Colorado Democrat Pushing Anti-Gun Laws Shows How Little She Knows About Guns

CO Dem Doesn't Understand High-Capacity Magazines Can Be Reloaded

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO): "I will tell you these are ammunition, they’re bullets, so the people who have those now they’re going to shoot them, so if you ban them in the future, the number of these high capacity magazines is going to decrease dramatically over time because the bullets will have been shot and there won’t be any more available." (April 2, 2013, Denver Post forum)

Posted By Ian Schwartz

I think it would be extremely important for anyone who is pushing a law to understand the issue. Don't you think?

Later on after making her lack of knowledge about guns known she jokenly said a concerned citizen would probably die waiting for the police to show up if attacked in their own home.

Way to win the argument.

Rep. Diana DeGette (D-CO) strikes again and insults a senior citizen concerned about how he is supposed to defend himself against criminals who have high-capacity magazines if they are banned. She says to wait for the police and otherwise he'd "probably be dead anyway."​

CO Democrat Doesn't Understand High-Capacity Magazines Can Be Reloaded | RealClearPolitics

This bitch is a total retard. Way to reflect on the people who put you into office.
Their rates of gun violence would be higher if population had anything to do with it. And their lack of 2nd amendment has nothing to do with it either, since we do not correctly follow the 2nd amendment. The first clause is totally ignored, as gun owners are not required to be in any well-regulated militia, as they should be.

The UK, Canada and Australia are all three foreign models on what a good gun policy should be in the USA, and if we adopted any one of them, our gun violence levels would plummet.

The GOP & NRA have completely dominated on gun laws & policies for decades now, and the blood-soaked results are in the news everyday.

Sorry, but we are not going to ban guns in the U.S. That's a liberal pipe dream, get over it, you're simply going to have to coexist with gun owners.

I'm willing to exist with gun owners. Once the firepower of legal guns is downsized, once they're in a well-regulated militia and are required to buy liability insurance for their dangerous product, I'll have no problem living with gun owners.

What's this ban crap? What's a matter with you? Can't read?

You're the one who brought up Austrailia and the UK. You do realize that guns are banned in those places, right ?

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