Colorado Passes Un-Constitutional Election Law To Award Electoral Votes To Popular-Vote Winner

How is it unconstitutional?

The Constitution leaves it up to the states to decide how they award their Electoral Votes
States are supposed to look after states interests, not a national referendum.

So states that are forgone conclusions are thinking that they have more power (today they have next to none) if they sign on to a popular vote.. At least that way they get a look in...

It is not just Blue States but many Red States are asking why Presidential Candidates never visit them either... They never get the National Conferences... They don't get the special attention of being a swing state...

So when you are being ignored you might as well get some say... Smart States...

The with the RWNJs here is they don't know why America by the will of the people. They see nothing wrong with themselves taking power against the will of the people... This is a common trait by dictators, they justify it by saying that some people are too stupid to understand how great of a leader they are...
Then those people complain and they are disappeared, murdered or sent to a work camp(called reeducation camp) because they don't understand how great there leader is..
The leader tells them there country is the best (e.g. best economy ever, least racist,...) and knows more than than expert (Generals, Medical Experts, economists). When it is pointed that is factually wrong, he and his supporters deride the complains as fake and the source is anti American....

Is any of this familar?
It's a naked power grab by the democrats since they realized that it simply doesn't matter how many extra votes they get in CA, they still get the same number of EC votes. That's why they were whining for the last 4 years about Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the election.

It is a naked power grab... It is a power grab by a majority of American People to pick the President.

Now you want a minority of the American People to pick the President...

Considering US was set up on the premise that all men are created equal...

Please explain why a minority of people should pick the president?

CA Republicans should have input into the election just as much as TX Democrats....

The reason you don't want democracy is because you think you will loose... How about having better policies?
"Democratic nominee Joe Biden was leading in the national popular vote by more than 3 million votes as of Wednesday night, though votes were still being counted nationwide.

“The national popular vote is a very straightforward concept,” Democratic state Sen. Michael Foote, who backed the initiative, told the newspaper. “One person should always equal one vote, and the presidential candidate who gets the most votes should win the election.”

If Democrats are able to get rid of the Electoral Vote in future elections there would be no need to campaign or listen / pay attention to Fly-Over states and Americans living in them. Elections could be won by winning the major metropolis cities in the US. Everyone else would be stripped of their 'political voice' and would from then on be just 'long for the ride', at the whim of big liberal-run/populated cities.

It is ironic that Colorado voted to pass this measure, as if adopted nationally their opinions / voices would no longer matter:

“This is going to reduce Colorado’s clout, and it’s going to reduce our influence on issues like transportation, water, health care and funding for our military bases."

Colorado became the 16th state to join the self-damaging National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Electoral College reps are supposed to cast the vote exactly as their state's voters voted,

Not every state is the same....It is not a requirement of what you claim to vote in that manner. Some do it along party lines and some do it according to popular vote there is not law on the federal level as to how the vote is cast.
From the way Im reading Moonglow is correct.

Electors almost always cast their vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote in their state, which explains why we have election results available on Election Day. However, the Constitution does not require them to do so. There have been a few instances where electors defected from their pledged vote, but it has not changed the outcome of an election.

Im trying to figure out how this effects the EC, and how, or should this be constitutionally amended without infringement on the states, for future elections.

There is states that are sick of being forgotten in elections because they are consider RED or BLUE...

Trump helped this... He was the one who criticised sates for being blue... When wild fires were whipping across federal forests in CA, Trump was blaming the Democratic State for the problem... CA has a lot of Republicans and they were getting screwed because the President had labeled them all BLUE...
This stops that DEAD... There is 5m+ Republicans in CA, that is more Republicans than in any other state (bar Texas) and there is room for more...
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Yeah, who the hell would listen to the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, who built the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rates in DECADES, again, in some cases EVER, who just had the largest economic growth in this last quarter in US history, when they can listen to the Massahs' who want to re-instate the failed policies of 'economic slavery' and mega-job-killing regulations, and who intend to jack up taxes during this hard-hit economy right in the middle of a pandemic?!

:p Bwuhahahahahaha
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Yeah, who the hell would listen to the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, who built the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rates in DECADES, again, in some cases EVER, who just had the largest economic growth in this last quarter in US history, when they can listen to the Massahs' who want to re-instate the failed policies of 'economic slavery' and mega-job-killing regulations, and who intend to jack up taxes during this hard-hit economy right in the middle of a pandemic?!

:p Bwuhahahahahaha

Economy is in the toilet

Unemployment is worst in decades..

You need to stop drinking now.... A part from the massive incompetence of this Administration, they were great....
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Yeah, who the hell would listen to the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, who built the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rates in DECADES, again, in some cases EVER, who just had the largest economic growth in this last quarter in US history, when they can listen to the Massahs' who want to re-instate the failed policies of 'economic slavery' and mega-job-killing regulations, and who intend to jack up taxes during this hard-hit economy right in the middle of a pandemic?!

:p Bwuhahahahahaha

Economy is in the toilet

Unemployment is worst in decades..

You need to stop drinking now.... A part from the massive incompetence of this Administration, they were great....
Actually you need to start paying attention. We just had an historic, record setting economic success reported recently based on the President who has had the most success of any President in DECADES, in some cases ever, promising to open American back up.

China Joe, however, declared he was going to shut things down and that America would have a 'long, dark winter' filled with more lockdowns and more Constitutional and Civil Rights oppression from Democrat edicts.

China Joe is NOT a businessman, intends on reverting back to Obama's policies, and hasn;'t got a clue how to do anything successfully, as he has not done so in his entire 47years in politics....

...but as you are doing now, as will Democrats and the Fake news media, the economic plunge that is about to come under Joe and his already tried and failed economic policies will all be blamed on Trump...for Biden's entire Short-Lived and Kamala's longer-run Presidency. Obama blamed everything that went wrong during his entire 8 years on Bush...Biden and Harris will do the exact same thing with Trump.
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Yeah, who the hell would listen to the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, who built the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rates in DECADES, again, in some cases EVER, who just had the largest economic growth in this last quarter in US history, when they can listen to the Massahs' who want to re-instate the failed policies of 'economic slavery' and mega-job-killing regulations, and who intend to jack up taxes during this hard-hit economy right in the middle of a pandemic?!

:p Bwuhahahahahaha

Economy is in the toilet

Unemployment is worst in decades..

You need to stop drinking now.... A part from the massive incompetence of this Administration, they were great....
Actually you need to start paying attention. We just had an historic, record setting economic success reported recently based on the President who has had the most success of any President in DECADES, in some cases ever, promising to open American back up.

China Joe, however, declared he was going to shut things down and that America would have a 'long, dark winter' filled with more lockdowns and more Constitutional and Civil Rights oppression from Democrat edicts.

China Joe is NOT a businessman, intends on reverting back to Obama's policies, and hasn;'t got a clue how to do anything successfully, as he has not done so in his entire 47years in politics....

...but as you are doing now, as will Democrats and the Fake news media, the economic plunge that is about to come under Joe and his already tried and failed economic policies will all be blamed on Trump...for Biden's entire Short-Lived and Kamala's longer-run Presidency. Obama blamed everything that went wrong during his entire 8 years on Bush...Biden and Harris will do the exact same thing with Trump.

Economy wasn't going that great...
  • He was borrowing 2% of GDP more than Obama did on his last year
  • GDP Growth was no better or worse than Obama
  • Unemployment was low but Obama set it off in that direction (Trump didn't screw it up for 3 years)
  • Trump cut Government services like CDC pandemic teams which were there to defend US Economy and People
  • Income gap widened under him.
  • More people lost there Health Insurance.
But the facts are we are three months to the end of his first term and the Economy is in the tank... He got a great economy from Obama and he played three quarters of the game and then failed miserably in the last...

I don't know who China Joe is...
Electoral College reps are supposed to cast the vote exactly as their state's voters voted,

Not every state is the same....It is not a requirement of what you claim to vote in that manner. Some do it along party lines and some do it according to popular vote there is not law on the federal level as to how the vote is cast.
From the way Im reading Moonglow is correct.

Electors almost always cast their vote for the candidate who wins the popular vote in their state, which explains why we have election results available on Election Day. However, the Constitution does not require them to do so. There have been a few instances where electors defected from their pledged vote, but it has not changed the outcome of an election.

Im trying to figure out how this effects the EC, and how, or should this be constitutionally amended without infringement on the states, for future elections.

There is states that are sick of being forgotten in elections because they are consider RED or BLUE...

Trump helped this... He was the one who criticised sates for being blue... When wild fires were whipping across federal forests in CA, Trump was blaming the Democratic State for the problem... CA has a lot of Republicans and they were getting screwed because the President had labeled them all BLUE...
This stops that DEAD... There is 5m+ Republicans in CA, that is more Republicans than in any other state (bar Texas) and there is room for more...
Democrats are responsible for the problem, moron. They prevent good forest management, like controlled burns to remove the underbrash. Democrats are responsible for almost all problems in this country that are humanely solvable.
Nobody takes right wingers seriously about Constitutional law more than anybody takes right wingers seriously about economics.
Yeah, who the hell would listen to the most successful President in DECADES, in some cases EVER, who built the strongest economy and the lowest unemployment rates in DECADES, again, in some cases EVER, who just had the largest economic growth in this last quarter in US history, when they can listen to the Massahs' who want to re-instate the failed policies of 'economic slavery' and mega-job-killing regulations, and who intend to jack up taxes during this hard-hit economy right in the middle of a pandemic?!

:p Bwuhahahahahaha

Economy is in the toilet

Unemployment is worst in decades..

You need to stop drinking now.... A part from the massive incompetence of this Administration, they were great....
Actually you need to start paying attention. We just had an historic, record setting economic success reported recently based on the President who has had the most success of any President in DECADES, in some cases ever, promising to open American back up.

China Joe, however, declared he was going to shut things down and that America would have a 'long, dark winter' filled with more lockdowns and more Constitutional and Civil Rights oppression from Democrat edicts.

China Joe is NOT a businessman, intends on reverting back to Obama's policies, and hasn;'t got a clue how to do anything successfully, as he has not done so in his entire 47years in politics....

...but as you are doing now, as will Democrats and the Fake news media, the economic plunge that is about to come under Joe and his already tried and failed economic policies will all be blamed on Trump...for Biden's entire Short-Lived and Kamala's longer-run Presidency. Obama blamed everything that went wrong during his entire 8 years on Bush...Biden and Harris will do the exact same thing with Trump.

Economy wasn't going that great...
  • He was borrowing 2% of GDP more than Obama did on his last year
  • GDP Growth was no better or worse than Obama
  • Unemployment was low but Obama set it off in that direction (Trump didn't screw it up for 3 years)
  • Trump cut Government services like CDC pandemic teams which were there to defend US Economy and People
  • Income gap widened under him.
  • More people lost there Health Insurance.
But the facts are we are three months to the end of his first term and the Economy is in the tank... He got a great economy from Obama and he played three quarters of the game and then failed miserably in the last...

I don't know who China Joe is...
What Democrats will attempt to blame the President for is the results of their sabotage of the US economy in the name of COVID-19;

In the last 8 months Democrats, Pelosi specifically, f*ed small businesses in need of assistance by stalling / voting against relief bills and going back home to the mansions, giving interviews in their multi-million dollar homes standing in front of their $25k freezers eating expensive gourmet ice cream while American small businesses went under.

Doe to oppressive, Constitutional and Civil Rights-tramping Democrat edicts, restrictions, and shutdowns in the name of COVID-19 46% (almost HALF_ of ALL black-owned small businesses in the United States went belly-up - ceased to exist. Approx 36% of ALL Latino-owned small businesses went under. 31% of ALL Asian-owned small-businesses collapsed. Approx 26% of ALL previously existing women-owner small businesses collapsed - GONE. Pelodsi hated Trump so much and did not want him to get credit for saving small businesses that she 100% F*ED small business-owning Americans, rejecting yet again another Relief Package her own party members practically begged her to agree to.

That's one way to undermine / destroy all the economic independence /freedom these minorities achieved under Trump and to force them back onto the 'plantation' and under their policies of 'economic slavery' once again.

This was NOT Donald Trump - This was not even completely COVID-19. THIS was / is on PELOSI and the Democrats; yet they and Fake News media, like you, will blame President Trump for the 'bad economy' he 'inherited'.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
So long as their votes count to the total, their voice is not nullified.

Losing a vote is not the same as nullification.
In effect it is if they are ceding their vote to the major urban population centers, and we do understand that is exactly what would happen. Farming communities will never see another presidential candidate even come through, much less stop and press the flesh. That's why the EC was set up in the first place, because the FF needed to get the smaller states on board and didn't want the larger ones to dictate policy to the entire country. The same applies to population centers. They would elect the president every time. Quite frankly, I would like to see states go the other direction with proportional allotment of the votes, not winner takes all. That way, the voices of the people in the state are heard. This way, it becomes a totally moot point what farmers in Iowa want, because their state's votes would not be determined by them at all.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
So long as their votes count to the total, their voice is not nullified.

Losing a vote is not the same as nullification.
In effect it is if they are ceding their vote to the major urban population centers, and we do understand that is exactly what would happen. Farming communities will never see another presidential candidate even come through, much less stop and press the flesh. That's why the EC was set up in the first place, because the FF needed to get the smaller states on board and didn't want the larger ones to dictate policy to the entire country. The same applies to population centers. They would elect the president every time. Quite frankly, I would like to see states go the other direction with proportional allotment of the votes, not winner takes all. That way, the voices of the people in the state are heard. This way, it becomes a totally moot point what farmers in Iowa want, because their state's votes would not be determined by them at all.
All men are created equal. But some are created more equal than others.

The will of the people decided how to exercise their electoral power.
"Democratic nominee Joe Biden was leading in the national popular vote by more than 3 million votes as of Wednesday night, though votes were still being counted nationwide.

“The national popular vote is a very straightforward concept,” Democratic state Sen. Michael Foote, who backed the initiative, told the newspaper. “One person should always equal one vote, and the presidential candidate who gets the most votes should win the election.”

If Democrats are able to get rid of the Electoral Vote in future elections there would be no need to campaign or listen / pay attention to Fly-Over states and Americans living in them. Elections could be won by winning the major metropolis cities in the US. Everyone else would be stripped of their 'political voice' and would from then on be just 'long for the ride', at the whim of big liberal-run/populated cities.

It is ironic that Colorado voted to pass this measure, as if adopted nationally their opinions / voices would no longer matter:

“This is going to reduce Colorado’s clout, and it’s going to reduce our influence on issues like transportation, water, health care and funding for our military bases."

Colorado became the 16th state to join the self-damaging National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.

Sounds like we need a constitutional amendment asap.
Am I looking at this wrong, or doesnt this defy the entire premise of the EC.

All this will do is cause their citizens votes to mean nothing. That's why we have the EC. Cali and NY will be deciding every election. The lower your citizen count the less power you have using the popular vote.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
So long as their votes count to the total, their voice is not nullified.

Losing a vote is not the same as nullification.
In effect it is if they are ceding their vote to the major urban population centers, and we do understand that is exactly what would happen. Farming communities will never see another presidential candidate even come through, much less stop and press the flesh. That's why the EC was set up in the first place, because the FF needed to get the smaller states on board and didn't want the larger ones to dictate policy to the entire country. The same applies to population centers. They would elect the president every time. Quite frankly, I would like to see states go the other direction with proportional allotment of the votes, not winner takes all. That way, the voices of the people in the state are heard. This way, it becomes a totally moot point what farmers in Iowa want, because their state's votes would not be determined by them at all.

I agree. The nitwits pushing this sure don't care about their citizens. Cali and NY will be deciding every election.

Hope this ends up in the SC as its unconstitutional as hell.
Not if a state votes overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but the national popular vote goes to TRUMP!. As it is, the EC gives the voices of some people more weight, and they would be foolish to give that up.
So long as their votes count to the total, their voice is not nullified.

Losing a vote is not the same as nullification.
In effect it is if they are ceding their vote to the major urban population centers, and we do understand that is exactly what would happen. Farming communities will never see another presidential candidate even come through, much less stop and press the flesh. That's why the EC was set up in the first place, because the FF needed to get the smaller states on board and didn't want the larger ones to dictate policy to the entire country. The same applies to population centers. They would elect the president every time. Quite frankly, I would like to see states go the other direction with proportional allotment of the votes, not winner takes all. That way, the voices of the people in the state are heard. This way, it becomes a totally moot point what farmers in Iowa want, because their state's votes would not be determined by them at all.
All men are created equal. But some are created more equal than others.

The will of the people decided how to exercise their electoral power.
Pure democracy is just mob rule with a different name. That's why we elect representatives.
Colorado Passes Un-Constitutional Election Law To Award Electoral Votes To Popular-Vote Winner

It's not unconstitutional and this argument has been hashed out with you imbeciles repeatedly
Pure democracy is just mob rule with a different name. That's why we elect representatives.
So don’t go talking about the will of the people if you’re so opposed to it being heard.
How is it unconstitutional?

The Constitution leaves it up to the states to decide how they award their Electoral Votes
States are supposed to look after states interests, not a national referendum.

So states that are forgone conclusions are thinking that they have more power (today they have next to none) if they sign on to a popular vote.. At least that way they get a look in...

It is not just Blue States but many Red States are asking why Presidential Candidates never visit them either... They never get the National Conferences... They don't get the special attention of being a swing state...

So when you are being ignored you might as well get some say... Smart States...

The with the RWNJs here is they don't know why America by the will of the people. They see nothing wrong with themselves taking power against the will of the people... This is a common trait by dictators, they justify it by saying that some people are too stupid to understand how great of a leader they are...
Then those people complain and they are disappeared, murdered or sent to a work camp(called reeducation camp) because they don't understand how great there leader is..
The leader tells them there country is the best (e.g. best economy ever, least racist,...) and knows more than than expert (Generals, Medical Experts, economists). When it is pointed that is factually wrong, he and his supporters deride the complains as fake and the source is anti American....

Is any of this familar?
It's a naked power grab by the democrats since they realized that it simply doesn't matter how many extra votes they get in CA, they still get the same number of EC votes. That's why they were whining for the last 4 years about Hillary winning the popular vote but losing the election.

It is a naked power grab... It is a power grab by a majority of American People to pick the President.

Now you want a minority of the American People to pick the President...

Considering US was set up on the premise that all men are created equal...

Please explain why a minority of people should pick the president?

CA Republicans should have input into the election just as much as TX Democrats....

The reason you don't want democracy is because you think you will loose... How about having better policies?
1. What's wrong with wanting to adhere to the Constitution and amend it if need be instead of trying to get around it?
2. My prescription would give CA Republicans a voice because their districts would get some of the EC votes instead of all CA EC votes going democrat every election. Same in TX. Did you actually read what I wrote?
Pure democracy is just mob rule with a different name. That's why we elect representatives.
So don’t go talking about the will of the people if you’re so opposed to it being heard.
I want it to be heard. I don't want it drowned out by LA, Chicago and NYC every election. Face it, the presidential election was not intended to be a popularity contest.
Colorado Passes Un-Constitutional Election Law To Award Electoral Votes To Popular-Vote Winner
It's not unconstitutional and this argument has been hashed out with you imbeciles repeatedly

Yes, it's just the Intolerant and treasonous AmeriComs / DemNazis attempting to strip Americans of their equal voice / representation...pretty much the same thing as ending the filibuster, packing the courts, adding more states, etc..... (all of which can NOT be done now, BYW)
Pure democracy is just mob rule with a different name. That's why we elect representatives.
So don’t go talking about the will of the people if you’re so opposed to it being heard.
I want it to be heard. I don't want it drowned out by LA, Chicago and NYC every election. Face it, the presidential election was not intended to be a popularity contest.
If you don’t give each person equal voice, it’s no longer the will of the people.

If the presidential election was not intended to be a popularity contest, then states shouldn’t align their electoral votes by popular vote in their state either. The electors were intended to exercise their own judgment.

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