with it.

Dude, anyone can fake a military document...

Yeah, here's the reason why that wouldn't have happened when I was in... and they probably didn't do it back then, either.

You are dealing with SENSTIVE INFORMATION. Social security numbers, family information, medical records. They don't give those jobs to the unit fuckup. Because if you did, they tended to fuck up people's payroll (among other things) and that tends to get soldiers really upset.
Very feeble, Joe. We'll submit the documents to an analyst. Better yet, I'll let the judges get a copy of my DD214 direct from Washington. (For non-military folks: your DD214 is the document you get when you are discharged. Could it be faked? I suppose so, but you would be a fool to try, since it's almost certainly a serious Federal crime to do so.) Anyway, I'll be happy to have mine sent from Washington straight to the judges.

Getting desperate, aren't you, Joe? Ha ha ha ha.

And it would take a lot of work, a lot of work, to fake the 'class yearbook' I have from when I graduated from Basic -- it's got my name and picture in it, and even a photograph of me in a first aid class. I'll send it to the judges. Name, date, everything ... my Basic Training at Tigerland, Fort Polk, Louisiana, late 1967. I think I'll let old Joe squirm and wiggle and twist a while, and maybe post an image of it here.

Try another excuse. The newsletter I edited, GI Voice, is also available from a source other than me.

Getting desperate, aren't you, guy? See what happens when you just casually slander someone? 99.9% of the time, you get away with it, hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. Then comes along that little 0.1% -- and uh-oh!

But now .. you're skewered. Either accept my offer to let three honest judges decide ... and lose your $10 000 ... or let me carry on exposing you as a liar and a coward, which I'm really enjoying. (I know, bad me, to take pleasure in the pain of another person. But this guy's a real slimebag, and I'm actually doing the Left a favor by exposing him.)
Dude, I'm going to keep making fun of you, and I'm not going to let you Dox me. Deal with it.

Dude, anyone can fake a military document...

Yeah, here's the reason why that wouldn't have happened when I was in... and they probably didn't do it back then, either.

You are dealing with SENSTIVE INFORMATION. Social security numbers, family information, medical records. They don't give those jobs to the unit fuckup. Because if you did, they tended to fuck up people's payroll (among other things) and that tends to get soldiers really upset.
Oh yes. I scored really high on the Army IQ test. I'm also a touch typist. When I got out of the stockade, they initiated discharge proceedings against me. These took two or three months. In the meantime, I was a clerk. And I know of at least one other Red who was a company clerk, although he didn't do any time in the slammer.

Try again. I'm really enjoying this!

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